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Let's Find Hidden Pearls (10 min.)
Deut 27:17. Why did the Law prohibit the movement of the signs that marked the neighbor's limits? (it-1 1160).
Since landowners generally depended on the produce of their land, moving back a milestone would mean depriving someone else of part of their livelihood. This action amounted to theft, and this is how it was seen in ancient times.
However, there were unscrupulous people who committed such abuses, and in the days of Hosea the princes of Judah were likened to those who were moving back a boundary.
Jehovah's law said that whoever moved back "the landmark or mark of his fellow man" was cursed. The reason was because landowners in general depended on the produce of their land, and for someone to move back a sign would mean depriving this person of part of their means of subsistence. This action amounted to theft, so Jehovah forbade them to move
Because moving the signs would be violating the integrity of the property and terrain of the affected person, would be depriving the other person of their means of subsistence, that is why moving the signs that marked the limits was considered a blatant robbery.
What spiritual pearls have you found about Jehovah, the ministry, and other topics in this week's Bible reading?
Deuteronomy 27: 12,13 More than a million people, men, women and children, belonging to six of the tribes of Israel, are standing in front of Mount Guerizim. On the other side of the valley, roughly the same number of people, belonging to the other six tribes, are facing Mount Ebal.
Deuteronomy 27:16 More than a million voices answered in unison his acceptance of this reminder. Many of those who would enter the Promised Land would be children and young people born in the desert and this would make the new quality of life make their parents despise.
Today older people are seen as a burden and few have respect for them. We want to continue to show our appreciation to our parents regardless of their age or education.
One of the curses would fall on that Israelite who treated his father or mother with contempt, this warning was to avoid violating the fifth commandment that deals with honoring father and mother, Jehovah expected the Israelite to keep the fifth commandment since parents They act as representatives of God and by obeying this commandment the children honored and obeyed both the Creator and the people to whom He had conferred authority, regardless of our age, we must always respect our parents.
Deuteronomy 28: 9,10 To this chosen nation, Jehovah said through the mouth of his prophet Amos: "You alone has he known of all the families of the ground." Not only was the nation identified by His name, but He also knew the nation by name.
Jehovah's people are widely recognized as unique to God. Teaching, conduct, and activity in ministry characterize you as set apart for Him. Jehovah's Witnesses are recognized by all as different in every way.
Deuteronomy 28:45 The Israelites had joy when they pleased God. But what happened when they disobeyed him? they were warned of the consequences of their wrongdoing. The blessings and invocations of evil made it clear who Jehovah's servants were and who were not.
The invocations of evil also confirmed that the principles and purposes of God cannot be treated with disrespect or disdain. Since the Israelites did not heed Jehovah's warnings about desolation and exile, Jerusalem became "an invocation of evil to all the nations of the earth." So let us obey God and enjoy his favor. Joy is one of the many divine blessings that the godly receive.
Deuteronomy 28: 3 The Israelite who obeyed Jehovah would be blessed, whether he lived in the city or lived in the country. This TEACHES me: that Jehovah's blessing is not dependent on where you are or where you are assigned. Some Christians may feel trapped because they may long to serve Jehovah in a different place. Others are discouraged or disheartened because they do not have an appointment or their circumstances do not allow them to participate more in the ministry. However, we must remember that if we listen to and obey Jehovah, we will have his blessing no matter where we are or where we are.
Deuteronomy 28: 4 This text uses the personal pronoun "your," indicating that the obedient Israelite would "personally" enjoy the blessings spoken by Jehovah. This TEACHES me: that when we feel weighed down by problems or feelings of inadequacy, we do well to pause for a moment and reflect on “The personal blessings” that Jehovah has given us and will give us in the future. Meditating on how Jehovah wants to bless us "individually" will revive lost joy and help us continue to serve him wholeheartedly and motivated by a heart full of gratitude.
Deuteronomy 27: 13-15 In this way, Moses once again "repeats and warns" the people of Israel the result of disobeying and the curses that would befall them for their wrongdoing. This TEACHES me: how necessary are "the repetitions of the warnings that Jehovah has left in his word the Bible." The objective of these is not only to expose information, but to understand, remember and put into practice what we are told to avoid calamities and divine curses. So let us not tire of hearing and obeying the continual warnings, for our doing so means eternal life in a wonderful world.
Deuteronomy 28: 5: 17 Since the kneading container was an important piece for the preparation of "daily bread," it is obvious that Jehovah's blessing upon it meant a sufficient amount of food in the home, while the curse of have daily literal food. However, we must remember that "the bread of life," Jesus Christ, is a much more valuable provision. That is why if we do not want to suffer from spiritual hunger, we must obey the laws of God so that we will enjoy "bread in abundance for all eternity."
