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1, 2. a) What did a sociologist write in a certain book?
Well he said that if another Jesus came today and said the same words that Jesus said, asked a question, we would reject him just as people did 2000 years ago. The answer is yes.
And that does not surprise us because as the apostle Paul said in his second letter to Timothy, people would reject healthy teaching and would rather not listen to the truth than pay attention to false stories.
1, 2.b) What will we analyze in this article?
In the first century people rejected Jesus even though they saw the miracles perform, but last week there were four reasons this week there are going to be four more reasons why they rejected him because some today reject the disciples of Jesus and that will help us not to stumble.
3. Why did some people reject Jesus?
Why Jesus related to all kinds of people, whether they were rich or poor, in the account of Luke 5: 29-32 it is shown that Matthew made a banquet that invited Jesus and the tax collectors were there and these people were not very well regarded. They were sinful people, but Jesus gave him an interesting answer. He told him that he did not come to look for the righteous but for sinners, so even though Jesus did not tolerate the corruption of these people, what mattered to him was to help in a spiritual way.
We precisely see Jesus probably eating with some tax collectors whom the Pharisees considered sinners and we see at the doors watching the scene seeing annoyed indignant watching the banquet asking his disciples what Jesus does with that type of person, we see that they rejected him in Many occasions.
4. According to what the prophet Isaiah said, what shouldn't the Jews have missed?
He shouldn't have been surprised to be rejected, as the prophecy at Isaiah 53: 3 indicated so. According to this prophecy, the Messiah would be “despised and avoided by the people,” so first century Jews shouldn't have been surprised that Jesus was rejected.
5. What do many people think of Jesus' disciples?
They consider them insignificant because they are humble people, no matter if they are morally clean, they prefer people rich in intellectuals no matter that their morality or lifestyle is against what the bible teaches.
Yes, although certainly for the people of this world the servants of Jehovah are of little value and therefore they despise them, Jehovah as indicated by 1 cor. 1: 26-29 was the one who chose them, which shows that their way of seeing people is very different from that of being human.
6. What did Jesus say in Matthew 11:25, 26, and how can we follow his example?
Psalm 138: 6 corroborates the fact that Jehovah greatly values the humble person, unlike the world that considers humility to be a defect or a sign of weakness for Jehovah, it is not like that, it is what he looks for in his friends .
7. Why did Jesus call the Pharisees hypocrites, and how did they react?
He called them hypocrites because they were more concerned with details of the law that they themselves had imposed than with actually fulfilling it, an example is the one in Matthew 15: 1 to 11 where they criticized that his disciples did not wash their hands up to the elbow. Even instead of what Jesus Christ mentioned to them about honoring their parents of care, they preferred the strict fulfillment of the law not to see the principles that Jesus was wanting to see so that they would think in the way that Jehovah thinks.
There you can see their arrogance since instead of wondering why this man who knew so much about the law that he performed miracles told them that they were rather offended, it is that a typical trait of the person who carries pride that if they correct it he does not like it.
And that is why it is not surprising that Jesus even though they sought him out and were upset with him, he did not stop telling them the truth in verses 12 to 14 of chapter 15 we see precisely the words of Jesus when he called them blind that they lead other blind people and they would obviously fall into a hole.
8. How did Jesus show that God does not accept all religious beliefs?
Jesus Christ illustrated it with two roads, a wide road that leads to destruction and many are those who go along it and a road that leads to eternal life on that wide road, many religious leaders claim to have devotion to God but it is false.
Also in Matthew chapter 7 verse 15 onwards he spoke of false prophets and a warning, be careful with them and gave a certain characteristic that they were going to disguise themselves as sheep but some wolves were going to be wild and also mentioned that they were going to have fruits or their Religious belief was going to give certain results but that was going to be recognizable in this way. Jesus Christ is exemplifying the fact that they were going to see many religions but they were not going to have their approval.
9. Name some of the false teachings that Jesus denounced.
The Pharisees spoke of the soul being immortal but in the case of Jesus when he spoke of the condition of Lazarus he said that he was sleeping.
In the case of the Sadducees they did not believe in the resurrection and claimed this to die but in the case of Jesus he resurrected his friend Lazarus showing that this is an irrefutable truth.
