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1, 2. a) What did a sociologist write in a certain book? b) What will we analyze in this article?
Today millions of people say they believe in Jesus but do not accept what he taught (2 Tim. 4: 3, 4). In fact, in a certain book, a sociologist wrote: “If there were another Jesus among us today who said things the way Jesus said them…, would we reject Him as people did two thousand years ago? [...] The answer would be yes ”.
In the first century, many heard what Jesus taught and saw him perform miracles but refused to put their faith in him. Why? In the previous article we saw four reasons, and in this one we will see four more. We will also see why some reject Jesus' disciples today and what will help us not to stumble.
Jesus reclined at the table and eating with Matthew and other tax collectors. At the door there are several religious leaders murmuring.
Many rejected Jesus because of the people he associated with. What similar reason leads some to stumble today? (See paragraph 3). *
3. Why did some people reject Jesus?
When Jesus was on earth, he related to all kinds of people. He ate with the rich and powerful, but he also spent much of his time with the poor and underprivileged. In addition, he showed compassion to those whom many called sinners. Some proud people stumbled over what Jesus did. They asked his disciples, "Why do you eat and drink with tax collectors and sinners?" Jesus told them: “Those who are healthy do not need a doctor, but the sick do. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repent ”(Luke 5: 29-32).
4. According to what the prophet Isaiah said, what shouldn't the Jews have missed?
What does the Bible say? Long before the Messiah came to earth, Isaiah prophesied that the world would not accept him. He wrote: “He was a man despised and avoided by the people [...]. It was as if his face was hidden from us. He was despised, and we regard him as of no value ”(Isa. 53: 3). According to this prophecy, the Messiah would be “avoided by the people,” so first century Jews shouldn't have been surprised that Jesus was rejected.
5. What do many people think of Jesus' disciples?
Is it the same today? Yes. Many religious leaders love to welcome rich, intellectual, and important churchgoers in the community with open arms, regardless of whether their morality or lifestyle does not agree with what the Bible says. Those same religious leaders despise Jehovah's servants, who serve him enthusiastically and keep morally clean, because this world does not consider them important. As Paul said, God chose those who are despised (1 Cor. 1: 26-29). But all of his faithful servants are valuable to Jehovah.
6. What did Jesus say in Matthew 11:25, 26, and how can we follow his example?
What will help you avoid stumbling? (Read Matthew 11:25, 26). Don't let the world's opinion of God's servants affect you. Accept that Jehovah only uses those who are humble to do his will (Ps. 138: 6). And think of all that he has achieved using people who are neither wise nor intellectual to the world.
7. Why did Jesus call the Pharisees hypocrites, and how did they react?
Without any fear, Jesus denounced what the religious leaders of his time were doing. For example, he called the Pharisees hypocrites because they were more concerned with washing their hands than caring for their parents (Matt. 15: 1-11). Apparently, the disciples of Jesus were so surprised that they said to him: "Do you know that the Pharisees were offended when they heard what you said?" Jesus replied: “Every plant that has not been planted by my heavenly Father will be uprooted. So leave them. Blind guides is what they are. And if a blind man leads a blind man, they will both fall into a pit ”(Matt. 15: 12-14; note). Although the religious leaders were enraged at Jesus, he did not stop telling the truth.
8. How did Jesus show that God does not accept all religious beliefs?
Jesus also denounced the false teachings. He did not say that God accepts all religious beliefs. Rather, he said that many would go the broad path that leads to destruction, while only a few would go the narrow path that leads to life (Matt. 7:13, 14). He made it clear that some would claim to serve God, but in reality they would not. For this reason, he gave this warning: “Beware of false prophets, who approach you disguised as sheep but inside they are ravenous wolves. You will recognize them by their fruits ”(Matt. 7: 15-20).
Jesus driving some merchants out of the temple, who hasten to get their merchandise and animals out of the way.
Many rejected Jesus because he condemned false beliefs and practices. What similar reason leads some to stumble today? (See paragraph 9.) *
9. Name some of the false teachings that Jesus denounced.
What does the Bible say? A scriptural prophecy predicted that devotion to Jehovah's house would burn within the Messiah (Ps. 69: 9; John 2: 14-17). That devotion led Jesus to denounce false religious teachings and practices. For example, the Pharisees believed that the soul is immortal, but Jesus taught that the dead are sleeping (John 11:11). The Sadducees did not believe in the resurrection, but Jesus resurrected his friend Lazarus (John 11:43, 44; Acts 23: 8). And the Pharisees attributed everything to destiny and to God, but Jesus taught that humans can decide whether to serve God or not (Matt. 11:28).
10. Why does what we teach make many people stumble?
Is it the same today? Yes. Many people stumble because what we teach from the Bible exposes false religious ideas. Religious leaders teach people that God punishes the wicked in hell, and in this way they have them under their control. Those of us who serve Jehovah, a God of love, denounce this false teaching. Religions also teach that the soul is immortal. If this were true, the resurrection would not be necessary. But we teach that this is not a biblical belief. On the other hand, unlike many religions that believe in predestination, we teach that we all have freedom of choice and can decide whether to serve God. How do religious leaders react? They are often furious.
11. As Jesus said in John 8: 45-47, what does God expect of his servants?
What will help you avoid stumbling? If you love the truth, you must accept what God says (read John 8: 45-47). Unlike what Satan did, stay true to the truth and never betray your beliefs (John 8:44). God expects his servants to follow the example of Jesus, and so he tells them: “Hate what is bad; cling to what is good ”(Rom. 12: 9; Heb. 1: 9).
Jesus carrying his torture stake as Roman soldiers press him and many people watch.
