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Let's Find Hidden Pearls (10 min.)
Deut 29: 4. Why does the bad example of the Israelites serve as a warning? (it-2,527).
Because it makes known to us that Jehovah allows the spiritual ears of the disobedient to be dull like the stubborn and disobedient Israelites who had 'uncircumcised ears', that is, closed ears that prevented them from hearing. Instead, Jehovah gives ears of understanding and obedience to those who seek him. The apostle Paul predicted that there would be a time when some Christians would fall away from the faith and would not want to hear the truth of God's word, but would rather have their ears 'gifted' their ears with pleasant things, and therefore would listen to false teachers. So it is a warning to be on guard against such danger.
Because it makes us see how important it is that we are willing to hear and accept what Jehovah commands us, we cannot be like some who preferred to have their ears gifted with pleasant things, without caring that they were false teachers. These Israelites and some first century Christians left Jehovah because of that attitude, we must avoid the same thing happening to us.
The Israelites over time would become stubborn and disobedient, that is why they would come to have ears that do not hear in a spiritual sense, that is, they would not pay attention to the words of God and that caused them to suffer sad consequences, in the case of Christians The same can also happen since by not wanting to hear the truth of the Word of God, the Christian could become stubborn and disobedient to healthy teaching, so we do not allow our ears to become deaf in a spiritual sense.
What spiritual pearls have you found about Jehovah, the ministry, and other topics in this week's Bible reading?
Deuteronomy 30: 2-5. Jehovah insisted that the Israelites "turn to him"; moreover, it shows them the path they should follow to return from exile and regain their favor. This TEACHES me: that Jehovah wants sinners to "return to Him" and is willing to forgive them. Therefore, in the light of biblical principles, they must sincerely comply and conform to divine standards, so they will have the possibility of once again occupying a place among the devoted servants of God and above all they will regain his favor. It is truly a pleasure to know that Jehovah gives peace and hope to those who want to "return to him." If they do, He and we will welcome them with open arms.
Deuteronomy 29: 26-28. When the Israelites worshiped other gods, Jehovah's fury, anger, and indignation increased because of the gravity of this sin. This TEACHES me: that when Jehovah gets angry, it is always clear why. And even in those moments He always acts justly. Jehovah has clearly told us what things bother him, so it is up to us to avoid the attitudes and actions that provoke his anger and indignation. Knowing what he likes and what not should motivate us to feel a deep respect for him, because it indicates that he will only unleash his fury against those who insist on doing wrong.
Deuteronomy 29:29. Moses said that "the things revealed" belonged to the Israelites. This was because Jehovah gave them enough information through the law for them to know and follow it. This TEACHES me: that Jehovah has also been very generous to us because he has “revealed the truths” to us through his word the Bible. It teaches us about Jehovah's purposes, including a wonderful hope for obedient human beings. So let's study the Bible regularly and apply it in our lives, thereby showing appreciation for “the revealed things” that come from Jehovah.
In this text we are told that the hidden things belong to Jehovah our God, but the revealed things belong to us, according to the context of Moses' words, the revealed things of which he spoke had to do with the covenant of the Law and that revealed things carried responsibilities and whoever did not fulfill such responsibilities would result in Jehovah disciplining his people, today Jehovah continues to shed much light on revealed things, that is a proof that his blessing is on the Christian congregation today.
Deuteronomy 30: 6. Jehovah promises repentant Israelites and their descendants to "purify their hearts" so that they would serve him and stay alive. This TEACHES me: that because of our imperfection, we need to ask Jehovah every day to "purify our hearts" today is quite a challenge, but if we allow divine counsel to reach the depths of our thoughts and emotions we will You will help us serve Jehovah just the way he likes by promising to keep us alive now and "life without end" in the future.
With the help of Jehovah, every servant of his can purify his heart, that means getting rid of anything in the way of thinking, affections or motives that is unpleasant and unclean in Jehovah's eyes and that makes the heart numb, this is not done by performing a cut in the body, but extirpating bad desires and ideas that show pride, such as believing that one is superior to others, rather, a Christian who has purified his heart demonstrates it by being able to endure trials and by standing firm in faith.
Deuteronomy 30:20. Jehovah encouraged Israel "to serve him for a long time in the land that he had promised to give to their ancestors Abraham, Isaac and Jacob." In that way each successive generation of Israelites could have resided in the Promised Land. This TEACHES me: that the motto of this world to "live only for the present" is very different from Jehovah's point of view. Our God reminds us that "He is Eternal" and that we must serve Him with eternity in mind. Thus our service to Him will not be only for now, nor for a limited life, rather, we will serve Him for eternity and generation after generation.
