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Congregation Bible Study (30 min.): Rr ch. 12 paras. 15-21.
"They will be my people"
15. How are the prophetic words of Ezekiel 37:26, 27 being fulfilled today?
Today, the anointed ones and the great multitude make up a single nation that make up “Jehovah's people,” who enjoy protection under God's tent.
We can understand that this prophecy of Ezekiel 37: 26,27, is what is happening. Today many people feel compelled to give God Pure Adoration in company with the Anointed, and according to the note these words remind us of what the Apostle John prophesied 700 years ago after Ezekiel, because referring to a great crowd the Apostle John said that "He who sits on the throne will spread his tent over them", which indicates that today the Anointed and the great crowd constitute a single nation or in other words make up "The people of God" and they enjoy of protection under your tent.
16. What did Zechariah predict about the union of spiritual Israel and Christians with earthly hope?
This group today represents the remnant anointed spiritual Jews, the "10 men" represent those who have earthly hope. They firmly hold on to the anointed and go with them. The expressions "will hold on tight" and "go with you" highlight the complete union of the two groups.
Concerning the union of spiritual Israel and Earthly hopeful Christians, Zacharias prophesied that men of all languages and nations would firmly hold on to the tunic of a Jew and say “We want to go with you because we have heard that God is with you. ”, And analyzing this expression“ A single Jew ”we can see that it is not referring to a single individual, but to a group of people, since this same text clarifies that idea by using the plural“ You ”. And this prophecy Means that the Jew is represented by the group of the rest of the Anointed or “The Spiritual Jews” and the 10 Men represent the group of those who have earthly hope and they firmly hold onto the anointed ones and go with them ,for the expressions "Hold on tight" and "Go with you" emphasize the complete Union of these two groups.
17. What words of Jesus reflect the unity we have today?
The words that Jesus said recorded in John 10:16, Possibly alluded to Ezekiel's unification prophecy, since by referring to himself as the shepherd of two groups that are his sheep, he was referring to “the anointed ones” and "The other sheep", since these two groups are under his charge and responsibility, which form "One flock". The explanation of Jesus and the words of the prophets of the past show splendidly the extraordinary unity that all his servants enjoy today, because no matter what our hope, unlike false religion, which has been divided into countless As groups, we live a true miracle: that is "Unity".
"My sanctuary" will be "forever in their midst"
18. According to Ezekiel 37:28, why is it very important for God's people not to be “part of the world”?
Jehovah's people are united because his sanctuary, his pure worship, is "in their midst." And their sanctuary will remain among them if they remain "sanctified," that is, separated from the world of Satan.
The text of Ezekiel 37:28 makes us see that it is very important for God's people not to be part of this world, since this prophecy highlights something very interesting, since it guarantees that our unity will never be broken, since the text mentions that their sanctuary or their Pure Adoration will be forever in their midst and that Jehovah sanctifies his people, that is, he separates them from the world of satan. And let's remember that Jesus always stressed to his disciples the importance of not being part of the world, and let us note that he related these two ideas: "that they be one" and that they "not be part of the world", which means that if "No" we are part of the world will be sanctified or separated from the world that satan rules.
19. a) How can we imitate God?
In Leviticus 11:45 he gives us the answer, because there it says that Jehovah is Holy, in other words he is mentioning that Jehovah is totally pure and righteous, that is why he ordered ancient Israel to remain holy and we imitate God obeying the command to keep ourselves holy, pure and upright in every aspect of our life.
And something interesting that the paragraph mentions is that when referring to human beings, Being holy conveys the idea of keeping separate from the impure. The Hebrew word for "holy" comes from a term that means "separate." Therefore, what is holy is departed from common use and is considered sacred, especially because of its clean and pure condition.
19. b) What important truth about unity did Jesus highlight the night before he died?
Jesus stressed that his disciples would always be united if they kept separate from this world that promotes division.
According to the Watchtower. Announcing Jehovah's Kingdom (Plain Language) 2014, Standing Together: It means loving our brothers, regardless of whether they are young or old. When we stick together, we follow Jehovah's instructions to his people and avoid separating ourselves from our brothers. We look for ways to encourage them and when they face difficult situations we are there to help them
"I ask you [...] to protect them from the Evil One"
20, 21. (a) What strengthens our confidence in Jehovah's protection?
What builds our confidence is seeing the wonderful unity seen among Jehovah's Witnesses across the earth. Also when we see that Satan has not been able to end the unity of God's people, it strengthens our confidence that Jehovah is directing his work and that we have his protection.
The Watchtower. Announcing Jehovah's Kingdom 2001 with the title “Strengthen Our Trust in Jehovah,” also shows that Jehovah is a truthful God, which means that he always keeps his promises. In fact, he says he "can't lie." Since Jehovah has reiterated time after time that he is willing to protect and save his servants, we can be absolutely convinced that he not only can, but wants to keep his promises.
20, 21. b) What is each of us expected to do?
Endeavoring personally to maintain our precious unity and keep ourselves engaged in giving pure worship to Jehovah in his spiritual temple.
And looking for additional information the March 2016 Study Watchtower with the title: »Let us Work-Together in Unity», encourages us to respect and obey those whom Jesus has appointed to lead it: the elders. This is not always easy, but we can confidently ask Jehovah for guidance. His holy spirit will help us enthusiastically support decisions made in the congregation. So if we ever find it difficult to obey the instructions we receive, let us remember that our humility will contribute to the unity of the congregation and to the growth of our affection for our brothers.
What important truth about pure worship does the two-suit prophecy highlight? (Ezek. 37:19).
Before answering that question, we must remember that this prophecy serves to illustrate how two groups would come together. And, above all, we have to highlight something very important, that this unity is the work of our creator Jehovah. So simply put, the important truth that this prophecy highlights is that Jehovah is the one who will make his servants "one."
How do we know that this unification prophecy would have its greatest fulfillment after 1914? (Ezek. 37:24).
In Ezekiel 37:24, we see that Jehovah revealed to his people at that time, that the unification prophecy would be fulfilled in a complete way, of course after his “servant David” referring to Jesus who became King, and this event was fulfilled in 1914.
At that time, most of those who made up that united group hoped to become kings and priests in heaven and in a symbolic way, these anointed Christians were like the stick "for Judah", for this nation included kings of the family of David and priests of the tribe of Levi. But, as the years passed, these spiritual Jews were joined by more and more Christians with earthly hope. These became like "the stick of Ephraim", a nation that did not include kings of the family of David, nor priests of the tribe of Levi. Then these two groups together form God's people and serve Jehovah together under the leadership of one King, Jesus Christ.
What can you personally do to maintain our valuable unit? (1 Pet. 1:14, 15).
Personally to maintain our valuable unity I am willing to imitate God, since in Leviticus 11:45 it says that Jehovah is Holy, in other words he is mentioning that Jehovah is totally pure and righteous, that is why he ordained ancient Israel to keep them holy and we imitate God by obeying the command to keep ourselves holy, pure and upright in every aspect of our lives.
And something interesting that the paragraph mentions is that when referring to human beings, Being holy conveys the idea of keeping separate from the impure. The Hebrew word for "holy" comes from a term that means "separate." Therefore, what is holy is departed from common use and is considered sacred, especially because of its clean and pure condition.
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