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1, 2. a) What did a sociologist write in a certain book?
A sociologist wrote about Jesus that without actuality someone like Jesus existed and said things just as he said them. He posed this question: Would we reject him the way people did 2000 years ago? The answer is a resounding yes, because as we know in the first century, many heard what Jesus taught and saw him perform miracles but refused to put their faith. in the.
He wrote that "If there were another Jesus among us today who said things just as he said them, we would reject him just as people did two thousand years ago."
1, 2.b) What will we analyze in this article?
We will look at 4 reasons why many refused to put their faith in Jesus in the past. and also because some reject their disciples today and that will help us not to stumble.
We will look at four more reasons why many people refused to put faith in Jesus even though they heard him and saw miracles work. And, we will also see why some reject Jesus' disciples today and what will help us not to stumble.
3. Why did some people reject Jesus?
They rejected him for a very valuable quality that he demonstrated "Fairness." he related to the rich and the poor, the righteous and the sinners. That was something that many did not understand, because it bothered them to see him eat with people with a bad reputation, so that led us to stumble.
They rejected Jesus because He was impartial. He related to all kinds of people: the rich, the powerful, the poor, and the underprivileged. Something very outstanding about him was that he showed compassion to those who many called sinners, because of this, the proud scribes and Pharisees stumbled and even asked his disciples why did they eat and drink with tax collectors and sinners? Jesus answered them "that he had not come to call the righteous, but sinners, so that they may repent."
Jesus reclined at the table and eating with Matthew and other tax collectors. At the door there are several religious leaders murmuring. Many rejected Jesus because of the people he associated with. What similar reason leads some to stumble today? (See paragraph 3).
4. According to what the prophet Isaiah said, what shouldn't the Jews have missed?
He shouldn't have been surprised to be rejected, as the prophecy at Isaiah 53: 3 indicated so. According to this prophecy, the Messiah would be “despised and avoided by the people,” so first century Jews should not have been surprised that Jesus was rejected.
According to the prophecy of Isaiah 53: 3, most people would consider the Messiah "as of no value" and would be "avoided by the people", so the first century Jews should not have been surprised that Jesus was "despised and rejected" .
5. What do many people think of Jesus' disciples?
They consider them insignificant because they are humble people, no matter if they are morally clean, they prefer people rich in intellectuals no matter that their morality or lifestyle is against what the bible teaches.
Yes, although certainly for the people of this world the servants of Jehovah are of little value and therefore they despise them, Jehovah as indicated by 1 cor. 1: 26-29 was the one who chose them, which shows that their way of seeing people is very different from that of being human.
Most people despise Jehovah's servants because they do not consider us important, they rejected us because we strive to serve him as He commands us and we keep ourselves morally clean. But we know that Jehovah chooses those who are despised and we are all valuable to him.
6. What did Jesus say in Matthew 11:25, 26, and how can we follow his example?
Psalm 138: 6 corroborates the fact that Jehovah greatly values the humble person, unlike the world that considers humility to be a defect or a sign of weakness for Jehovah, it is not like that, it is what he looks for in his friends .
In this text, Jesus praises Jehovah because "he has revealed the valuable truths to little children, that is to humble people, but he has hidden them from the intellectuals and wise men of this world." This should make us reflect and not allow us to be affected by the opinions of the people of the world, rather, it should motivate us to strive to always be humble since Jehovah uses us to do his will but the proud, wise and intellectual of this world " he sees them from afar "as Psalm 138: 6 says.
7. Why did Jesus call the Pharisees hypocrites, and how did they react?
He called them that because it was more important for them, for example, to wash their hands than to take care of their parents, His own teachings about what they considered fair was more important than what the Law actually taught. So the reaction to what Jesus told them was in the Law was simply to stumble.
Jesus called the Pharisees "hypocrites and blind guides" for their false teachings and wrongdoing. For example, they were more concerned with complying with the ceremonial cleansing rite of washing their hands than with caring for their parents. In doing this they placed more importance on traditions and ignored God's commandments. Because of this, Jesus was indignant with them and called them hypocrites. Their reaction was to get angry with Jesus, but despite that he did not stop telling them the truth and denouncing them.
8. How did Jesus show that God does not accept all religious beliefs?
He showed them clearly when he said that many would go the broad path that leads to destruction, while only a few would go the narrow path that leads to life. Showing that some would claim to serve God, but in reality they would not.
Jesus in Matthew 7: 13,14 said: that "there are only two roads, one is narrow that leads to life, and the other is wide that leads to destruction", So our way of living and our worship shows if we are serving God in the right way. Also, in Matthew 7: 15-20, he gave a clear warning saying to "beware of false prophets who are disguised as sheep but are actually ravenous wolves exposed by their bad fruits." This shows us that Jehovah does not accept all religious beliefs.
