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Let's Find Hidden Pearls (10 min.)
Deut 31:12. How can parents put this principle into practice? (w04 9/15 27 par. 11)
In this text it says that "all the people of Israel, men, women and children came together for the purpose of listening and learning to fear Jehovah." So, just as it happened in the case of the Israelites, the servants of God today, especially we parents have the responsibility that our children, be they children or young people, are in the congregation meetings to “listen and learn. to fear Jehovah.
Sitting with your children in meetings. In this way, they will ensure that they hear the word of God, learn and follow his guidance, benefiting everyone and strengthening the faith of the whole family.
For parents should teach their children to strive to listen and learn what is said in meetings and to conduct themselves in a dignified and courteous manner in meetings and in the Kingdom hall.
What spiritual pearls have you found about Jehovah, the ministry, and other topics in this week's Bible reading?
Deuteronomy 31:30. Moses recited from "beginning to end the lyrics of the song" to the entire nation of Israel, this was not only beautiful poetry, rather it was intended to help them understand that what the lyrics said was based on true events. This TEACHES me: that today it is the same, the lyrics of the songs are intended to help us understand what the Christian life represents: the joys, the blessings, the sorrows, the fears and the disappointments. And most of all, it highlights how our "loving God Jehovah" should be praised and glorified for all eternity.
Deuteronomy 32: 4. Moses is a man worth imitating: he made a mistake, accepted discipline from Jehovah and continued to trust him, until the very end he said that "Jehovah was faithful, just and upright." This TEACHES me: that if we have made a mistake and have been disciplined, we should not go to the extreme of resenting or complaining, nor should we allow guilt to make us feel unworthy before Jehovah. Rather, let us continue to trust Jehovah and adhere to his supreme standards because he is a "faithful, just and upright God" who is ready to bless all who are heartily repentant.
In this part of Moses' song we can appreciate how he understood Jehovah's justice by declaring that it is just and right, Jehovah's justice, like the other facets of his unique personality, is perfect, without any deficiency and is neither very balanced nor very lenient nor too severe, then we can recognize that Jehovah is perfect in his sense of justice and we can trust in such justice and that he will know the right moment when I carry out his sentence on all those who challenge his authority.
Deuteronomy 31: 6. When the Israelites were at the entrance to the Promised Land, it was very appropriate for Moses to tell them to be strong and courageous because Jehovah was going with them and would not abandon them. This TEACHES me: that today is the same, we are on the threshold of the new world, so it is very appropriate that the "faithful slave" encourages us to be strong, courageous since we trust completely in Jehovah, so we can move forward through the wilderness of this wicked world of Satan. Certainly when we reach the goal, we will be rewarded for maintaining strength, courage, faith, and our trust in our God, Jehovah.
Moses encouraged the people not to trust in Jehovah only for the satisfaction of their material needs, but in a broader sense, they should remember that he provided them on time what they needed to live, he led them by means of a cloud during the day and a column of fire during the night, it was expected that the inhabitants of the land would resist but Jehovah had marched with his people for decades, so there was no reason to be afraid, the Israelites had many reasons to trust in Jehovah.
Deuteronomy 31: 20-21. Jehovah from heaven observed the inclination of the human being, so he could predict that the nation of Israel, in general, would break the covenant that he had made with Him. However, Jehovah expected that individual people would respond to his advice, and there were those who did. they did it. This TEACHES me: that although Jehovah has the ability to foresee the future and knows that all humans, in general, have an inclination to evil, He wants each of us to use well the free will that he has given us and that we choose wisely his advice recorded in the Bible, so we can obtain salvation and eternal life.
Deuteronomy 31: 24-26. Moses had faithful men see to it that the original records of the law were preserved safely alongside Jehovah's ark of the covenant. This TEACHES me: that although many ancient writings have disappeared and been forgotten, the Bible, which includes the book of the law, has survived both the ravages of time and the attacks of its enemies. This is possible because Jehovah ensured that it was preserved by carefully and accurately made copies so that they would be a reliable guide today. This is proof that the Bible is the "word" that was handwritten but "inspired by God."
Deuteronomy 32:29. Moses addresses the Israelites to encourage them to reflect and to choose wisely the trajectory of their life with the objective that they think about "the end of the road or how they would end." This TEACHES me: that as travelers in this world we need to reflect and decide the direction of our life. If we want to be successful, we must ask Jehovah for guidance and examine the “road map,” the Bible. In addition, if we see signs that indicate that we must change direction, do not hesitate to do so, remember that this path is narrow and difficult, but its final destination is eternal life.
