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Let's search the scriptures every 2021
Monday, August 30, 2021
I have the strength for everything thanks to the one who gives me power (Phil. 4:13).
Jehovah made Moses become the deliverer of the nation of Israel. But when did Jehovah use him? Was it when Moses believed he was prepared because he was “created in all the wisdom of the Egyptians”? (Acts 7:22-25). No, Jehovah used him after teaching him to be meek and humble (Acts 7:30, 34-36). And that gave him the courage to present himself to Egypt's most powerful ruler (Exodus 9:13-19). As we can see, Jehovah uses those who display spiritual qualities and trust in the strength he gives them. Throughout history, Jehovah has used his servants in many ways. In our case, what will it make us be? Much depends on how hard we want to try (Colossians 1:29). With a willing attitude, Jehovah can make us preach with enthusiasm, be good teachers, comfort others, May we be skilled workers, understanding friends or whatever else is needed to fulfill your purpose. w19.10 21 par. 5; 25 par. 14
What did Abigail do and what did we learn from her example?
During the time King Saul pursued David and his followers, they needed help. On one occasion David's men asked for food from a wealthy Israelite named Nabal. They felt free to do this because they had protected their herds in the desert. But Nabal was selfish and didn't want to give them anything. This infuriated David, who went out to kill Nabal and all the men of his house (1 Sam. 25:3-13, 22). Then Nabal's beautiful wife, Abigail, intervened. This sensible woman showed great courage as she went to meet David, prostrated herself at his feet and asked him not to take justice with his hands and to consider himself guilty of blood. He tactfully advised him to leave the matter to Jehovah. Her humble words and wise actions moved David and made him see that Jehovah had sent her (1 Sam. 25:23-28, 32-34). Abigail cultivated qualities that made her useful to Jehovah. Likewise, Jehovah can use Christian women with tact and insight to strengthen their family and congregation (Prov. 24:3; Titus 2:3-5).
What did the daughters of Salum do, and who today imitate his example?
Many centuries later, the daughters of Shallum were among those whom Jehovah used to rebuild the wall of Jerusalem (Nehemiah 2:20; 3:12). Although Shallum was a prince, his daughters were willing to do this difficult and dangerous work (Nehemiah 4:15-18). Their attitude was very different from that of the important men of the Tekoites, who "did not want to stoop to work" (Neh. 3:5). Imagine the joy they felt when the works were completed in just fifty-two days (Nehemiah 6:15). Today there are sisters who enjoy participating in a special aspect of sacred service—the construction and maintenance of buildings dedicated to Jehovah. Your skills, enthusiasm and loyalty play a key role in the success of this endeavor.
As with Tabitha, how can Jehovah use us?
Jehovah encouraged Tabitha to do “many good works” and to help “those in need,” especially widows. - Acts 9:36. Because of his extraordinary generosity and kindness, many mourned his death. But they felt great joy when the apostle Peter resurrected her (Acts 9:39-41). What do we learn from Tabitha? That whether we are young or old, male or female, we can all do practical things to help our brothers (Hebrews 13:16).
How did Jehovah use a shy sister named Ruth, and what conclusion did she reach?
A shy sister named Ruth wanted to be a missionary. As a girl, she ran from house to house handing out tracts. Said, "I loved that piece." But it was very difficult for him to talk to people at the gates about the Kingdom of God. Despite her shyness, Ruth became a regular pioneer at age 18. In 1946, he attended the Watchtower Bible School of Gilead and served in Hawaii and Japan. Jehovah used him to bring the good news to many, many people in those places. After participating in the ministry for nearly eighty years, Ruth came to the following conclusion: “Jehovah has been my strength. This helped me to overcome my shyness. I firmly believe that Jehovah can use any Christian who trusts him.
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