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1. What has Jehovah done for each of us?
Let's think about how we became Jehovah's Witnesses. First, someone told us about “the good news,” perhaps our parents, a colleague from work or school, or a Witness who was preaching from house to house (Mark 13:10). Afterward, someone put in a lot of time and effort teaching us the Bible. Through these classes, we came to love Jehovah and learned that he loves us. Jehovah brought us to the truth, and now, as we are disciples of Jesus Christ, we hope to live forever. --John 6:44. Without a doubt, we warmly thank Jehovah for using someone to teach us the truth and allow us to serve him.
2. What will we analyze in this article?
Now that we know the truth, we are honored to help others walk with us on the path that leads to life. Some brethren do not find it difficult to preach from house to house, but they do have difficulty offering and leading Bible courses. Does the same thing happen to us? In that case, some of the suggestions in this article will surely help us. We will discuss what prompts us to participate in the disciple-making work. We will also see how we can overcome difficulties that may prevent us from leading a Bible course. But first let's see why we should not just preach the good news, but also teach.
3. Why do we preach?
When Jesus was on earth, he entrusted his disciples with a work that has two parts. First, he told them to preach the good news of the Kingdom and showed them how (Matt. 10: 7; Luke 8: 1). Among other things, he explained what to do when people accept the Kingdom message and what to do when they reject it (Luke 9: 2-5). He also predicted how far his preaching would go, assuring that they would “bear witness to all nations” (Matt. 24:14; Acts 1: 8). Regardless of people's reaction, they had to tell them about the Kingdom of God and what it will do.
4. According to Matthew 28: 18-20, what should we do in addition to preaching the Kingdom message?
What is the second part of the work that Jesus entrusted to his disciples? He told them to teach people to obey everything he had commanded. Now, would this preaching and teaching work be limited to the first century only, as some say? No, because Jesus indicated that this important work would continue to this day, “until the conclusion of the system” (read Matthew 28: 18-20). It appears that Jesus gave this command on the occasion when he appeared to more than 500 of his disciples (1 Cor. 15: 6). And in his revelation to John, he clearly indicated that he wants all his disciples to help other people learn about Jehovah (Rev. 22:17).
5. What comparison did Paul use in 1 Corinthians 3: 6-9 to show the relationship between preaching and teaching?
The apostle Paul compared the work of making disciples to the work of growing plants, and thus showed that sowing seeds is not enough. He reminded the Corinthians: “I planted, Apollos watered […]. You are God's field that he is cultivating ”(read 1 Corinthians 3: 6-9). Those of us who work in "God's field" not only plant the seeds, but we water them and are very aware of their growth (John 4:35). But we know that it is God who makes the seeds grow.
6. What does our work as teachers imply?
We look for those who have “the right attitude to obtain eternal life” (Acts 13:48). In order for them to become disciples, we need to help them 1) understand, 2) accept, and 3) apply the things they are learning from the Bible (John 17: 3; Col. 2: 6, 7; 1 Thess. 2:13 ). Everyone in the congregation can help students by showing love and welcoming them when they attend meetings (John 13:35). The teacher may also have to spend a great deal of time and energy helping the student break down “strongly entrenched” beliefs or practices (2 Cor. 10: 4, 5). Helping someone make all of these changes until they are finally eligible to be baptized may take many months, but it is definitely worth it.
7. Why do we participate in the preaching and disciple-making work?
Why do we participate in the preaching and disciple-making work? First, because we love Jehovah. When we do our best to obey the command to preach and make disciples, we show our love for God (1 John 5: 3). Consider this: love for Jehovah has already prompted us to go from house to house. Was it easy to obey that command? Maybe not. We must have been nervous the first time we knocked on a door. But we did it because we knew that is what Jesus wants us to do. And it may not be so difficult for us to preach now, but what about leading a Bible course? Maybe just thinking about it makes us scared. But if we ask Jehovah to help control our nerves and give us courage to offer a Bible course, he can help us strengthen our desire to make disciples.
8. According to Mark 6:34, why else do we teach people the truth?
Second, we teach the truth because we love people. On one occasion, Jesus and his disciples were very tired after an intense day of preaching, so they looked for a place to rest. But a large crowd was waiting for them. Very moved, Jesus “began to teach them many things” (read Mark 6:34). Why did Jesus make such an effort? Because he put himself in the shoes of those people and wanted to help them. I knew they were suffering a lot and needed hope. Today, people also need hope, even if they look happy on the outside. They are like lost and helpless sheep, without a shepherd to guide them. The apostle Paul said that they are without God and have no hope (Eph. 2:12). They go "the way that leads to destruction" (Matt. 7:13). When we think of the people of the territory and their sorry spiritual state, love and compassion impel us to help them. And the best we can do for them is offer them a Bible course.
9. According to Philippians 2:13, how can Jehovah help us?
Perhaps we do not dare to offer a biblical course because we know that to direct it you have to dedicate a lot of time to it. If so, let us tell Jehovah how we feel and ask him to help us have the desire to find someone who wants to study the Bible. --Read Philippians 2:13. The apostle John assures us that God will answer prayers that are in accordance with his will (1 John 5:14, 15). So we can be sure that Jehovah will help us to have a desire to participate in the disciple-making work.
10, 11. Why perhaps we dare not lead a Bible course?
We know that it is very important to make disciples, but there are certain difficulties that may prevent us from doing everything we want. We are going to see some of them and how we can overcome them.
