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We can escape the traps of Satan
"Escape from the Devil's trap" (2 TIM. 2:26).
1. How is Satan like a hunter?
The hunters study the place where the animals walk and according to that also the customs and the trap that must be set, satan, he is also the same, he studies us to see what we like, what we do not like, where we we are moving, we are seeing, what we are constantly doing and what attracts us. And after seeing all our movements, use the appropriate trap to take us by surprise like hunters do.
2. What are two of Satan's most effective traps?
Pride and greed satan has used them for thousands of years since the beginning of the first human couple. So it has always given him good results and continues to do so, In the illustration corresponding to the paragraph in the part where he indicates that pride and greed have been two of the most effective traps of satan, and there it is mentioned in the note about the description From the images with a proud attitude, a brother rejects good advice and back in this same image one of the elderly is surprised as he is amazed at how he rejects it, and in the other photograph a sister who has many things feels the desire to buy even more, and in the center we see there as someone fell into the trap, this is what satan is trying to do with us today.
Series of images: 1. With a proud attitude, a brother rejects an advice given to him by two elders. 2. A man who has stepped on a trap is hung upside down. 3. A sister carrying several shopping bags looks longingly at a store window.
Pride and greed have been two of Satan's most effective traps. (See paragraph 2). *
3. Why did Jehovah include in the Bible examples of people who gave in to pride and greed?
The purpose is that we learn from these experiences since they serve as warnings, we say it because they were servants who had a lot of experience, many of them still fell and the objective is that we must draw the appropriate lessons from those stories, there we have some illustrations combined from the description of the images, because there we can perceive that both an angel of God and King Uzziah became proud, greed led Evan to eat from the forbidden tree, King David commit adultery to Judas to steal money. In these experiences that we will see below, we will extract the necessary lessons to take care not to fall into these dangerous traps that are pride and greed.
Series of images: Examples of pride and greed. Satan, King Uzziah, Eve, King David, and Judas Iscariot. The scenes are repeated in paragraphs 4, 7, 9, 10 and 12.
The Bible contains examples that help us avoid or escape the Devil's traps. (See paragraph 3). *
4. What can pride lead us to?
As Proverbs 16:18 indicates in the paragraph, pride comes before crashing, and this expression can be interpreted as "Losing eternal life", and Satan wants us to become proud so that we turn away from Jehovah and lose all hope No matter how many years of faithful service to Jehovah we have, any of us can fall into this trap of pride.
Satan watching Adam and Eve enjoy life in the Garden of Eden. (See paragraph 4).
5. According to Ecclesiastes 7:16, 20, how does the proud person behave?
In verse 16 he mentions that they are excessively wise, which means that they become selfish and have the inclination to blame Jehovah or also the brothers, but according to their personal concept they are not, and we are sure of this. because in verse 20 he mentions that on earth there is no righteous person who always does good and never sins. Therefore, they do not recognize their mistakes and believe that the best way to do things is according to their criteria, and that attitude is manifested by proud people.
6. What does what happened to a sister from the Netherlands teach us?
This sister could not bear the imperfections of the brothers, she got to the point of telling her husband that she wanted to change congregation, because she no longer wanted to be near them. However, they watched the JW Broadcasting program from March 2016, where suggestions were given to deal with the imperfections of others, realized that she was acting in a wrong way and she realized that she had to be humble and acknowledge her own mistakes in instead of trying to change the brothers of the congregation. So I helped him to realize that he needed to put Jehovah first, who does not see our mistakes with a magnifying glass, but he tries to cover the mistakes of those who make the necessary corrections, since He is willing to forgive us and teaches us that we must also do the same with others.
7. What happened to King Uzziah?
Although he had military strategy skills, however over time he became arrogant because he tried to do something that he was not authorized to do, which was to offer incense on the altar of Jehovah, which was only allowed to priests, as we see in the drawing that is put here in the magazine, they are attracting his attention, since being the king they must have had a lot of courage to do it. However, they complied with Jehovah and their attitude of rejection of the call for attention caused Jehovah to punish him with leprosy, since the account of 2 Chronicles 2: 6 indicates that he died a leper.
King Uzziah carrying a censer in his hands while the chief priest and other priests try to stop him. (See paragraph 7.)
8. How does 1 Corinthians 4: 6, 7 help us avoid pride?
Here, Joseph is given as an example, an elderly man who was very experienced and highly respected was so respected that even the circuit overseer consulted him on some things, but he said he was confident in his ability and experience and left Jehovah to a side, and did not heed the warnings and advice of Jehovah. As the first Corinthians 4,6,7 said, what we have we have received, so there is no reason to boast since "They are not innate abilities" or that "We are better than others", it is thanks to Jehovah that we have such talents and abilities. So for not paying attention he was expelled, years later he was readmitted and he recognizes that really Jehovah must always be praised for everything we have, clearly the Corinthian text said that you have that you have not received,
9. What did both Satan and Eve do because of greed?
Satan is a clear example of being greedy because he enjoyed many privileges. Excellent privileges! But he wanted more, he wanted to have the worship that only belongs to Jehovah. So he tried to instill in others, and that is what happened in the case of Eve, because Satan instilled in her the same greedy desire, with so much love Jehovah had allowed her to live in a beautiful place free from problems, free from diseases, And the only thing that Jehovah asked was that they not eat from a single tree, just as satan she wanted more, I do not respect Jehovah's will and as seen in the drawing, she thought she reconsidered, she ate from the tree, then she sinned and the consequences all we know them and we suffer them.