Deuteronomy 29:18. Jehovah asked the Israelites to "make sure that no man or woman, family or tribe, is turning their hearts away from Him and ceasing to serve Him." This TEACHES me: how important it is, today, that all true Christians help and encourage one another not to step back and begin to "turn away from Jehovah." Satan tries at all costs to destroy our faith and make our heart turn away from Jehovah, but we should not allow it, rather, let's make sure to read and meditate thoroughly on the Holy Scriptures, this will help us to be united and always serve Jehovah.
Deuteronomy 29: 22-25. Jehovah warns disobedient Israelites that he would punish them with plagues and use elements such as brimstone, salt, and fire against them, indicating total destruction. This TEACHES me: that the Most High will not tolerate disobedience and wickedness forever. Jehovah has set a day of reckoning, where it is possible for him to use elements such as brimstone, salt and fire so that the wicked are completely destroyed. If we want to escape from this total destruction, we must use and obey Jehovah's arrangements for salvation.
Deuteronomy 30:11. Here we can see that Jehovah is not a cold God who asks us for impossible things, rather his requirements to serve him are reasonable and can be satisfied, so we must never doubt that we can serve him at the height that he asks for, because he is our God, creator, So not only does he know us, but he loves us.
Deuteronomy 29: 1-8. Moses reminds the Israelites of the many times when they themselves witnessed Jehovah's help and protection, this in order to strengthen them. This teaches me that remembering how Jehovah has helped us in the past will give us faith that he will not do it again, and it will convince us that we have no reason to doubt our loving God.
Deuteronomy 30:15. This text teaches me that although Jehovah is our creator, he does not oblige us to serve him, we can choose to obey him and receive his blessings or to disobey and bear the consequences, in either case, the decision is ours alone.
Jehovah through Moses presented two options to the Israelites, life and what is good, and death and what is bad, that means that they could choose to obey God and receive his blessings or disobey him and face the consequences, with that We can understand that Jehovah does not force us to obey him and that the decision we make would be ours alone, but when we see the affection that Jehovah has for us and the tests with which he has shown it, that will be what will motivate us to choose the option that suits us. guarantees a happy life, obeying God and receiving his blessings.
Deuteronomy 30: 19-20. It teaches us that Jehovah lets us choose, he tells us which is the best decision and that is to choose life. We do that by loving Jehovah, this love in turn will drive us to obey him, and be loyal to him, and will give us the best life now and the happy and eternal life in the future.
Deuteronomy 30: 11-14. This verse shows us that to obey Jehovah we only have to want to do it, since his commandments and what he asks of us are within everyone's reach, and this is so because Jehovah is not a distant god, rather he is accessible and close, so anyone who wants can take your side
Deuteronomy 29: 1. Shortly before Israel entered the Promised Land, Jehovah made a covenant with them where Moses repeated and explained a large part of the Law, this covenant had the purpose of promoting loyalty to Jehovah, explaining the Law as well as making adjustments and enunciating certain Necessary laws for the Israelites, since they were going to abandon the nomadic life they had had for years to settle in their own land, this covenant would also serve as a reminder to future generations of Israelites of the importance of obeying and remaining faithful to Jehovah.
Deuteronomy 29: 10-13. When mentioning the people, the chiefs of the tribes, the elders, the officials, all the men of Israel, the children, the wives and the foreign residents in the camp are mentioned to make a pact with all of them, regardless If they fell off an important function or only collected firewood or drew water, for Jehovah each one of the Israelites was important for this covenant, likewise, all those who make up Jehovah's people today are very important for God, since he considers each of them as valuable.
Deuteronomy 29:19. This verse warns of a danger and explains that if an Israelite heard the words of the oath and in his proud heart said to follow his own ways instead of following and trusting in Jehovah, he would only suffer calamities due to his own decisions, with this we can understand why It is important to avoid being proud since by manifesting that quality we would be trusting ourselves instead of allowing Jehovah to direct our steps.
Deuteronomy 30: 3-10. In the previous verses it was narrated what would happen to the people of Israel in the event that due to their disobedience they were dispersed among the other nations, if they showed that they were truly repentant, Jehovah himself would take charge of bringing them back to the land where milk and milk abounded. honey, they would come to have more than they had lost and the most important thing would return to being Jehovah's people and serving him with all their hearts and with all their souls, these words must have greatly encouraged the Israelite people when they were captive in Babylon.
Deuteronomy 30: 11-13. We may have once thought that obeying God is not an easy task and that it is even difficult to understand what he expects of us, but as we can see in these verses we note that Jehovah does not ask us to do the impossible, but rather that they are reasonable and that we can. Furthermore, we do not have to search the heavens or the earth for his commandments, rather we can find them in the Bible, so we can safely say to obey Jehovah if possible.
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