Many rejected Jesus because he died on a tree. What similar reason leads some to stumble today? (See paragraph 12). *
12. Why did the way Jesus died make many Jews stumble?
What was another reason the Jews of Jesus' day stumbled? Paul said, "We preach Christ executed on the tree, something that for the Jews is an obstacle" (1 Cor. 1:23; note). Why was it a stumbling block for them? Because they thought that the fact that Jesus died on a tree was more like a criminal and a sinner than the Messiah (Deut. 21:22, 23).
13. What did those who rejected Jesus refuse to acknowledge?
The Jews who rejected Jesus did not want to acknowledge that he was innocent, that he was the victim of false accusations, and that he was treated unfairly. The trial of Jesus was a sham. The Jewish high court met hastily and did not respect legal procedures (Luke 22:54; John 18:24). Instead of impartially hearing the charges and the evidence, the judges themselves looked for "some false testimony against Jesus so that they would kill him." Since that didn't work, the high priest tried to get Jesus to say something that would make him guilty. This was totally illegal (Matt. 26:59; Mark 14: 55-64). And, after Jesus was resurrected, these corrupt judges paid "a good quantity of silver coins" to the Roman soldiers guarding his tomb to tell a lie to justify why it was empty (Matt. 28: 11-15) .
14. What was prophesied regarding the death of the Messiah?
What does the Bible say? Although many Jews in Jesus' day did not expect the Messiah to die, let's see what was already prophesied: “He poured out his life to death and was counted among sinners; He bore the sins of many people, and for sinners He interceded ”(Isa. 53:12). So the execution of Jesus as a sinner gave the Jews no reason to stumble.
15. What accusations made against Jehovah's Witnesses have caused some to stumble?
Is it the same today? Undoubtedly. Like Jesus, Jehovah's Witnesses have been wrongly accused and condemned. Let's look at some examples. In America, during the 1930s and 1940s, we had to go to court again and again to defend our right to worship God in freedom. Some judges openly demonstrated that they were prejudiced against us. In Quebec (Canada), the Church and the State joined forces to oppose our work. Many publishers were jailed just for telling others about the Kingdom of God. In Germany, many young faithful were assassinated by the Nazi regime. And, in recent years, many brothers in Russia have been convicted and imprisoned for speaking the Bible, something the authorities consider extremist activity.
16. As 1 John 4: 1 shows, why should we not be misled by the lies told about Jehovah's servants?
What will help you avoid stumbling? Find out the facts. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus warned that some people would lie and say “all kinds of bad things” about his disciples (Matt. 5:11). All those lies come from Satan. He sees to it that our enemies spread slander on those of us who love the truth (Rev. 12: 9, 10). Reject these lies and never let them scare you or weaken your faith (read 1 John 4: 1).
Many rejected Jesus because Judas betrayed him. What similar reason leads some to stumble today? (See paragraphs 17-18). *
17. What effect might the things that happened just before Jesus died have on some?
The night before he died, Jesus was betrayed by one of his 12 apostles. Another denied him three times, and they all forsaken him (Matt. 26: 14-16, 47, 56, 75). But this did not surprise him, as he had already said that this would happen (John 6:64; 13:21, 26, 38; 16:32). Seeing this, some may stumble and think, "If that's what the apostles of Jesus do, I don't want to be one of them."
18. What prophecies were fulfilled just before Jesus' death?
What does the Bible say? Centuries before Jesus came to earth, Jehovah had already said in his Word that the Messiah would be betrayed for 30 pieces of silver (Zech. 11:12, 13). The traitor would be one of his friends (Ps. 41: 9). Zechariah also wrote: "Smite the shepherd, and let the flock be scattered" (Zech. 13: 7). Sincere people would not reject Jesus for all these things. On the contrary, his faith would be strengthened when he saw that the prophecies had been fulfilled in him.
19. What do sincere people know?
Is it the same today? Yes. A few well-known Jehovah's Witnesses have left the truth, turned apostates, and tried to get others to do the same. Through the internet and the media, they have spread negative reports, half-truths and outright lies about us. But sincere people are not fooled. Rather, they know that the Bible predicted this would happen (Matt. 24:24; 2 Pet. 2: 18-22).
20. What will help you not to be fooled by those who have forsaken the truth? (2 Timothy 4: 4, 5).
What will help you avoid stumbling? Keep your faith strong by studying regularly, praying continually, and keeping busy in the work that Jehovah has entrusted us to do. --Read 2 Timothy 4: 4, 5. If you have faith, you will not panic when you hear negative reports (Isa. 28:16). Your love for Jehovah, his Word, and your fellow Christians will help you avoid being misled by those who have forsaken the truth.
21. What can we be sure of even though most people today reject our message?
In the first century, many stumbled and rejected Jesus. But many others accepted it. Among them were at least one member of the Sanhedrin and even "a large group of priests" (Acts 6: 7; Matt. 27: 57-60; Mark 15:43). Similarly, millions of people have decided to follow Jesus today. Why? Because they know the truths of the Bible and love them. God's Word says: “Those who love your law enjoy abundant peace; nothing will be an obstacle to them ”(Psalm 119: 165).
Why did the things that Jesus said and did make some people stumble?
Because he was impartial and related to rich and poor, without distinction. Because he was not afraid to denounce the false teachings that they accepted. For the way to die as a criminal. And even because he was betrayed.
Why do many people stumble today?
They stumble for similar reasons. Because we are not important or recognized from their point of view. Because we do not support the teachings that the Bible does not teach. For the accusations they have made against us. Because of the apostates.
What will help you avoid stumbling?
It will help us to see ourselves as Jehovah sees us.
Imitate Jesus and not the devil.
Investigate the facts.
Keep our faith strong.
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