Eva listening to the Devil, who is using a snake to speak to him from a tree. (See paragraph 9.)
10. How did King David fall into the trap of greed?
Jehovah had also given him everything that had wealth, prestige, victories over his enemies. So as he himself admitted he had more than he could count, but he became greedy when he observed a woman and that he had several wives, this woman was married her name was, Uriah was her husband, David wanted to have relations with She committed adultery became pregnant and to try to hide her sin she even arranged for Uriah to be killed as it says here the questions what was he thinking he believed that Jehovah was not seeing him, his fidelity went to the ground by giving in to selfishness and greed, And he paid dearly according to the account of 2 Samuel, eventually he confessed his sin once he was unmasked he repented and Jehovah forgave him.
King David watching from his rooftop at dusk. (See paragraph 10).
11. According to Ephesians 5: 3, 4, what is the antidote to greed?
The antidote to greed is to always be grateful for everything that Jehovah has given us, for that we need to meditate on everything that comes from God. We teach our students to do so that they think of something beautiful every day and give thanks to Jehovah, we must also do exactly the same, that is why verse 4 said we must be thankful to Jehovah.
12. What did Judas Iscariot do because of greed?
Well according to the biblical record we know that he was a person with good qualities, that is why Jesus chose him as one of his apostles, if he had known that he was greedy from the beginning he would not have chosen him since he was a reliable person, he is also That is why he was also put in charge of the box where the money used for preaching was kept, the slave compares it here as the donations for world work that are received today. Jesus had told everyone equally to beware of greed but Judas ignored it and then started stealing.
Judas Iscariot stealing a coin from the money box and putting it in a bag. (See paragraph 12).
13. At what point did Judas show that he had become greedy?
The story that John John 12: 2-6 exposes, indicates that Jesus was in a house where Simon the leper was, Mary was also there and his sister Martha Maria says that he gets up and pours a very expensive perfumed oil on the head of Jesus and Judas and the others were outraged and complained, they saw it as a waste, they possibly thought in general that this money could have been used to continue in the preaching, but Judas according to the biblical account had another reason and the bible describes it here as a thief and wanted to steal money from the box, shortly after he came to betray his master to Jesus for 30 coins a little minimum what a slave was sold.
14. How did a married couple apply the words of Luke 16:13?
The experience we read in paragraph 14 indicates that these brothers had a large debt with a bank, and they are presented with a job in another country that would cover that debt. They even came to see this as a blessing from Jehovah, but then they understood the point if they accepted it that would take away their time for service to God, so what they did was reject it and soon a job appeared in their own country and they started to meet their needs, so they say that they are very happy with Jehovah and not with the money, although it is necessary but they did not make it their master.
15. Why are we sure that it is possible to escape the traps of Satan?
In the second letter to Timothy 2:26 the Apostle Paul said: Recover in judgment and escape the devil's trap. So that possible proof of this is King David when he repented he regained friendship with Jehovah and showed that he was appreciated or grateful to Jehovah, that is why we are sure that it is possible to escape from the traps of satan.
16. What will help us avoid Satan's traps?
Ask for Jehovah's help so that he allows us to detect the signs of pride and greed, and of course, once detected, act so as not to fall into Satan's nets.
17. What will soon happen to our enemy, the Devil?
Soon he will be tied up and destroyed until that we want to be careful not to fall into his traps, because not only does he want to destroy himself but he also wants many more to be destroyed, we must take care of pride and greed to detect when there is the smallest detail regarding This we want to do as James 4: 7 says, oppose him and he will flee from us.
What does King Uzziah's example teach us about pride?
We do not want to trust our abilities like those that Uzziah had for war, these can make us think that we do not need Jehovah or that we can do things that we are not authorized to do, and that when we are advised to correct wrongdoing we avoid said tips. If we don't act like this, we won't have problems like Uzziah had that cost him his life.
What do the examples of King David and Judas Iscariot teach us about greed?
That we must be grateful for what Jehovah gives us, that is the case of King David and in the case of Judas, we must consider situations that arise and move away from greed or wanting to have more and more, as happened in the case Judas and that he committed an unforgivable sin.
Why are we sure that we can escape Satan's traps?
Because the Bible says so, as 2 Timothy 2:26 mentioned, you can escape from Satan's traps, and proof of this is King David repented and managed to regain his friendship with Jehovah, this example teaches us that if it is possible to flee from the devil's nets.
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