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Let's Find Hidden Pearls (10 min.)
De 23:19, 20. Why could the Israelites charge interest to a foreigner but not to another Israelite? (it-1 669).
Because in these cases, it was possible that foreigners were in Israel for a time, as merchants, therefore it became a commercial deal where it was reasonable to expect them to pay interest, especially if it is taken into account that they would also pay to others with interest. Instead, the main reason an Israelite got into debt was economic setbacks. This was unfortunate because the borrower of Israel became the servant of the borrower. That is why the people were commanded to be generous and selfless in lending to their fellow Israelites in need, without trying to take advantage of their adversity by imposing an interest on them.
Because we see that the people of God should be generous and selfless in lending to their fellow Israelites in need, since the borrower became the servant of the borrower became the servant of the borrower, instead in In the case of foreigners, they were only in Israel for a time and they went for commercial matters, so, just as they charged interest, so it was also reasonable that the Israelites also did it
Because the interest an Israelite charged a foreigner was for business and commercial loans they made between themselves and since the foreigners were only in Israel for a time, often as merchants it was reasonable to expect them to pay interest.
Instead, an Israelite could not charge interest to another Israelite because they were probably in need and the people were commanded to be generous and selfless in lending to fellow Israelites in need, without trying to take advantage of their adversity by imposing an interest on them.
What spiritual pearls have you found about Jehovah, the ministry, and other topics in this week's Bible reading?
Deuteronomy 22: 5 The law that Jehovah gave the Israelites on how to dress clearly indicates that He detests the type of clothing that makes men feminine or contrary to that which makes women appear masculine. This TEACHES me: that Christians do not want us to be influenced by the way we dress in this world, that with its fashion, sometimes, there is no distinction between feminine and masculine, rather, our freedom of choice about the way we dress it should show that we take into account the principles of the Bible and that "We continue to make sure of what I accept the Lord."
The Law that Jehovah gave the Israelites included norms that protected them from the immorality that abounded in neighboring nations, for example in this verse it is shown that God hates clothes that do not allow to clearly see the difference between a man and a woman, These dress guidelines clearly indicate that God does not like the type of clothing that makes men feminine, makes women appear masculine, or makes it difficult to distinguish between the sexes, we can be sure that his way of thinking in the present has not changed.
Deuteronomy 22: 8 God's law required that, when building a house, a small wall be made around the roof. In this way, Jehovah emphasized the high value of life and that the safety of the Israelites was paramount in all aspects of daily living. This TEACHES me: that life is very valuable to Jehovah. Therefore, we must show that we respect it by keeping our house and our car in good condition. We must take all possible precautions and not think that nothing bad can happen to us. Jehovah wants us to value our lives and the lives of others, so we must be careful.
Deuteronomy 23: 12,13 The Israelites were ordered to dig a hole "Outside the camp" to relieve themselves. If they followed carefully and cautiously, this hygienic measure contributed to maintaining good health and controlling infectious diseases. This TEACHES me: that the "Medical Advice" that comes from our Creator Jehovah is very "accurate and lasting". Therefore, Christians continue to take the necessary hygienic precautions, while waiting for Jehovah to eliminate all diseases and to fulfill the biblical promise that "no resident will say, 'I am sick."
The Mosaic Law ordered the Israelites to dig a hole outside the camp to relieve themselves, apart from this command there were others such as washing with water after touching the carcass of an animal or a person and isolating those suffering from leprosy until confirmed by a physical examination that they were no longer contagious, these health standards demonstrated that a good system of waste management, hand washing and quarantine remain effective methods against disease.
Deuteronomy 23:19 Generally, the Israelites would lend money or food to their compatriots if they had suffered economic setbacks, in this case the law prohibited that they were required to pay interest. Thus Jehovah taught them to show love and kindness to one another. This TEACHES me: that today is the same, the Christian considers the temporary difficulties of a brother as an opportunity to show love and kindness. So, give as much help as you can, even to the point of making gifts or interest-free loans. Thus we do not "close the door of our tender compassions" to our brothers in need.
Deuteronomy 23: 24,25 One of Jehovah's gifts of mercy to alleviate the plight of those in need was that he allowed an Israelite to enter other people's vineyards and eat from the future until he was satisfied, but he was not to carry the future and take it away. This TEACHES me: how moved by his mercy Jehovah comes again and again to the aid of his servants when they are in difficulties. This is not a simple act of kindness, rather, it is a sign that He sincerely cares for His servant in need. How happy we are to know that the day will come when the needs of "All will be met" thanks to Jehovah's mercy.
