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1. What has Jehovah done for each of us?
He drew us to the truth and now as disciples of Christ we have the hope of eternal life. This has been a process since we heard the good news and someone helped us by spending a lot of time teaching us the Bible. We should be grateful to Jehovah for using someone who will teach us the truth and who will allow us to serve him.
Jehovah prompted someone to preach to us then to take time to teach us about the Bible, thanks to that, today we have the opportunity to serve him, hoping to live forever.
2. What will we analyze in this article?
We will discuss what prompts us to participate in the disciple-making work. Also how to overcome the difficulties that prevent us from leading a Biblical course.
We will discuss what drives us to participate in the disciple-making work. We will also see how we can overcome difficulties that may prevent us from leading a Bible course. But first let's see why we should not just preach the good news, but also teach.
3. Why do we preach?
It was a command from Jesus when he was on earth. He not only told them to preach the good news of the kingdom, but he also showed them how to do it. And he talked about the reaction when people accept the message or when they reject it. He indicated that this preaching would be worldwide.
Because Jesus commanded us so. He said that his disciples should preach the good news of the Kingdom and showed how to do it. He even explained what to do when people accept the Kingdom message and what to do when they reject it.
4. According to Matthew 28: 18-20, what should we do in addition to preaching the Kingdom message?
Teach people to obey everything he had commanded. And this would continue until the conclusion of the system. It seems that this mandate covered his disciples in the future.
In addition to preaching, they should teach, as Matthew 28:19 indicates, they should make disciples, and we know that this was not just for the disciples of the first century because Jesus indicated that this important work would continue to this day, "until the conclusion of the system." So that mandate still applies today.
5. What comparison did Paul use in 1 Corinthians 3: 6-9 to show the relationship between preaching and teaching?
To the work of growing plants, showing that not only is it enough to sow the seed but also to take care of it, water it, be aware of its growth.
Paul compared the work of making disciples to the work of growing plants, thus showing that sowing seeds is not enough. He told the Corinthians: “I planted, Apollos watered […]. With this, he indicated that we not only plant the seeds, but we water them and we are very aware of their growth.
6. What does our work as teachers imply?
We are looking for those with the right attitude to become disciples of Christ and obtain eternal life. They must be helped: 1. understand, 2. accept, 3. apply what they learn from the Bible. We can all collaborate in the growth of students. The teacher will spend a lot of time and energy helping the student to break down beliefs and practices contrary to the Bible.
It involves looking for the person at first, then we have to help them 1) Understand, 2) Accept and 3) Apply the things they are learning from the Bible. And it is a work not only of the teacher, but also of the entire congregation, because love will show him that he has found the true disciples of Jesus. This will demand on the part of the teacher, delivery, not only for a few weeks, but even for many months or years.
7. Why do we participate in the preaching and disciple-making work?
First because we love Jehovah. That love has driven us to go from house to house. Although for some it is not easy to do so. Many the first time they felt nervous when it came to preaching, but thanks to Jehovah's help they have managed to control their nerves and that can also be applied when offering a Biblical course.
Although it is a command, we do not do it out of obligation, but out of love for Jehovah. And although we may have already overcome many fears that we felt, if we still need to overcome something, Jehovah is also there attentive to help us, we only have to ask him for help, thus not only will he help us with those struggles but will also strengthen our desire to make disciples.
8. According to Mark 6:34, why else do we teach people the truth?
Because we love people. Like Jesus we must understand the need of people and help them to have hope. Love and compassion impel us to help them and that is why we must offer them a Bible course.
We teach them also because we love them. In Mark 6:34, we are shown that although Jesus wanted to rest, he preferred to teach them and give them hope, the same happens today, our love and compassion for the people of the territory, also impel us to help them. And we have understood that the best way to do it is by teaching them from the Bible.
9. According to Philippians 2:13, how can Jehovah help us?
If we ask for your help you can help us find a person who wants to study the Bible since he answers prayers that are according to his will.
If our problem has to do with the fact that we do not want to commit to spending so much time with someone, that is, we do not feel like it, according to Philippians 2:13 Jehovah can help us with this, he can give us the desire to participate in this work if we ask it in prayer.
