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1, 2. What difficulties do many Witnesses face?
THE APOSTLE Paul encouraged Timothy — and by extension all Christians — to fully fulfill his ministry (2 Tim. 4: 5). We all strive to follow this advice, but it is not always easy. A good number of our brothers need a lot of courage to go out and preach (2 Tim. 4: 2). Take, for example, those who live in places where our work is restricted or even prohibited. They put their freedom at risk every time they participate in ministry.
Jehovah's servants face a wide variety of problems that could discourage them. Many have to work long hours just to provide the basics for their family. They would like to do more in the ministry, but at the end of the week they have little energy left. Others may do little in Jehovah's service because of chronic illness or the infirmities of age; some may not even be able to leave their homes. And there are also those who struggle all the time with feelings of worthlessness. A Middle Eastern sister named Mary * says, “My struggle with negative feelings is so great that it leaves me emotionally drained. Afterwards I feel guilty because that robs me of the time and energy that I could dedicate to the ministry.
3. What will we analyze in this article?
Whatever problems we have, Jehovah will give us the strength to face them and continue to serve him as much as circumstances allow. In this article, we will discuss how Jehovah helps us. But first let's see how he strengthened Paul and Timothy to fulfill their ministry despite difficulties.
4. What difficult situations did Paul face?
Pablo faced many difficult situations. He needed strength especially when he was beaten, stoned, and thrown into prison (2 Cor. 11: 23-25). He had no problem admitting that he sometimes had to struggle with negative feelings (Rom. 7:18, 19, 24). Furthermore, he desperately asked God to remove a certain “thorn in the flesh” that he was suffering from (2 Cor. 12: 7, 8).
What helped Paul fulfill his ministry? (See paragraphs 5 and 6.) *
5. What did Paul achieve despite the difficulties?
Jehovah empowered Paul to carry out his ministry despite difficulties. Let's think about all that the apostle accomplished. For example, while under house arrest in Rome, he enthusiastically defended the good news to Jewish leaders and perhaps to some government officials (Acts 28:17; Philippians 4:21, 22). He also preached to the Praetorian Guard and to all who visited him (Acts 28:30, 31; Philippians 1:13). It was at this same time that God used Paul to write certain letters that have benefited Christians from that time to the present day. And, thanks to his example, the brothers in the congregation in Rome felt strengthened and showed “more courage to speak the word of God without fear” (Philippians 1:14). Although he could not always do as much as he wanted,
6. According to 2 Corinthians 12: 9, 10, what helped Paul fulfill his ministry?
Paul knew that everything he did in the service of Jehovah was not thanks to his own strength, but thanks to what God gave him. That is why he wrote that the power of God “is fully demonstrated in weakness” (read 2 Corinthians 12: 9, 10). Through his holy spirit, Jehovah empowered Paul to fulfill his ministry fully despite persecution, prison, and other problems.
Timothy has a scroll in his hands and is talking to several men older than him.
What helped Timothy fulfill his ministry? (See paragraph 7.) *
7. What problems did Timothy have to overcome to fulfill his ministry?
Young Timothy also depended on the power of God to fulfill his ministry. For example, he accompanied Paul on long missionary trips. In addition, the apostle sent him on other occasions to visit and encourage some congregations (1 Cor. 4:17). Perhaps Timoteo felt the assignment was too big for him. Perhaps that is why Paul told him, "Do not let anyone look down on your youth" (1 Tim. 4:12). On the other hand, at that time, Timothy also had a thorn stuck in the flesh, as the Bible says that he was frequently sick (1 Tim. 5:23). But Timothy knew that Jehovah's powerful holy spirit would give him the strength he needed to preach the good news and serve his brothers. --2 Tim. 1: 7.
8. How does Jehovah strengthen us today?
Today, Jehovah gives us “power beyond what is normal” so that we can continue to serve him faithfully. --2 Cor. 4: 7. Let's discuss four things that Jehovah has given us to strengthen us and help us to be faithful to him: prayer, the Bible, our brothers and sisters, and ministry.
A brother praying.
Jehovah gives us strength through prayer. (See paragraph 9.)
9. How does prayer help us?
The sentence. In Ephesians 6:18, Paul said, "Keep praying at all times." If we do, God will strengthen us. Jonnie, who lives in Bolivia, felt Jehovah's support when he went through various troubles. His parents and his wife fell seriously ill at the same time. It was very difficult for him to take care of all three. His mom passed away, and it took a long time for his wife and dad to recover from their illnesses. Jonnie recalls, "When pressure was crushing me, what always helped me was being specific in my prayers." Jehovah gave him the strength he needed to endure. In the same country, an old man named Ronald learned that his mother had cancer, and she passed away a month later. What helped you keep going? He recounts: “Prayer enables me to open my heart wide to Jehovah. I know he understands me better than anyone even than myself ”. We may feel overwhelmed at times or may not know what to say in our prayers, but Jehovah invites us to speak to him even if it is difficult for us to put our feelings into words. --Rom. 8:26, 27).
A sister reading the Bible.
Jehovah gives us strength through the Bible. (See paragraph 10).
