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1. What example did Jesus set for his disciples, and what did they do?
Jesus was always positive in his ministry. And although his disciples were too, this enthusiasm died down for a time after his arrest and death. Yet after resurrecting and encouraging them, they preached with such enthusiasm that their enemies complained, "They have filled Jerusalem with their teachings."
And it is noteworthy that this enthusiasm did not wane despite the fact that the circumstances became difficult, according to Acts 5:28 they even received threats from the supreme court, however they continued to preach, their attitude showed that they had followed the example of Jesus .
Jesus set the best example for them, He inspired them with His example, He was very positive, which was contagious.
When He died they became so discouraged that they stopped preaching, but seeing Him risen was such a positive impact that it prompted them to give their lives for preaching with the hope of resurrection in mind.
2. How has Jehovah blessed preaching?
Jehovah has blessed preaching by making many people accept the message. Thanks to this, on Pentecost in the year 33, some 3,000 people were baptized. And the number of disciples continued to grow. And according to what Jesus said, such growth would continue on a larger scale to this day.
Jesus directed the preaching of first-century Christians, and with Jehovah's blessing many people accepted his message. For example, on Pentecost in the year 33, some 3,000 were baptized (Acts 2:41).
The number of disciples has continued to increase tremendously.
3, 4. a) Why can preaching be difficult in some places?
It can be difficult because in some parts of the world, it is not so easy to find people in their homes, and those who do find have little interest in the Bible.
In other parts of the world, publishers do not have it so easy, finding few people in their homes, and those they do find may have little or no interest in the Bible. There are extremely dangerous territories.
b) What will we analyze in this article?
We will analyze what some brothers have done to be able to continue being positive in the ministry even if people do not respond well.
We will analyze what some brothers have done to be able to speak with more people and why we can continue to be positive in the ministry even if people do not respond well.
5. What difficulties do many Witnesses have?
Many find it difficult to talk to people in buildings with high security or access control. So you cannot enter without an invitation. Others preach in areas where it is possible to enter but few people are found. And there are also those who preach in rural or isolated areas, where few people live.
Many Witnesses find it increasingly difficult to talk to people in their homes. Some live in areas where there are many high-security apartment buildings or gated communities.
There may be a doorman or a security guard who will not let anyone in who has not been invited by one of the residents.
In other places, siblings can go from house to house without much problem, but they find few people. There are also publishers who preach in rural or isolated areas, where few people live.
They may have to travel long distances to talk to someone, and when they arrive, it turns out that they are not at home.
6. How is preaching like fishing?
Yes, just as a fisherman can go days without catching a single fish, but he does not give up, he adapts. Changing times, places, or methods. We can do the same in ministry.
A fisherman can go days without catching a single fish, but he does not give up, he adapts
Change the times, places, or methods.
In areas where it is difficult for us to find people in their homes, let's try preaching at different times, in different places, or with different methods. (See paragraphs 7-10). *
7. What can happen if we preach at different times?
We may be able to talk to more people. Hence, many preach in the afternoon or evening because they meet more people and even notice that people are more relaxed and more willing to talk. Others, like Brother David, when he has been preaching in a territory for a while, he and his companion knock again on the doors where no one opened the first time, achieving good results.
It is certain that we will be able to talk to more people at home. After all, everyone goes home sooner or later. Many brothers preach in the afternoon or evening because they find more people.
Also, at such times, people may be more relaxed and want to talk more. Or we can try to do the same as an old man named David. When a little while they preach in a territory, he and his companion knock again on the doors where no one opened the first time.
A marriage preaching. At the first door, they do not find the man who lives there because he is at work. Later, they manage to talk to him by visiting him again at dusk.
In areas where it is difficult for us to find people in their homes, let's try preaching at different times. (See paragraphs 7 and 8).
8. How can we apply Ecclesiastes 11: 6 in ministry?
Ecclesiastes 11: 6 encourages us not to give up. And David's experience also in a certain house, and talking about the Bible, the Lord told him that he had lived in that house for 8 years and it was the first time that he had seen a Jehovah's Witness at his door. So persistence certainly pays off.
We must continue to preach at all times or moments that we can, the paragraph mentions David who after many attempts managed to find someone who had a certain interest in the Bible.
By finding someone at home we may have good conversations, and who knows, maybe a progressive Bible course.