10, 11. Why perhaps we dare not lead a Bible course?
Perhaps our circumstances need to be examined and adjusted. We must adapt, do it by phone or internet, or at times that people can do it.
Perhaps we do not do it because we do not feel capable, or it seems that our circumstances limit us. However, we have seen in this pandemic that we can do it online, by phone, without leaving our home, if we cannot do it, be it due to our health or age. Even these methods can help us if the person wants to study very early or very late at night.
12. If we feel we are not qualified to teach, what three things will strengthen our confidence?
Jehovah knows that we are qualified to teach. Jesus has commanded us to teach and has the authority to do so. We can ask experienced publishers for help and learn from them when they conduct a Bible course.
We must think that, first, Jehovah thinks that we are qualified to teach others. Second, Jesus, who has "all authority in heaven and on earth," has commanded us to teach. And third, we are not alone. Jehovah will help us know what to say.
13. Why should we be willing to adapt?
The way we run the courses and the publication we use has changed. Therefore we must prepare the classes and direct them in a different way. We read less and talk more and use electronic tools. Let us ask for help if necessary to adjust to the way we should.
Because that way, we will enjoy the service more, and doing it in a new way, as we are doing now, will result in a breath of fresh air not only for the student, but for us.
14. a) What should we remember if our territory is difficult? b) How does 1 Corinthians 3: 6, 7 encourage us?
a) Circumstances may change and those who did not show interest now show it.
b) We recognize that Jehovah sees to it that the seed grows and wants us to continue planting and watering. He will bless us for our efforts and not for our results.
a) We must remember that people's circumstances can change from one day to the next, so that some who reject today may, in the future, recognize their spiritual needs.
b) 1 Corinthians encourages us, because it reminds us that Jehovah is the Owner of the harvest and although he wants us to continue planting and watering, he is the one who is in charge of the seed growing.
Series of images: A man becomes a disciple. 1. The man is sitting at home after a tiring day at work. 2. A married couple preaches to him in the evening. 3. The brother who preached to him teaches him about the Bible. 4. The man is baptized. 5. The newly baptized brother preaches to another man. 6. Marriage, brother and man eat together in Paradise.
What effect can what we preach and teach have on a person's life? (See paragraphs 15-17). *
15. How does Jehovah feel when a person accepts a Bible course and applies what he is learning?
He is happy when someone wants to learn from him. In 2020, almost 8 million Bible courses were conducted and that has made him very happy.
Jehovah is very happy, as Proverbs 25: 15,16 indicates when someone becomes wise his heart rejoices, the deepest part of his being is filled with joy.
16. What goal could we set for ourselves?
Start and lead at least one Bible course. We can talk and offer it on any occasion that is advisable.
We could set a goal to start and run at least one course.
17. How will we feel if we manage to lead a Bible course?
Happy for the honor it brings. Like the Apostle Paul, we will recognize that they are our crown of joy in our faithful service to Jehovah.
We will feel happy, just as Paul felt who, after helping many of Thessalonica to become Christians, said among other things: You are our glory and happiness. We will feel the same.
Why should we preach and teach the good news?
Because Jesus commanded to do that to preach worldwide and teach everything that he commanded. He said that not only to his apostles but to all his disciples.
Because it is a command, Jesus made it clear that his disciples should preach and teach others, and although he told his first century disciples, he also includes us because he said that this work would extend to the last days.
What drives us to make disciples?
Our love for Jehovah and for people who need hope and happiness.
We are driven by love for Jehovah and love for people.
How can we overcome difficulties that may prevent us from leading a Bible course?
Adapt to help them in the hours that they can attend a Bible course. Ask for the help of brothers with experience to help us direct a course in the way it is done and with the new instruments that we have and consider that circumstances change.
We can think of directing the Bible course by phone or online, we must also remember that Jehovah if he considers us capable of doing it, and we have the help of Jesus. And, we must be willing to adapt, that will make us enjoy the service more. We must also remember that circumstances change, and people can then accept, and it is Jehovah who makes the seed believe.
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