Deuteronomy 22:12 It was peculiar to Israelite clothing to place tassels at the four ends of their clothing, the purpose was to provide a visual reminder that they had been set apart as a holy people to Jehovah and that they had to obey his commands. This TEACHES me: and remember that just as a special garment identifies the wearer as part of a certain group in human society, our "Spiritual Garment" should show our identity as faithful Jehovah's Witnesses. Such spiritual "clothing" does not wear out or lose its value, but helps us continue to worship the only true God, Jehovah.
Deuteronomy 23: 21-23 The Mosaic Law said that if a man made a vow to Jehovah, he should not delay in fulfilling it because God would without fail demand its fulfillment. This TEACHES me: that it is a very serious matter to make a vow or promise to Jehovah. Our attitude towards complying with these has an effect on our relationship with him. Therefore, it should never cross our minds to break a vow we have made to the Most High, even if we have to pay a huge personal price. Because we understand the seriousness of this matter, true Christians fulfill our vow to continue serving Jehovah for all eternity.
Deuteronomy 22: 1,2 In this text we see that if an Israelite saw an animal belonging to his brother that was lost, then he had to take it away, and in case he did not know whose it was, he had to take it home and wait until he went to look for it. This TEACHES me: that Jehovah wants us to be generous to each other with his belongings, or to take advantage of circumstances.
Deuteronomy 22:22 In this text we see that Jehovah totally rejected fornication, since even at that time that sin was paid for with death, and today Jehovah has not changed, therefore, as his servants we must love and respect our wife, since it is a marriage that Jehovah has united and nothing should separate them.
Deuteronomy 23: 7,8 In this text we see that Jehovah taught the Israelites not to hate their enemies, despite all the damage they had done to them in the past. This TEACHES me: that Jehovah is a God who does not hold grudges and forgives, equally we must imitate that quality and forgive without rancor our brothers and anyone who has hurt us.
Deuteronomy 23:21 In this text we see that Jehovah cares a lot about the promises or vows we make and expects us to fulfill them, since as the text mentions, otherwise we will be guilty of sin, therefore, we must always remember the vow that we did when we were baptized, so that we continue to serve him faithfully despite difficulties.
A vow in regard to the worship of Jehovah was something of the utmost importance, when someone did it he was in the obligation to fulfill it, that is why it was said that a vow bound on his soul, which implied that his very life became guarantee of the fulfillment of his word, in other words if something was promised it had to be fulfilled, likewise when we offer ourselves to serve Jehovah more in some special facet of his service we must be sure that we will be able to fulfill it, since that promise would not remain only in words but must be reflected in actions.
Deuteronomy 22: 8. God commanded the Israelites in case they built a new house, they had to make a protective wall for the roof so that no one fell from the roof and died, this measure was necessary because Jewish families used the roof of their houses a lot to sit for a while in the sun, enjoy the fresh air or do some housework, it was also used as a place of worship, whether it was the true God and if the roof had a roof of palm branches or vines, it must have been a very quiet and pleasant.
Deuteronomy 22:10. The illustration was to explain what the Israelites should not do, the Israelite could not put a bull and an ass together in the same yoke to sand the land since that would mean a hardship for the animals due to the difference in weight and size, The apostle Paul used the illustration of the unequal yoke to teach us an important lesson and that is to never be unequally yoked, for example, if the Christian chose as a spouse someone who did not share the same beliefs, such a union would be uncomfortable for both parties.
Deuteronomy 22: 25-27. The Law exposed a situation in which a man abused a young woman in a field, and the young woman screamed but no one heard her to help her, the man was the only one guilty of both rape and adultery because he forced her to sleep with her Therefore, although this law focused on the innocence of the woman, the account rightly indicates that the man was guilty of rape and adultery and we can be sure that the judges would investigate the matter thoroughly and make a decision accordingly. to the clear instructions that God had given on several occasions.
Deuteronomy 23: 7. When they were already established, the Israelites would sooner or later have to deal with neighboring nations, for example, they would have to live with the Edomites of whom they were related to their ancestors and on the other hand they would also have dealings with the Egyptians, the ancient nation of where they were freed from slavery, the Israelites should not hate them rather they should maintain good relations but that yes, avoid the negative influence of these nations.
Deuteronomy 23:24. The Mosaic law allowed a walker to eat until he was satisfied, as in this case eating grapes from a vineyard but he could not take anything in a receptacle, since this would be considered theft, this mandate would be to avoid situations in which someone would abuse the hospitality or goodwill from someone who has provided support, from this we can learn to always be grateful for the help and support we receive from our brothers but we must also be aware of avoiding abusing their good intentions.
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