9. Name some of the false teachings that Jesus denounced.
Jesus denounced the falsehood of the immortality of the soul, a belief that the Pharisees defended, he taught that the dead are sleeping. With the resurrection of Lazarus he also demonstrated that the resurrection is a correct teaching, although many denied it. He also taught that destiny does not exist, everyone decides whether to serve God or not.
Three of these false teachings are mentioned in the paragraph:
1) The Pharisees believed that the soul is immortal, but Jesus, when Lazarus died, taught and said that "the dead are sleeping."
2) Another religious sect, the Sadducees, did not believe in the resurrection, but Jesus by "resurrecting his friend Lazarus" showed how real this hope is.
3) The Pharisees attributed everything to destiny and to God, but Jesus in Matthew 11:28 taught that "if we decide to follow him our burdens will be lightened", which shows us that every human being can decide whether to serve God or not.
Jesus driving some merchants out of the temple, who hasten to get their merchandise and animals out of the way. Many rejected Jesus because he condemned false beliefs and practices. What similar reason leads some to stumble today? (See paragraph 9.) *
10. Why does what we teach make many people stumble?
Because it does not agree with what they have always believed and with what they themselves teach. Beliefs like hellfire make people scared and put under their control, so hearing that it is a false teaching that the Bible does not support makes them angry and instead of rectifying they stumble.
They stumble because what we teach from the Bible exposes false religious ideas. For example, most religious leaders teach that the soul is immortal, that God punishes the wicked in hell, and that we are predestined, but all of these teachings are unbiblical. When we show them what the Bible really teaches they don't like it and they get mad at us.
11. As Jesus said in John 8: 45-47, what does God expect of his servants?
Jehovah expects his servants to imitate Jesus and not Satan. Satan, did not stay true to the truth, and betrayed his beliefs. Jesus no, he was willing to defend the truth, until the end of his life, just as we must.
Jehovah expects his servants to love the truth and accept it. For this reason, in these texts, Jesus said: "that he spoke the truth" and "he who is of God hears the words of God hears the words of God". So, we must follow the example of Jesus and stay true to the truth.
12. Why did the way Jesus died make many Jews stumble?
Because they thought that the fact that Jesus died on a tree was more like a criminal and a sinner than the promised Messiah.
In 1 Corinthians 1:23 it says that "Jesus dying on the tree was an obstacle to the Jews," because to them the way someone died revealed the kind of person they had been. So according to this, for them Jesus was a vile criminal, a sinful man, and it was not fitting that he was the Messiah.
Jesus carrying his torture stake as Roman soldiers press him and many people watch. Many rejected Jesus because he died on a tree. What similar reason leads some to stumble today? (See paragraph 12).
13. What did those who rejected Jesus refuse to acknowledge?
They refused to admit that he was innocent, that he was the victim of false accusations and that he was treated unfairly.
They sought false testimony against Jesus so that they would kill him. And then when they saw that he was resurrected they tried to hide it, instead of acknowledging that he was indeed the son of God. They refused to acknowledge it.
They did not want to acknowledge that Jesus was innocent, that he was the victim of false accusations, that he was treated unjustly and that legal procedures were not respected, rather, the judges themselves looked for "some false testimony against Jesus so that they would kill him." And after he was killed and Jesus was resurrected, these corrupt judges paid "a good deal of money" to the Roman soldiers guarding his tomb to tell a lie to justify why it was empty.
14. What was prophesied regarding the death of the Messiah?
It was prophesied that he would be counted among sinners. So the execution of Jesus as a sinner gave the Jews no reason to stumble. It must have been a reason to believe in him.
In Isaiah 53:12 the prophecy said that "the Messiah would lay down his life until death and would be counted among sinners." So, Jesus' execution as a sinner was already predicted and gave the Jews no reason to stumble.
15. What accusations made against Jehovah's Witnesses have caused some to stumble?
We have been falsely accused before judges who show that they have prejudices against us, on occasions Church and State have united just to oppose our work, some brothers are imprisoned just for talking about the kingdom, and we have also been accused of being extremists. and the bible. That has caused many to stumble.
For example, in the United States, during the 1930s and 1940s, we had to go to court again and again to defend our right to worship God in freedom. Also, in Canada, church and state came together to oppose our work and many publishers went to jail for preaching. In Germany, many young faithful were assassinated by the Nazi regime. And, in recent years, in Russia many of our brothers have been convicted and imprisoned for speaking of the Bible, they say that this is an extremist activity, they have even banned the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures because it contains the name Jehovah.
16. As 1 John 4: 1 shows, why should we not be misled by the lies told about Jehovah's servants?
Because for a long time we were warned that this would happen, so we must rather investigate the facts, we must put everything we hear to the test, it is necessary that we reject those lies, only in this way will we protect our faith.
