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COMMENTS: The Study Watchtower, "Article 21", July 26 to August 1, 2021, Responses.
1, 2. What difficulties do many Witnesses face?
Some need courage to preach, either because the work is restricted or even prohibited. In addition, they go through problems that can be discouraging: long hours of work, illness, old age, feelings of worthlessness.
Many have difficulty fully fulfilling their ministry. Some because they live in countries where the work is restricted or prohibited. Others have circumstances that discourage them, such as having to work long hours, feeling tired on the weekends to preach. And there are also those who suffer from a chronic illness that prevents them from doing as much as they would like.
We have the example of a sister named Mary who says that her struggle is against negative feelings, this struggle is so great that it leaves her emotionally exhausted. Afterward, you feel guilty because it robs you of the time and energy you could put into ministry. So we can conclude that there are many reasons why we certainly need strength to continue.
3. What will we analyze in this article?
How Jehovah helps to have the strength to face the problems that arise and we will analyze the life of Paul and Timothy.
In this article we will discuss how Jehovah helps us. But first we will see how he strengthened Paul and Timothy to fulfill their ministry despite difficulties.
4. What difficult situations did Paul face?
Beatings, imprisoned, stoned, fighting negative feelings, a thorn in the flesh.
Paul faced terrible opposition, which led to him being beaten, stoned, and imprisoned. He also struggled with negative feelings that made him feel less than the other apostles and had something he called a thorn in the flesh that made him earnestly ask Jehovah to take it away because he did it because it made him suffer so much.
What helped Paul fulfill his ministry? (See paragraphs 5 and 6.) *
5. What did Paul achieve despite the difficulties?
With the strength given him by Jehovah, he enthusiastically defended the good news despite being under house arrest. He preached to the guards who looked after him. He wrote some letters under inspiration. He set a good example for Christians.
Despite the difficulties, he continued to carry out his ministry, so while under house arrest, he defended the good news before Jewish leaders and perhaps some government officials. He also preached to the Praetorian Guard and to all who visited him. And at that same time he wrote letters that have benefited Christians to this day.
In Philippians 1:12 we can see how he focused on the positive and not on what perhaps he wanted to do, which is why he says that this suffering had managed to keep his focus without getting discouraged.
6. According to 2 Corinthians 12: 9, 10, what helped Paul fulfill his ministry?
2 Corinthians 12: 9,10 But he told me: "My undeserved kindness is already enough for you, because my power is shown in weakness." So I will gladly boast of my weaknesses, so that the power of the Christ will continue over me like a tent. 10 Therefore, I am happy to have weaknesses, to receive insults, and to suffer need, persecutions, and difficulties for Christ's sake. Because when I am weak, then I am powerful.
The holy spirit gave him the strength to fulfill his ministry fully despite all the problems he faced.
Paul acknowledged that he endured not by his own strength, but because Jehovah helped him with his holy spirit, Jehovah did not leave him alone, he gave him the strength he needed to fulfill his ministry fully. And he perceived it, that's why he said when I am weak, then I am powerful.
Timothy has a scroll in his hands and is talking to several men older than him.
What helped Timothy fulfill his ministry? (See paragraph 7.) *
7. What problems did Timothy have to overcome to fulfill his ministry?
Fight your way of thinking because of your age. He got sick frequently. But the holy spirit would help him preach the good news and encourage the brothers.
Timoteo had to overcome that feeling of not feeling up to what was asked of him. Sometimes he went to visit congregations, and apparently he was not entirely appreciated. He also suffered from constant health problems, related to his stomach, so he also had to deal with difficulties.
8. How does Jehovah strengthen us today?
Through prayer, the Bible, our brothers, and ministry.
Jehovah strengthens us through prayer, the Bible, our brothers, and ministry.
A brother praying.
Jehovah gives us strength through prayer. (See paragraph 9.)
9. How does prayer help us?
Jonnie: "When the pressure was crushing me, what always helped me was to be specific in my prayers"
Ronald: “Prayer allows me to open my heart wide to Jehovah. I know that he understands me better than anyone, even myself.
Prayer allows us to open our hearts to Jehovah, confident that he hears and understands us. Johnnie, who had to take care of his parents and his wife when they became ill at the same time, and then had to go through the pain of losing his mother and waiting for the slow recovery of his father and wife, says that being specific in his prayers is what He helped, he could feel the strength that Jehovah gave him to endure.
Romans 8: 26,27 assures us that even if we cannot find the words to express to Jehovah what we are feeling, in this case once again the holy spirit comes to our aid and pleads for us. This shows us that Jehovah has provided all the means we need to avail ourselves of his help.
A sister reading the Bible.
Jehovah gives us strength through the Bible. (See paragraph 10).
10. According to Hebrews 4:12, why is reading the Bible and meditating on it so important?
Hebrews 4:12 Because the word of God is alive and works with power. It is sharper than any two-edged sword and penetrates to separate the soul from the spirit, and the joints of the marrow, and is capable of revealing the thoughts and intentions of the heart.
When we read and meditate on it, we gain strength and comfort.