Deuteronomy 28:47 The Israelites who did not serve Jehovah with joy showed that something was wrong with their hearts and that they did not appreciate Jehovah's loving-kindness. This TEACHES me: that to have "true joy" you need a clear conscience, a positive, grateful attitude regarding the blessings and privileges that God has given us. Therefore, if we have slowed down and do not feel joy, we must pray to Jehovah to give us his holy spirit, this powerful force will help us to have spiritual stability and rekindle both the love we had at the beginning and the joy of heart.
Deuteronomy 28:39 Moses prophesied that Israel's apostasy would cause even their literal vineyards to wither. And, a single worm in the main trunk can eat the interior and cause the vine to wither in a couple of days. This TEACHES me: that in a spiritual sense it is the same, the negative and deadly effect that apostate doubts, complaints, ideas and false teachings have endanger the spirituality of others. To avoid being deceived, we must learn to identify "the pattern of healthy words" that protects us from those who "pervert the good news about the Christ." So, let's not have any dealings with apostates!
Deuteronomy 28:36 Moses warns the Israelites of the consequences of rebelling against Jehovah. They would be led into exile where they would live in the midst of pagan nations and "it would be difficult for them to maintain integrity to God." This TEACHES me: what similar circumstances, Jesus said that his followers "are not part of the world." The faithful Christian must "overcome the difficult test of keeping integrity to Jehovah" and not adopt the unbiblical customs, attitudes and practices of this world. But we understand that our position is non-negotiable: our loyalty belongs to Jehovah.
Moses had warned the Israelites of the dire consequences of rebelling against Jehovah and his Law, unfortunately centuries later they would suffer the consequences of their evil actions and the Israelites became captives in Babylon and had to live among people who worshiped many gods, them It would be difficult to maintain integrity to Jehovah since some of them were forced to adopt Babylonian names, no doubt living under these circumstances presented a real challenge for the exiled Jews.
Deuteronomy 27: 5. Jehovah commanded the Israelites to build an altar of raw stone for him after crossing the Jordan River and this order was fulfilled when Joshua built the altar on Mount Ebal, but at the end of this text it was stated that they should not use Iron instruments when making this altar, this could be due to the fact that at that time the Israelites were not yet qualified to work with iron, the use of iron tools could indicate that they made use of the cooperation and capacity of other nations.
Deuteronomy 27: 11-13. According to the instructions that Moses, the tribes of Israel would gather on the Guerizim and Ebal mountains under the direction of Joshua shortly after crossing the Jordan River to hear the blessings they would receive if they obeyed and the curses that awaited them if they disobeyed him. the tribes of Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Joseph and Benjamin stood to hear the blessings and the other six tribes would hear the curses, this does not mean that some tribes would be blessed and the others cursed, they were simply assigned that way.
Deuteronomy 27:26. Another of the curses that the Israelites would suffer would be for not respecting the words of the Law and not obeying them, Jehovah repeated on many occasions the consequences that the Israelites would have in case of not fulfilling his mandates but examining the history of the Israelite nation we can see that The people several times did not heed these warnings and that is why they suffered the consequences of the curse, Jehovah is like a just father since he warned his people not to do wrong, but in view of their constant disobedience he had to give them a deserved punishment.
Deuteronomy 28: 1-6. Just before the Israelites entered the Promised Land, Jehovah guaranteed that they would enjoy great prosperity and security if they obeyed his voice, among these blessings is the guarantee of enjoying security as much as if they were in the city as if they were in a field They would have abundant food and even come to have many possessions thanks to the blessings of Jehovah and note that God assured that those blessings would reach them, thus emphasizing that their fulfillment was fully guaranteed.
Deuteronomy 28:12. Here it is mentioned that Jehovah will open his warehouse, referring to heaven, to bless everything that is done in the land that the Israelites were to occupy, as the physical heavens play a vital part in sustaining life on earth and making it prosper Through sunlight, rain, dew, cooling winds and other atmospheric benefits, it was poetically said that heaven is Jehovah's rich storehouse, with this we can learn that Jehovah is very generous with his servants and who is willing to open his doors to bless his servants.
Deuteronomy 28: 15-20. Just as the Israelites had heard the blessings they would receive for worshiping Jehovah and obeying him, they also heard the curses they would suffer if they did not do so and it was precisely the opposite of the blessings, for example they would be exposed to various dangers either in The cities or fields would not have what they needed to feed themselves, they would see with their own eyes how everything that belonged to them was gradually diminishing, without a doubt those curses would make them understand that disobeying Jehovah would have catastrophic results.
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