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“Creation is proof of God's love” (15 min.): Discussion with the audience. Play the video Creation Proof of Jehovah's Love.
What do these things that Jehovah has created teach us about his love for us?
The elements that Jehovah has created teaches us that despite as the Psalmist says, when we see the heavens, the works that he has done, we can ask ourselves "What are we so that Jehovah keeps us in mind and cares for us?" that are on earth is composed of at least 100 elements that exist naturally: such as oxygen, carbon, calcium and iron, important elements for life, because if Jehovah had not created them we would not exist. Yet we are "lesser beings" compared to Him, and by creating these elements Jehovah shows his deep love and care for each one of us.
In addition, everything on earth is composed of less than 100 elements that exist naturally: such as oxygen, carbon, calcium and iron. How are these elements formed? Many are created inside the stars, the pressure and extreme heat inside them make the atoms melt, the stars, like the sun, work Hydrogen the lightest element to form Helium one more element heavy. Helium fuses to create carbon.
And this question is very important, how are these elements formed? Many are created inside the stars, the pressure and the extreme heat inside them make the atoms melt, the stars, like the sun, work hydrogen, the element more light to form helium a heavier element, helium fuses to create carbon. As a star forms, heavier elements become larger and its core becomes hotter and denser. Over time the core collapses and the star explodes and becomes a supernova, it is in turn forming heavier elements and launches them into space.
What do these things that Jehovah has created teach us about his love for us?
The atmosphere is one of Earth's wonderful natural systems, it contains a mixture of gases that sustain life, insulates the earth and prevents extreme temperatures that could kill life, protects against harmful radiation and objects that come from space, living beings depend on the atmosphere but they also contribute to its existence. When humans and animals breathe they absorb oxygen and return carbon dioxide to the air, plants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen.
Likewise, inanimate systems also help to renew and protect the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide trapped in rocks is recycled when volcanoes erupt and release it into the air.
And Earth's gravity keeps the atmosphere attached to its surface and the magnetic field prevents the solar wind from dissipating the atmosphere in space. Our home, the earth is a well equipped and protected place, it is a gift and a token of love.
What do these things that Jehovah has created teach us about his love for us?
Of all the forms of plant life on Earth, the most abundant is grass, found on all continents and covering more than a third of the planet. Grass serves as food Almost 70% of agricultural land is used for herbaceous crops, grass also serves as shelter.
Also, Bamboo is a type of grass that can grow more than 40 meters or 130 feet in height, so it is widely used as a construction material. The grass is used to make clothing, it is part of our daily life.
In addition, grass is just one of the many types of plants that Jehovah created to satisfy our needs, and Genesis 1:11 makes reference to them, “And the earth began to produce grass, vegetation that gives seed according to its kind and trees that give fruit whose seed is in it according to its kind. Then God saw that it was good. "
What do these things that Jehovah has created teach us about his love for us?
Temperatures in the Arctic can reach minus 50 “° C” degrees Celsius or minus 58 degrees Fahrenheit. However, the polar bear maintains its body temperature around 37 ° C degrees Celsius or 98 degrees Fahrenheit below zero. Which shows us that it is a marvel of thermal engineering, the transparent hairs of the polar bear reflect visible sunlight so that they appear white, its fur stays warm by retaining ultraviolet rays, the bear's skin is black and that contributes That this absorbs the retained heat, in addition the oils of its fur serve so that the bear stays warm and dry.
Now let's go from extreme temperatures to extreme depths, the depth of the Mariana Trench in the Pacific is greater than the height of the highest mountains, there are creatures that survive there despite the permanent darkness and the overwhelming pressure of the water. Fish that live in these depths have a high concentration of chemical in their cells that allows their proteins and membranes to perform their function correctly.
And something else we can mention is that Jehovah has designed these animals in a wonderful way so that they can survive, what does that teach us about how much the creator values us as mentioned in Matthew 6:26, “Look closely at the birds of the sky , because they do not sow, nor reap, nor gather into barns; nevertheless, their heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth more than them?.
What do these things that Jehovah has created teach us about his love for us?
From the moment we are born we perceive the world around us through our senses, thanks to touch we can feel loved and protected, we use it to explore and learn. The sounds communicate information to us, the fact that we have two ears allows us to locate the origin of the sounds.
And what can we say about the eyes? They perceive the wavelengths of light as a wide range of vivid colors, the images that each eye captures are combined into a single 3D image with which we better measure depths and distances.
What do these things that Jehovah has created teach us about his love for us?
We differentiate more than 10,000 odors through a small group of cells that detect microscopic particles suspended in the air. We can taste, see, smell, touch and hear in the same pleasant experience because all the senses converge in one place "The brain", this contains about 200,000 million nerve cells connected billions of tiny contacts.
The brain receives information from the senses and interprets it then associates the new information with what we already know and stores lasting memories, life is a very valuable gift that our loving creator has given us, as we can perceive it in Psalm 139: 14, “I will commend you because in a fear-inspiring way I am wonderfully made. Your works are wonderful, as my soul perceives very well ”.
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