Because the Bible is inspired by God and used his spirit, when we read a passage and meditate on it, Jehovah can use his spirit to help us understand how it applies to our situation. This will undoubtedly strengthen us, and give us much-needed comfort.
11. How did the Bible strengthen a sister who was suffering?
A sister who had been widowed was suggested to read the book of Job. By saying that this servant of Jehovah was negative, he realized that this was also an attitude and he had the strength to deal with his pain.
To this sister who had been widowed, an old man suggested that reading the book of Job would help her. When he did, his first reaction was to criticize Job for his thinking. I saw him as someone negative. But then he realized that his attitude was a lot like Job's. So correcting her point of view gave her strength to deal with the pain of losing her husband.
A brother, several sisters and some children talk to each other and smile.
Jehovah gives us strength through our brothers. (See paragraph 12).
12. How does Jehovah use our brothers to strengthen us?
Mary: “Jehovah has helped me through brothers and sisters who did not even know what I was going through. They gave me an encouraging comment or sent me a card, and that was just what I needed.
The brothers can help us with their words or experiences. Mary, who, as we saw, suffers from negative feelings, they have helped her even without knowing what she is going through, they have made encouraging comments, they have sent her cards. He has also learned from others who have gone through similar situations. And the elders have made her feel that the congregation considers her valuable.
13. How can we strengthen each other in meetings?
Tell the brothers how much we love them and thank them for what they do. To a sister who is raising her children alone in truth, an old man said: “You can't imagine how much it encourages us to see you here. She always has her six children ready and with ready comments.
We can strengthen ourselves with encouraging words, for example we can take the initiative and tell our brothers how much we love them and how grateful we are for what they do, on many occasions what our brothers need is to feel loved and recognized to continue.
A sister preaching by letter.
Jehovah empowers us through ministry. (See paragraph 14)
14. What effect does preaching have on us?
Regardless of the reaction of those of us who preach, preaching does us good. When a family member of Stacy's was expelled, the ministry helped him cope with guilt feelings: “At that time, Jehovah gave me a Bible student who progressed very quickly, and that was very encouraging. What gives my life more stability is going out to preach.
Preaching makes us feel good and comforts us, regardless of whether people listen or not, focusing on people's spiritual needs puts our problems aside and makes us feel happy.
15. What does what Mary said teach us?
"The truths of the Bible are elegantly simple, and it is those truths that change people's lives." Jehovah uses us according to our willingness. And he is happy with us for our effort.
Mary moved to a different language congregation, she says she felt useless, as she could barely offer a simple comment or read a verse from the Bible or give a tract on preaching. But she corrected her thinking, realizing that Jehovah could use her regardless of her language limitations. If we do what we can, Jehovah will be happy.
16. What will give strength to those who are confined to their homes?
He observes our desire to participate and can bring up opportunities to witness to others. We should observe what Jehovah is doing for us now and be happy.
Something that will give them strength is to look at how Jehovah is helping them now, not to buy what they could do before, only then can they have the strength to endure any trial without losing their joy.
17. As Ecclesiastes 11: 6 shows, why should we keep preaching even though we don't see immediate results?
Ecclesiastes 11: 6 Sow your seed in the morning, and don't let your hands rest until evening; Well, you don't know which one will give good results, this one or those, or if both will be good.
Sister Barbara, 80, sent an envelope with a return visit. What has God done for you? It came into the hands of a couple who were no longer witnesses. After 27 years they returned to the truth.
Because we do not know where the seed that we have sown can germinate, that is what Jehovah takes care of, however he expects us to do our job.
Image Series: Four Ways Jehovah Strengthens Us. Images appear in this article between paragraphs 9 and 14.
Jehovah empowers us through 1) prayer, 2) the Bible, 3) our brothers and sisters, and 4) ministry. (See paragraphs 9, 10, 12 and 14.)
18. What must we do so that Jehovah will give us strength?
Let's take advantage of what He provides us to encourage us and never stop leaning on Him.
We should make good use of the things he has given us, such as prayer, the Bible, our brothers, and the ministry. By doing so, we will show that we are confident that you have the ability and the desire to help us.
Prayer and reading the Bible
Jehovah invites us to talk to him, to be specific in prayers. Reading the Bible gives comfort and strength. He can help us with his spirit to understand how a certain biblical verse applies to our situation that we are going through.
Prayer allows us to communicate openly with Jehovah and express what we feel to him with the full confidence that he listens and understands us, giving us what we need.
When we read the Bible and meditate on it, Jehovah can use his holy spirit to help us understand how it applies to our situation and gain the necessary strength and comfort.
Our brothers
They can do or tell us something that will encourage us and we can also encourage others who need it so badly.
Siblings, as Mary indicates, can even without knowing it meet that need we have, in their case they made her feel loved and appreciated, just what she needed.
The ministry
Regardless of people's reaction, the ministry will always encourage us. The simplicity of the message will appeal to the willing heart, and Jehovah will use us as he sees fit to accomplish his purpose.
Ministry allows us to focus on the spiritual needs of people, and not on our problems, that gives us stability. And if Jehovah allows us to have a progressive study, it will certainly help us much more as it helped Stacy.
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