The same couple cannot find a woman at home because she is on a medical appointment at the hospital. Later, they manage to talk to her by preaching with the carts near the hospital.
In areas where it is difficult for us to find people in their homes, let's try preaching in different places. (See paragraph 9.)
9. What do some brothers do to talk to people they cannot find at home?
The brothers preach where the people are, for example on the streets and with carts. In parks, in markets and in business areas. Others like Brother Floiran go to markets and stores between 1:00 and 3:00 in the afternoon, when the vendors are less busy. Achieving good conversations and new Bible courses.
Some publishers have tried preaching in different places to talk to people they cannot find at home. For example, in areas where there are large buildings where you cannot preach from house to house, preaching on the streets and with carts has paid off. Thanks to this, the brothers can talk face to face with people who were previously impossible to reach.
Many publishers have also noted that people are more willing to speak or accept publications in parks, markets, and business areas.
The same couple cannot find a woman at home because she is in the supermarket. Later, they manage to talk to her on the phone.
In areas where it is difficult for us to find people in their homes, let's try preaching with different methods. (See paragraph 10).
10. What methods can we use to talk to everyone?
We can vary the method, we can write them letters telling them in the letter what we would say to them in person. In this way, we will cover our territory, and we will reach everyone with the character.
A sister named KatarĂna recounts: "I write letters to those who I cannot find at home and I tell them what I would have told them in person." What does this teach us? That we must try different methods in order to reach all the people in the territory.
We can go door to door and if we can't find anyone we can leave a nice letter and maybe our email or contact information.
11. Why don't some people want to hear our message?
Some think they don't need to learn about God or the Bible. Others do not believe in God because of the suffering in the world and there are those who reject the Bible because they have seen the hypocrisy of many religious leaders. There are also those who are so focused on their work, their family, or their problems that they don't realize that the Bible can help them.
There are countless reasons, they think they don't need to learn about God or the Bible. They may not believe in God because of all the suffering in the world and they may reject the Bible because they see that religious leaders do not practice what they preach.
Others are so focused on their work, their family, or their problems that they don't realize that the Bible can help them. It is shocking that we show good judgment and prudence and not give a reason and anger to the householder.
12. How can we apply Philippians 2: 4 in ministry?
Philippians 2: 4 encourages us to be interested in people. We must see beyond your answer. Showing interest in knowing why they think that way can cause the person to change their attitude. Perhaps you will remember how we made them feel, and that interest that we showed you will make a big difference and they will accept another time.
David, mentioned earlier, says, "If someone says they are not interested, we put away the Bible or the publications and try to find out why they think that way." people notice when someone cares about them. They may forget what we said, but they will surely remember how we made them feel. Even if the person does not allow us to speak, we can show with our attitude and our gestures that we are interested in them.
Our objective is not to harass people, they have the right not to want to listen to us, but if we continue to insist, we would be falling into disobedience and giving cause for stumbling.
13. How can we make our message more practical for people?
We can do it by adapting our message. If we notice that people have children, we can tell them about the advice from the Bible to raise children or to have a happier family. If the person sees the practical value of the Bible, and how it benefits him, he will surely be interested in the message.
Adapting our message to make it more practical and attractive to them. For example, do we see anything to indicate that the person has a child? Parents may be interested in advice from the Bible for raising children or for a happier family. What if we see that there are several locks on a door? We can talk to the person about crime and insecurity in the world, and explain that these problems will disappear forever. In any case, every time someone listens to us, let's try to make them understand how the Bible can help them.
Valuing and appreciating the truth can help us express ourselves.
14. According to what Proverbs 27:17 says, how does accompanying preach benefit us?
Proverbs 27:17 reminds us of the good effects of good company. We can learn from our partner and this in turn can learn from us, we can also improve our preaching methods, just like Shawn's brother we can review the presentation we did and see how we can do better next time.
We can learn a lot from the experience of the brothers in the congregation, and we also take care of each other, these are dangerous times.
Many go over with their partner on how to improve their presentations or what they said and it has paid off.
15. Why is it so important that we pray when we go to preach?
Since prayer allows us to pray to Jehovah and ask for the Holy Spirit, we should always pray before we preach. Only with his blessing as shown in Psalm 127: 1 can we be successful. Once we pray, let's do our part and preach to as many people as we can.
