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Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2021
Sunday, August 22, 2021
Jehovah spoke to Moses face to face, just as one man would speak to another (Ex. 33:11).
When Jehovah asked him to deliver the nation of Israel, Moses lacked self-confidence and told him several times that he did not feel qualified for this mission. In response, God showed him great compassion and helped him (Ex. 4: 10-16). As a result, Moses was able to give Pharaoh strong messages of condemnation. Later, he saw Jehovah use his power when he saved the Israelites and wiped out Pharaoh and his armies at the Red Sea (Ex. 14: 26-31; Ps. 136: 15). After Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt, they constantly complained. Throughout this time, Moses observed the enormous patience with which Jehovah treated the people he had delivered from slavery. --Psalm 78: 40-43. He was also a witness to his extraordinary humility, as Jehovah changed his mind when Moses asked him to (Ex. 32: 9-14). After the exodus, Moses came to have such a close relationship with Jehovah that it was as if he saw his heavenly Father (Heb. 11:27). w19.12 17 pars. 7-9
What did Jehovah say about King David?
King David was born into a nation dedicated to God. But he did not limit himself to following the religious traditions of his family. He became a friend of God himself, and Jehovah was especially fond of him. In fact, he said that David was a man who pleased his heart (Acts 13:22). How did David come to have such a close relationship with Jehovah?
What did David learn about Jehovah by observing creation?
David learned about Jehovah from creation. When he was young, he spent many hours in the fields tending his father's sheep. Perhaps that was when he began to meditate on what Jehovah had done. For example, when he looked at the night sky, he did not see only a blanket of stars, but also perceived the qualities of the one who created them. So he was motivated to write: “The heavens declare the glory of God; the heights proclaim the work of his hands ”(Ps. 19: 1, 2). He also saw the immense wisdom of Jehovah when he pondered how human beings are made. --Psalm 139: 14. In trying to understand the complexity of God's works, he felt insignificant (Ps. 139: 6).
What can we learn from meditating on creation?
What lesson do we learn? Let's pay attention to creation. Let us not settle for living on this beautiful planet that Jehovah has created; let us be fascinated by him. As we go about our daily activities, let's meditate on what everything around us teaches us about God: plants, animals, and people. In this way, every day will be filled with lessons about our loving Father (Rom. 1:20). And we will see the love we feel for him grow every day.
As Psalm 18 shows, what did David recognize?
David sensed Jehovah's help. For example, when he defended his father's sheep from a lion and a bear, he recognized that he was able to kill those wild animals thanks to divine help. When he defeated the giant Goliath, he saw clearly that Jehovah was leading him (1 Sam. 17:37). And he also became aware of Jehovah's intervention when he managed to escape from jealous King Saul (Ps. 18, caption). A proud person would have taken credit for all that. But David was humble, and so he was able to see the hand of Jehovah in his life (Ps. 138: 6).
What does David's example teach us?
What does your example teach us? That, in addition to asking Jehovah to help us, we should try to see how and when he does it. If we are humble and acknowledge our limitations, it will be very evident to us that Jehovah gives us what we lack. And each time we perceive his help, our friendship with him will grow stronger. This is what happened to Isaac, a brother from Fiji who has served Jehovah for many years. It says: “When I think about my life, I realize how Jehovah has helped me since I started studying the Bible. That makes it very real to me. "
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