10. According to Hebrews 4:12, why is reading the Bible and meditating on it so important?
The Bible. Like Paul, we can read the Scriptures for strength and comfort (Rom. 15: 4). When we read and meditate on a passage, Jehovah can use his spirit to help us understand how it applies to our situation. --Read Hebrews 4:12. Ronald, mentioned in the previous paragraph, says: “I'm glad I got into the habit of reading the Bible every night. I think a lot about Jehovah's qualities and the love with which he treats his servants. This helps me regain my strength ”.
11. How did the Bible strengthen a sister who was suffering?
Meditating on God's Word helps us see our problems from the right perspective. Let's look at the case of a sister who had been widowed. An old man suggested that she read the book of Job and said it would help her. When he did, his first reaction was to criticize Job for his thinking. In his head, he said: "Job, but how negative you are!". Then he realized that his own attitude closely resembled Job's. This helped her correct her point of view and gave her strength to deal with the pain of losing her husband.
A brother, several sisters and some children talk to each other and smile.
Jehovah gives us strength through our brothers. (See paragraph 12).
12. How does Jehovah use our brothers to strengthen us?
Our brothers. Jehovah also strengthens us through our brothers. Paul wrote that he was looking forward to seeing his godbrothers to encourage one another (Rom. 1:11, 12). Mary, mentioned in paragraph 2, loves being with other Christians. He recounts: “Jehovah has helped me through brothers and sisters who did not even know what I was going through. They gave me an encouraging comment or sent me a card, and that was just what I needed. It also helps me to talk with sisters who have been through similar situations and to learn from their experience. And the elders always make me feel that the congregation considers me valuable. "
13. How can we strengthen each other in meetings?
One of the best times to encourage each other is in meetings. When we attend, we can take the initiative to empower others by telling them that we love them and that we appreciate what they do. For example, before a meeting, an old man named Peter told a sister who does not have her husband in truth: “You can't imagine how excited we are to see you here. He always has his six children ready and with ready comments ”. Very grateful and with tears in her eyes, she replied, "You have no idea how much I needed to hear that today."
A sister preaching by letter.
Jehovah empowers us through ministry. (See paragraph 14)
14. What effect does preaching have on us?
The ministry. Preaching makes us feel good and comforts us, whether people heed the message or not (Prov. 11:25). A sister named Stacy found out for herself. When a relative of hers was expelled, she was devastated. He kept wondering if she could have done something else to help him. He could hardly think of anything else. What helped you to float? The ministry. As he went out to preach, he began to focus on the people in the territory who needed his help. He comments: “At that time, Jehovah gave me a Bible student who progressed very quickly, and that was very encouraging. What gives my life more stability is going out to preach ”.
15. What does what Mary said teach us?
We may feel that due to circumstances, we cannot do much in ministry. But let us remember that if we do our best, Jehovah will be happy with us. When Mary, mentioned earlier, moved to a different language congregation, it seemed to her that she could contribute almost nothing. He explains: "For a time, all I could do was offer a simple commentary or read a verse from the Bible or give a tract on preaching." Compared to those who spoke the language well, he felt very unhelpful. But then she corrected her thinking, realizing that Jehovah could use her regardless of her language limitations. He says, "The truths of the Bible are elegantly simple, and it is those truths that change people's lives."
16. What will give strength to those who are confined to their homes?
Even if we are confined to our home, Jehovah sees and values our desire to participate in the preaching work. You can open up opportunities to witness to those who care for us or medical staff. If we compare what we do now with what we could do before, we may collapse. But if we look at how Jehovah is helping us now, we will have the strength we need to endure any trial without losing joy.
17. As Ecclesiastes 11: 6 shows, why should we keep preaching even if we don't see immediate results?
We don't know which of the seeds of truth we sow can take root and begin to grow (read Ecclesiastes 11: 6). For example, a sister in her 80s named Barbara preaches regularly by phone and by letter. In one of the envelopes, he included The Watchtower of March 1, 2014, which has an article titled "What Has God Done for You?" Unknowingly, he sent the letter to a married couple who had ceased to be one of Jehovah's Witnesses. They read the magazine over and over again. The husband felt as if Jehovah was speaking directly to him. The two began attending the meetings again, and eventually — after more than 27 years — they became Witnesses again. Can we imagine how encouraged and empowered Barbara felt by seeing such positive results? And all thanks to a single letter!
Image Series: Four Ways Jehovah Strengthens Us. Images appear in this article between paragraphs 9 and 14.
Jehovah empowers us through 1) prayer, 2) the Bible, 3) our brothers and sisters, and 4) ministry. (See paragraphs 9, 10, 12 and 14.)
18. What must we do so that Jehovah gives us strength?
As we have seen, Jehovah provides us with many opportunities to receive his abundant power. Let us make good use of the things he has given us, such as prayer, the Bible, our brothers and the ministry. By doing so, we will show that we are confident that you have the ability and the desire to help us. Let us always lean on our heavenly Father, for he desires "to show his strength in behalf of those who serve him with a complete heart" (2 Chron. 16: 9).
Prayer and reading the Bible
Our brothers
The ministry
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