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Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2021
Tuesday, September 21, 2021
I have found in David a man who pleases my heart (Acts 13:22).
How did David manage to have such a close relationship with Jehovah? He learned about Jehovah from creation. When he was young, he spent many hours in the fields tending his father's sheep. Perhaps that was when he began to meditate on what Jehovah had done. For example, when he looked at the night sky, he did not see only a blanket of stars, but also perceived the qualities of the one who created them (Ps. 19: 1, 2). He also saw the immense wisdom of Jehovah when he pondered how human beings are made. --Psalm 139: 14. In trying to understand the complexity of God's works, he felt insignificant (Ps. 139: 6). What lesson do we learn? As we go about our daily activities, let's meditate on what everything around us teaches us about God: plants, animals, and people. In that way, every day will be filled with lessons about our loving Father (Rom. 1:20). And we will see the love we feel for him grow every day. w19.12 19, 20 pars. 15-17
How does Hebrews 11:27 describe Moses' relationship with Jehovah?
After the exodus, Moses came to have such a close relationship with Jehovah that it was as if he saw his heavenly Father. --Read Hebrews 11:27. In fact, the Bible says: "Jehovah spoke to Moses face to face, just as one man would speak to another" (Ex. 33:11).
What must we do to get to know Jehovah well?
What does this teach us? That, in order to know Jehovah well, in addition to learning about his qualities, we must do his will. And what is your will today? The Bible responds: "May all kinds of people be saved and come to have an accurate knowledge of the truth" (1 Tim. 2: 3, 4). One way to do his will is by teaching other people about him.
Why do we get to know Jehovah better when we teach others about him?
As a general rule, we come to know Jehovah better when we teach others about him. For example, we see clear evidence of his compassion when he directs us to people who have a good attitude of heart (John 6:44; Acts 13:48). We witness the power of God's Word as our students overcome bad habits and begin to put on the new personality (Col. 3: 9, 10). And that Jehovah gives the people of the territory numerous opportunities to know him and to be saved is a test of his patience. --Rom. 10: 13-15.
According to Exodus 33:13, what did Moses ask for, and why?
Moses valued his friendship with Jehovah. Even after performing many miracles in God's name, he respectfully asked him to let him know him better (read Exodus 33:13). Moses was then in his 80s, but he knew that he still had much to learn about his loving heavenly Father.
What is one way to show that we value our friendship with God?
What lesson do we learn? That we should always value our friendship with Jehovah, no matter how long we have been serving him. One way to show this is by talking to him in prayer.
Why is prayer essential to know Jehovah better?
Strong friendships can only exist if there is good communication. Therefore, let us approach Jehovah, praying to him frequently, without any fear of telling him what we think and feel (Eph. 6:18). A sister from Turkey named Krista explains: “Every time I tell Jehovah what I think and see how he helps me, I love him more and trust him more. Seeing his answers to my prayers has helped me see him as my Father and my Friend ”.
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