And also the Pharisees attributed everything to destiny and to God.
Well there we see when Jesus takes the merchants out of the temple and he condemned the false beliefs and practices that they did in the temple and said that they would not accept that these robbers were in his father's house in this way.
As described by Psalm 69: 9, he says that it hurt him that all the things they were doing against his God burned inside him.
10. Why does what we teach make many people stumble?
Yes, because we expose their false teachings through the Bible, for example, religious leaders paint Jehovah in a cruel way that he punishes people in hell but we know that it is not like that once we know Jehovah we know that he is a God so loving that he wants us to get closer to him, he wants us to have his friendship and that is why we denounce this falsehood.
Well like Christ it is contradictory because people oppose us for the fact that we deny the fact that hell does not exist, but the person insist on believing that hell exists or for example predestination the teachings that we impart through The Bible thwarts this and because of that kind of congruent and refreshing logical information, people totally reject the message. What happened with Jesus Christ. The person who does not have good motivation will obviously reject the message.
Yes many consider that the resurrection does not exist and that the soul is immortal but the Bible we know that it speaks a lot about the resurrection, so if it is true that the soul was immortal then it would not make sense that the Bible would speak of the resurrection, then it is something that many people fail to understand, however we have been able to verify that the resurrection is a reality and that it will also happen in the future.
11. As Jesus said in John 8: 45-47, what does God expect of his servants?
Verse 47 at the end is clear we want to hear God's words and that is what it means is that we must accept what Jehovah says and that is what the Bible says in his word that is why it is important that we remain faithful that we do not betray his beliefs and that we come to think of how Jehovah detests what he detests and love what he really loves.
12. Why did the way Jesus died make many Jews stumble?
They thought that the fact that Jesus died on a tree was more like a criminal than God's own son, because in the law that was mentioned in Deuteronomy 21:22 and 23 whoever died on a tree was a criminal.
If the law said that everyone who has been hanged on a log has been cursed by God, then this was an obstacle for the Jews.
The image clearly reflects the moment when Jesus is forced to carry his own torture stake, the soldiers who are around him do so and we can see the face perhaps of astonishment and there are not many who are around Jesus because, because being there perhaps implied that they were supporting him to die like this on a tree and as the apostle Paul himself explained in his first letter to the Corinthians, for the Jews that was a stumbling block because they knew what the law said, so that Image recalls the rejection of much because Jesus died like this on a tree.
13. What did those who rejected Jesus refuse to acknowledge?
If they refused to acknowledge that Jesus was innocent and was treated unfairly and the reasons why that procedure was illegal, the case was treated at night and it had to be during the day and his questioning had to be public but it was in private, then we see that Jesus was treated unfairly.
The fact that the same judges who had to be impartial themselves looked for false witnesses to find ways to kill Jesus.
Even after Jesus resurrected these corrupt judges paid silver money to the Roman soldiers guarding his tomb to tell lies that would justify why the tomb where they had buried him was empty.
14. What was prophesied regarding the death of the Messiah?
Well, a long time Isaiah had prophesied that he would be counted among sinners and rather he said and carried the sins of many people and for sinners he interceded, so it was clear there was nothing because stumbling very differently from the Pharisees who tried to literally stick to the law and not to the more details that were the prophecies.
15. What accusations made against Jehovah's Witnesses have caused some to stumble?
In the United States, a country of freedom, however, during the thirties and forties of the 20th century, we had to go to court more than once to defend our right to worship Jehovah and in freedom the judges were prejudiced against us.
Yes also the church and the state joined forces to put themselves to our work, even many publishers were imprisoned just for speaking to others about the Kingdom of God.
If in Germany many young faithful were assassinated by the Nazi regime. Well, more recently, we all know what has happened to those brothers who have been condemned and imprisoned simply for talking about the Bible and even declared an extremist, the new Bible, the translation of the new world for bearing the name Jehovah.