Deuteronomy 32: 46-47. Moses told the Israelites to take the warnings seriously because they were not empty words. It was vital that they listen to them, and those who did would live long and prosperous lives. This TEACHES me: that we too must take seriously and hold fast to the valuable word of truth the Bible along with its warnings. Let us bear in mind that these are not empty words, rather, they are superior and valuable that signify a long and prosperous life for those who listen and obey them. So let's not allow anything to distract us and jeopardize our relationship with Jehovah and our eternal future.
Throughout the 40 years they were in the desert, Moses was in charge of communicating to them all the laws and regulations that Jehovah commanded and that he wanted the people to comply with, all those words guaranteed life and peace in the new region they were going to. dwell, that is why it was vital that they listen to them, and those who did so had a long and prosperous life, from the case of the Israelites we can learn to cling ourselves to the valuable word of truth from the Bible and to enjoy the advantages of applying his advice in our life.
Deuteronomy 31:21. Jehovah tells the Israelites what they would sadly do, he was not indicating that they were meant to do it, he was only telling them what would inevitably happen because of what they were doing. And it is logical that it is so, otherwise we would not have free will.
Deuteronomy 32: 6. It shows us that although the Israelites had considerable deficiencies, Jehovah never abandoned them or stopped loving them, he gave them stability. This TEACHES me: that Jehovah will not abandon us when we are going through difficulties, or when we are struggling with bad tendencies, if we continue to strive on his side, he will continue with us and will not leave us alone.
Deuteronomy 32:10. Jehovah refers to his people as the apple of his eye, with this metaphor he shows how precious they are in his sight and his readiness to act when the enemy touches them. This allows us to realize how much Jehovah loves us, and cares for us, so if we are going through a difficult situation where we see our integrity at risk, let us remember that Jehovah is with us and will act.
Deuteronomy 32:35. Jehovah reminds us that revenge is his, knowing this should motivate us to never pay evil with evil, we must not take revenge or wish calamity for those who harm us, doing so would reflect a lack of trust in Jehovah who is aware of each matter, and will give to each according to his actions.
Deuteronomy 32: 2. Jehovah compares his word with dew, like gentle rain on grass, and that is how our preaching should be, when speaking with people we must be like dew: delicate, refreshing and essential for people's lives. Also, people should see our words as a blessing. If we see our message like this, we are sure to speak in a thoughtful and refreshing way.
Deuteronomy 31: 2. Moses recognized at that time that the end of his life had come, he had enjoyed a long and extraordinary life, which can be divided into three stages, his first forty years were spent in Egypt, where he was powerful in his words and deeds, For the next forty years he resided in Midian, where he developed the spiritual qualities necessary to lead Jehovah's people and during his last forty years he led and ruled the Israelites, no doubt a life in which he was able to have a close relationship with Jehovah and leaving us an example of faith worthy of imitation.
Deuteronomy 31: 7, 8. We see that the time had finally come for Moses to have a successor to guide Israel during the process of conquering the Promised Land, that chosen one was Joshua to whom Moses gave certain instructions and encouragement to that he carried out his commission with all fidelity and was trained in that work, Josué must have felt grateful for the help and training he received, those who have responsibilities in the congregation must recognize that sooner or later they will have to train who will be his replacement, for this it is It is necessary to show humility.
Deuteronomy 31:23. When the time of his death was near, Moses would have to stand with Joshua in the tent of meeting, there Jehovah would commission Joshua and confirm the appointment as leader of the people of Israel that Moses had previously made when he had laid hands on him, Likewise, it is Jehovah who continues to appoint and confirm the appointment of those who will serve as elders in Christian congregations, the help of these men appointed by holy spirit is of great benefit to Jehovah's people today.
Deuteronomy 32: 2, 3. Jehovah taught Moses the lyrics of a song and ordered him to teach it to the people, for example we can meditate on the first part of the lyrics and we see clearly that Jehovah does not want us to hide his name or treat him as if it is too sacred to pronounce, he wishes the whole world to know it. Without a doubt, it was a great honor for the Israelites to have Moses teach them about Jehovah and his glorious name, and for us it must be a great honor to preach the good news using the Bible to teach people about God's name.
Deuteronomy 32:28, 29. Moses recognized that in time the people could abandon Jehovah without thinking about the consequences of their actions, in the centuries that followed, the people of Israel as well as many of their kings ignored divine warnings by demonstrating Thus his lack of judgment and his inability to understand, we can avoid a lot of pain if we carefully foresee the possible consequences of the decisions we make in life and that is why it is important to think seriously about the consequences of our decisions and our actions.
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