Without the help of his powerful holy spirit, we could do nothing (Ps 127: 1; Luke 11:13). When we ask Jehovah for help, let us be specific. For example, let's ask him to help us find anyone who has the right attitude and wants to listen. Then let's do our part and preach to as many people as we can.
We go like sheep in the midst of wolves.
16. Why is personal study so necessary to be successful in ministry?
Because personal study will allow us to convince ourselves that we have the truth. And the more convinced we are, the more confident we will speak in the ministry and that in turn will allow us to enjoy preaching even more.
The word of God says: "See for yourselves what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God" (Rom 12: 2). The more convinced we are of the truth about God, the more confidently we talk about it in ministry.
Many have doubts, but by studying they find true joy and enjoy their ministry.
17. Why did Jesus maintain a positive attitude in his ministry?
Because he focused on the value of his message, he knew that people needed to know the truth. He also knew that some people would change their attitude over time, as happened with his brothers, they never put faith in him, but it was enough for him to die and rise again for them to become believers, so seeing things from the right perspective helped him maintain the positive attitude.
He knew that people needed to know the truth and he wanted to help as many people as possible. He also knew that some people who had not initially wanted to hear the Kingdom message would eventually accept it. That was the case with his own family. During the three and a half years that Jesus was preaching, none of his brothers became his disciple (John 7: 5).
18. Why do we keep preaching?
Because we don't know who will end up accepting the biblical truths that we teach. Some people take longer than others. Even those who don't want to listen to us notice our positive attitude, and in time they may "bring glory to God."
Because the time has not yet come for God to say: "enough is enough", without a doubt that 100 years ago our predecessors did not imagine the scope of the world work, and we are living a transcendental stage of the work.
As happened with the family of Jesus, it happens in our days, we do not know who will respond to the message, the door is still open, but little by little it is closing.
19. According to 1 Corinthians 3: 6, 7, what should we recognize?
We must recognize in harmony with 1 cor. 3: 6,7 that it is God who makes it grow. Our task is to continue to carry out the work that Jehovah entrusted to us.
Although we plant and water, we must recognize that it is God who "makes it grow."
A brother from Ethiopia named Getahun says “For more than 20 years, I was the only witness in a territory where people rarely preach. But now there are 14 publishers. 13 have already been baptized, including my wife and our 3 children. The meetings are attended by an average of 32 people.
20. In what way are we like a rescue team?
Just as a team of rescuers goes in order to help a group of people trapped in a mine, but only a few manage to find people alive, everyone's work is important. The same is true in preaching: we do not know how many people can still be rescued from Satan's world, but Jehovah can use any of us to help them.
When we preach, we are like members of a rescue team sent to free a group of people who have been trapped in a mine. Even if only a few rescuers find people alive, everyone's work is important. The same is true in preaching: we do not know how many people can still be rescued from Satan's world, but Jehovah can use any of us to help them. Andreas, who lives in Bolivia, says "I know that when someone knows the truth and is baptized, it is thanks to the work of many people." So let's strive to remain positive in ministry.
What can we do to talk to people who are hard to find in their homes?
We can try at another time, change places, for example we can go to places where if there are people, there are people like parks, streets, or we could even change the method, write them letters telling them what we would say if we talked to her face to face, you can have a very good result.
Let's change the hours.
Let's change the places.
Let's change the methods.
How can we help people who at first seem unwilling to hear biblical truths?
We can help them by showing interest. Adapting our message, talking about topics that might interest you. We can use our partner to tell us how to improve, we can pray to Jehovah to tell us how to improve, we can pray to Jehovah to give us his holy spirit and we must also take time for our personal study because that will allow us to speak with more conviction.
Let's show interest in people.
Let's take advantage of the help of others.
Let us ask Jehovah for help.
Let's take time for personal study.
Why do we continue to be positive in ministry?
Because we don't know who will end up accepting the Biblical truths that we teach. Some people take longer to respond positively. Furthermore, we remember that it is God who makes that seed grow. And finally, because this is a lifesaving work, Jehovah can use any of us to help someone.
We have found a valuable pearl that has transformed our lives, thanks to Jehovah we have a true purpose and a real hope, we have peace in the midst of a dying world, and we remain obedient as long as God does not say "enough is enough", we know that there are still some to find.
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