It seems to us that we cannot do more because of the circumstances. For example, some publishers are older or in poor health. If that's our case, let's think about one of the lessons the COVID-19 pandemic has taught us: that Bible classes can be taught over the phone or online. So maybe we can start and run a Bible course from the comfort of our home. And that's not all. Some people want to study the Bible, but cannot do it at the times that the brothers normally preach. Could we offer to teach them when it suits them, perhaps early in the morning or late at night? Jesus taught Nicodemus at night because Nicodemus preferred it (John 3: 1, 2).
12. If we feel we are not qualified to teach, what three things will strengthen our confidence?
It seems to us that we are not qualified to lead a Bible course. Perhaps we think that we lack knowledge or that we have to improve as teachers. In that case, let's think of three things that will strengthen our confidence. First, Jehovah thinks that we are qualified to teach others (2 Cor. 3: 5). Second, Jesus, who has "all authority in heaven and on earth," has commanded us to teach (Matt. 28:18). And third, we are not alone. Like Jesus, we can trust Jehovah to help us know what to say. --John 8:28; 12:49. In addition, we can speak with the preaching group overseer, a skilled pioneer, or an experienced publisher to help us start and lead a Bible course. If we accompany one of their own, we can learn to be better teachers.
13. Why should we be willing to adapt?
We find it difficult to adapt to new methods and new tools. Our way of conducting Bible courses has changed. The main publication we now use, Enjoy Life, demands that we prepare for classes and conduct them in a different way than we did before. We read fewer paragraphs and we talk more with the student. We use more videos and electronic tools, like JW Library®. If we find it difficult to use these tools, let's ask someone to teach us how to use them. It is not easy to adapt to changes. In general, we prefer to do things the way we have always done them. But with the help of Jehovah and our brothers and sisters, it will be easier for us to adjust and even more enjoyment from teaching the Bible. As a certain forerunner said, Este novo método “é uma lufada de ar fresco para o aluno e também para o professor”.
14. a) What should we remember if our territory is difficult? b) How does 1 Corinthians 3: 6, 7 encourage us?
It seems to us that in our territory it is difficult to start a biblical course. Some people may not be interested in our message or are even against our work. What will help us stay positive? Remember that in this unstable world, people's circumstances can change overnight, and those who did not show interest may come to recognize their spiritual needs later (Matt. 5: 3). Some people who always rejected our publications eventually accepted a Bible course. Furthermore, we know that Jehovah is the Owner of the harvest (Matt. 9:38). He wants us to keep planting and watering, but he is the one who makes sure the seed grows (1 Cor. 3: 6, 7). On the other hand, how much it encourages us to remember that, even if we are not leading a Bible course right now, Jehovah rewards us for our efforts, not for our results. *
Series of images: A man becomes a disciple. 1. The man is sitting at home after a tiring day at work. 2. A married couple preaches to him in the evening. 3. The brother who preached to him teaches him about the Bible. 4. The man is baptized. 5. The newly baptized brother preaches to another man. 6. Marriage, brother and man eat together in Paradise.
What effect can what we preach and teach have on a person's life? (See paragraphs 15-17). *
15. How does Jehovah feel when a person accepts a Bible course and applies what he is learning?
Jehovah is very happy when a person accepts the teachings of the Bible and tells others about them. --Prov. 23:15, 16. You are surely very happy to see what is happening today. For example, despite the pandemic during the 2020 service year, 7,705,765 Bible courses were conducted, helping 241,994 people dedicate their lives to Jehovah and get baptized. In turn, these new disciples will teach the Bible and make more disciples (Luke 6:40). Certainly, by participating in this work, we rejoice the heart of Jehovah.
16. What goal could we set for ourselves?
Teaching someone to love our heavenly Father takes effort, but with Jehovah's help we can participate in the disciple-making work. Could we set a goal to start and run at least one course? We can offer Bible classes to everyone we talk to, whenever appropriate. If we do, we may be surprised by your response. Make no mistake about it that Jehovah will bless our efforts.
17. How will we feel if we manage to lead a Bible course?
It is a great honor to preach and teach the truth. It is a work that makes us really happy. The apostle Paul, who helped many people in Thessalonica to become disciples, expressed how he felt: “What is our hope, our happiness, or our crown of joy before our Lord Jesus during his presence? Aren't you? Yes, you are our glory and happiness ”(1 Thess. 2:19, 20; Acts 17: 1-4). Today, many Christians enjoy that same joy. A sister named Stéphanie, who along with her husband has led many students to baptism, says: "There is no greater happiness than helping people dedicate their lives to Jehovah."
Why should we preach and teach the good news?
Because Jesus commanded us to preach not to just a group of Apostles but to all his disciples. Therefore, it becomes worldwide until the end of this system, as Matthew 28:18 to 20 mentioned very well.
What drives us to make disciples?
We analyze two things our deep love for Jehovah, since he recognizes that it is not easy for many to preach, but we know that he is willing to help us, as the text of Philippians said in the base text of the article, he gives us the desire and the strength or energies, and the second reason for love of people, because they need to have hope and be happy like us and now we thank Jehovah for having known the truth.
How can we overcome difficulties that may prevent us from leading a Bible course?
First we can adapt to the schedule that people can study, not to our schedule, but to theirs, if we do not have the practice or still do not know how to lead a Bible course, we can ask for help from brothers with experience, because now it is in a way different as we do, both with a new publication, now we read less and talk more. There are electronic tools that we also need to know how to use, for example videos, Jw library and many more tools that we have which allow us to reach people's hearts, and of course we need to adapt all this to the new teaching system that we have of the truth.
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