16. As 1 John 4: 1 shows, why should we not be misled by the lies told about Jehovah's servants?
Good because as we knew our Lord Jesus Christ had warned us that many people would do this that they would lie and that they would say many terrible things about us but he had also helped us to understand that those came from Satan the devil and that is why then in This letter from John says and warned them that many false prophets would appear in the world and he knew it because he was the last of the Apostles who was alive and he knew that he exerted a restriction for apostasy.
If, as Revelation mentions, Satan is misled deceiving the entire inhabited Earth and verse 10 says because the accuser of our brothers has been thrown down, then that is one of the roles that he plays as the accuser of our brothers.
17. What effect might things that happened just before Jesus died have had on some?
And once one of his 12 apostles betrays him, another denies him three times, others left, so many would think well if that is what the apostles of Jesus do, I don't want to be one of them, so this made many not believe in the.
The image helps us understand the dramatic tension of the moment. It is hard for us to believe that an intimate associate of Jesus did this as a kiss betrays him, it is like to stumble unless we have the truth in our hearts and believe in Jesus.
18. What prophecies were fulfilled just before Jesus' death?
It mentions that the Messiah would be betrayed by 30 pieces of specific silver, also that he would be betrayed by one of his friends as mentioned in Psalm 41: 9 and in Zechariah 13 it is also said I will hurt the shepherd and the flock will be scattered so we see that they were fulfilled various prophecies and in detail.
Then everything would depend on how they saw the events that were taking place, if they had a spiritual point of view they could instead of collapsing their faith be strengthened by knowing that each of those prophecies were being fulfilled.
19. What do sincere people know?
Well, very few known Jehovah's Witnesses have left the truth and then have become apostates, they have tried to deceive others and separate them from the faith through the internet, the media have spread negative reports and blatant lies about us but we know that they are lies and the Bible also predicted that this would occur.
Yes Then in this historical parallel we can be equally in their position Matthew 24:24 says that false christs and false prophets will be presented in second Peter 2: 18-22 says that the dog returns to its vomit that the sow returns to its mud, then we already know that there may be brothers who leave the organization and become apostates and want to take us with them, then what our position will be, well if we are sincere if we know what the Bible says then that is not going to happen to us.
20. What will help you not to be fooled by those who have forsaken the truth? (2 Timothy 4: 4, 5).
Faith, and it is not by chance that we are seeing that spectacular assembly that will help us to be powerful in faith, because if we have faith we will not panic when we hear that negative report or someone who wants to distance us from Jehovah because our faith will be strong and clinging to Jehovah.
If the text also says something interesting: say you also keep your good judgment in all things and all these things are the regular study of prayer and keep us busy in preaching all this will help us not to stumble rather keep us with a strong faith .
And it is that when we do this the voice of our father Jehovah becomes more familiar to us, so it becomes easier for us to immediately detect any stranger.
21. What can we be sure of even though most people today reject our message?
If we join with the millions of brothers and others who are studying the Bible who have decided to accept Jesus as the Messiah the son of God, we recognize that truth and do not let go and because we love the attractive personality of Jehovah, the truth of the Bible reflects his personality and that attracts us more towards him and we are sure that he will give us the reward.
So far we have seen 8 reasons why people rejected Jesus Christ but we more than reject those reasons bring us closer to Jesus Christ because we have had the opportunity to see the biblical foundation they have and the divine biblical wisdom behind it, so that the Bible truth makes people separate to us unites us.
Why did the things that Jesus said and did make some people stumble?
If some people stumbled because perhaps they felt unmasked by their human ideologies and not by the ideologies of the Bible or by biblical teachings and others because they did not take the time to examine the facts and verify that they are actually prophecies in full fulfillment.
Why do many people stumble today?
For the same reasons that those people stumbled when they saw Jesus doing all those works, many today, because they do not want to analyze the prophecies, do not want to pay attention to what false religious ideas imply, feel uncomfortable when these lies are discovered in the light of the Bible and in other cases because it also makes them stumble the fact that we are not like the majority that they expect to be the servants of God, then all these things make them stumble and they do not want to put faith in Jesus.
What will help you avoid stumbling?
Having a strong love for Jehovah to the Bible and to the brothers in the congregation, for that it is necessary to acquire knowledge, to study very regularly, to pray, and to keep busy in the preaching work.
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