We must not be fooled because behind this trap is Satan, who uses "many false prophets of this world" to slander and spread these lies, in order to scare us and weaken our faith. It is best to follow the advice in 1 John 4: 1 that says "Let us put the inspired messages to the test to see if they come from God."
17. What effect might the things that happened just before Jesus died have on some?
Everything that happened, for example one of his 12 apostles betraying him, another denying him 3 times and the others abandoning him, could have made some stumble, however, it was not like that, many were not surprised, because he I had already said that this would happen.
Before dying Jesus was betrayed by Judas, Peter denied him three times and all the other apostles abandoned him. This could trip some up and cause it to have a negative effect, because they might think that "if that's what the apostles of Jesus do, it is best not to be one of them."
18. What prophecies were fulfilled just before Jesus' death?
Shortly before he died, Zechariah 11: 12,13 was fulfilled, which indicated that he would be sold for 30 pieces of silver. Also Psalm 41: 9 which indicated that the betrayal would be on the part of one of his friends. And Zechariah 13.7 that said that his disciples would be scattered once he died.
For example, Zechariah 11: 12,13 prophesied that "the Messiah would be betrayed for 30 pieces of silver." In Psalm 41: 9 it says that this traitor would be "one he trusted" or one of his friends. And, in Zechariah 13: 7 the prophet wrote: that by "striking the shepherd, the flock would be scattered." The fulfillment of these prophecies should have strengthened the faith of sincere people, but it was the opposite, they rejected Jesus.
Many rejected Jesus because Judas betrayed him. What similar reason leads some to stumble today? (See paragraphs 17-18).
19. What do sincere people know?
They know that what many do of speaking ill of the witnesses and becoming apostates was something that was predicted to happen, so instead of being fooled by these people, rather, they realize that this fulfills what was prophesied of the true ones. disciples.
Sincere people are not deceived, they know that the prophecies say that in our time "there would be false christs and false prophets", that through the different media they would spread negative reports, half-truths and blatant lies about us.
20. What will help you not to be fooled by those who have forsaken the truth? (2 Timothy 4: 4, 5).
It will help us to keep our faith strong by studying regularly, praying continually, and keeping ourselves engaged in the work that Jehovah has entrusted us to do.
At 2 Timothy 4: 4, 5 he says "that we should not be deceived or listen to false stories, rather, he invites us to exercise good judgment in all things and to be busy in the ministry." So studying the Bible regularly, praying constantly, preaching, and keeping our love for Jehovah and our brothers alive will help us not to be fooled by those who have forsaken the truth.
21. What can we be sure of even though most people today reject our message?
We can be sure that for those who know and love the word of God, nothing will ever be an obstacle or a reason to stumble.
We must be sure, that just as in the time of Jesus, there were sincere people who did accept it, like Joseph of Arimathea who was a member of the Sanhedrin and also "a great group of priests." Similarly, millions of people today have chosen to follow Jesus because they have known and loved the truths of the Bible and have not allowed anything or anyone to be an obstacle to serving Jehovah and Jesus.
Why did the things that Jesus said and did make some people stumble?
Because he was impartial and related to rich and poor, without distinction. Because he was not afraid to denounce the false teachings that they accepted. For the way to die as a criminal. And even because he was betrayed.
What really made these people stumble was their lack of faith, because it was already predicted that Jesus would be impartial and would relate to all kinds of people. Also that his zeal for Jehovah would cause him to denounce the false teachings. Furthermore, the prophecies said that he would endure persecution, die on a tree, be betrayed and abandoned by his apostles. The Jews, seeing how all these prophecies were fulfilled in Jesus, should have made them have faith, but it was the opposite, they stumbled and rejected Jesus.
Why do many people stumble today?
They stumble for similar reasons. Because we are not important or recognized from their point of view. Because we do not support the teachings that the Bible does not teach. For the accusations they have made against us. Because of the apostates.
They reject us:
1) Because, as happened to Jesus, "they avoid us because of the way we worship God and because we serve him with enthusiasm and keep ourselves morally clean."
2) Because we teach the truths of the Bible that expose the false religious ideas they have.
3) Because, like Jesus, they accuse and condemn us unjustly. As in the case of Russia, many of our brothers have been convicted and imprisoned for speaking of the Bible, something that the authorities consider an extremist activity.
4) Because they see that, like Judas who betrayed Jesus, they know of some Jehovah's Witnesses who have left the truth, have become apostates and have tried to get others to do the same.
What will help you avoid stumbling?
It will help us to see ourselves as Jehovah sees us. Imitate Jesus and not the devil Research the facts. Keep our faith strong.
What will help me not to stumble is: keep my faith strong and this is achieved by studying the Bible regularly, praying constantly, preaching and keeping alive our love for Jehovah to our brothers.
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