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Deut 21:19. Why was the local court at the city gate? (it-2 1157 para. 8).
We see that when saying "Gate" he refers to the open space that used to exist within the city near the gate itself, since the gates were the places where decrees were proclaimed, because it was easy to get witnesses for a civil procedure, such as the sale of a property, etc., since most people were in and out of the door during the day.
The fact that the court was located in "The city gate" was very appropriate, since it was an open and public space. For example, the doors read the law to the people and decrees were proclaimed. Also, since doors are places where people enter and exit, it was easy to get witnesses for a civil procedure, such as the sale of a property. So having the local court at the door helped the judges act with care and fairness, qualities that sometimes disappear when secret hearings are held behind closed doors. That is why the judges had a place near the door where they could preside comfortably.
What spiritual pearls have you found about Jehovah, the ministry, and other topics in this week's Bible reading?
DEUTERONOMY 19: 1,2, This text teaches me that, just as Jehovah supported his people from their enemies and when he destroyed them he gave them their lands so that they can live, likewise when the new world comes, Jehovah will protect us during Armageddon and He will give us the earth so that we can live eternally in a paradise.
DEUTERONOMY 19: 11,12, This text teaches me about the justice of Jehovah, since he dictated laws regarding when a person died unjustly because of the hands of another person, we even see that he gave specific instructions for each type of wrongful death, so we can be sure that in the new world we will be safe under his rule.
DEUTERONOMY 20:10, This text we see that Jehovah is a God of peace, since he even promoted and taught his people to always seek peace with the other tribes through an agreement, today his organization is also recognized for be very peaceful, which makes us glorify his great name.
DEUTERONOMY 19: 19,20, In this text we see that Jehovah taught his people to use natural memories wisely, since they should not cut down the trees of their enemies that were still bearing fruit, since they served as food, but only the trees that were no longer bearing fruit, this is another proof that in the new world we will have enough to eat under the rule of God.
DEUTERONOMY 21:14, In this text we see that Jehovah taught men that they should never treat badly or humiliate any woman, likewise today, in his organization all women are respected and valued, since they play a great role in fulfilling God's purpose to carry the message of the good news to the whole world.
DEUTERONOMY 19: 18,21, In this text we see that in the past if a son was disobedient, stubborn and rebellious in obeying God's laws then the parents themselves had to deliver him to be killed, this teaches us that the most important thing in our lives must be that God's people are uncontaminated and that we can render pure worship to them.
When the Israelites correctly applied the law "eye for an eye" they promoted what true justice is, since the appointed judges could only decide the punishment after analyzing the circumstances and the degree of intentionality of the offender, thus avoiding imposing excessive or excessive punishments. cruel. This teaches me - and shows me Jehovah's way of thinking and how much he values justice. It also teaches us that those who do wrong should be punished "to the proper degree" and serve as a deterrent to practice what is right and correct any spirit of revenge we may have.
DEUTERONOMY 20: 19,20, A military method widely used by the enemy nations of Israel was to cut fruit trees in order to use the wood to build siege walls, but the Israelites were forbidden to do so, in this way Jehovah set limits to deforestation and ruining the environment. This teaches me: that in the near future Jehovah offers us hope that all mankind will live in harmony with the environment. By divine order we humans will improve and care for the earth instead of greedily exploiting it. Yes, the jungles have a future and it will be restored to its original state!
DEUTERONOMY 20: 1,4, The Israelites were advised not to be afraid of their enemies because they had horses, chariots and troops more numerous than they, rather, they were invited to trust completely in Jehovah, who would give them the victory. This teaches me: that, in the same way, we must recognize that no superpower, even with the most sophisticated nuclear weapons, can match Jehovah. Our God can and will deliver his people. So let us trust and show respectful fear to the Almighty and invincible Warrior: Jehovah God, who will save us.
DEUTERONOMY 21: 18,21, In Israel, cases of juvenile delinquency rarely occurred, because this was considered a very serious matter and could be punished with the death penalty. This teaches me: that contrary to what many say that this law was extreme cruelty towards children, it clearly shows us that God's justice is perfectly balanced with his mercy, since the rebellious and incorrigible son was brought to trial after being reprimanded repeatedly. This is proof, then, that: Jehovah is not a severe God, but, "One of genuine justice and mercy."
DEUTERONOMY 20: 5,8, In these texts it is mentioned that Jehovah granted at least five exemptions from military service to the Israelites, thus showing his interest and how considerate he was with them. This teaches me: that although Jehovah is almighty God, he is very considerate of imperfect human beings. He treats us with kindness and takes our feelings and needs into account. Therefore, in imitation of him, we have to show concern and be considerate of those who have special circumstances, even when the task they have to do is important.
DEUTERONOMY 19:15, In Israel, the testimony of two people on the same matter provided sufficient evidence to take legal action, the fact that three did it gave more force to the testimony and served to emphasize or clarify an issue. this teaches me: that, this principle also teaches me how advanced this principle of Jehovah arranged in his word the Bible was due to his infinite wisdom and justice, so let us strive to apply them both in judicial matters and in any other sphere of our life.
DEUTERONOMY 19: 18,21, In Israel, witness statements were vital in an investigation. An Israelite who made a false accusation against his brother received punishment, so this law was a powerful incentive for people to tell the truth. This teaches me: that in the same way, Jehovah expects us Christians to act transparently and always speak the truth in any area of our lives. The Bible says that Jehovah hates "a false tongue." Therefore, if our greatest incentive is to glorify Jehovah and have his approval, we will obey his standards and always tell the truth.
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