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Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2021
Wednesday, July 21, 2021
This is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah says (Ezek. 2: 4).
During the great tribulation our message is likely to change. Now we preach the good news of the Kingdom and try to make disciples. But we may then give a very direct message, which the Bible compares to hailstones (Rev. 16:21). We may announce that the end of Satan's world is imminent. Over time, we will know exactly what that message will be and how we will deliver it. Will we use the same methods, or will we change them? We have to wait to find out. Be that as it may, it appears that we will have the honor of boldly proclaiming Jehovah's message of condemnation. --Ezek. 2: 3-5). It is very likely that our message will cause nations to try to silence us once and for all. Just as we now rely on Jehovah's help in preaching, so will we then. We can be sure that our God will give us the strength to do his will (Mic. 3: 8). w19.10 16 pars. 8, 9
According to Revelation 17: 5, 15-18, how will God destroy “Babylon the Great”?
(Read Revelation 17: 5, 15-18). "Babylon the Great" will be destroyed. As we already said, nations will have no control over what happens at this time. Why not? Because God will put "in their hearts to carry out the thought of him." Which one is this? End all false religions, including Christianity. * God will put this thought in the heart of the “10 horns” of the “scarlet red wild beast”. The 10 horns represent all the political governments that support “the wild beast,” that is, the United Nations (Rev. 17: 3, 11-13; 18: 8). The attack of these governments against false religion will spell the beginning of the great tribulation. It will be a sudden and terrifying worldwide event.
a) On what grounds might nations try to justify their attack on false religions? b) What are former members of these religions likely to do?
We do not know on what grounds the nations will justify their attack on Babylon the Great. They may say that religions are an obstacle to peace and that they constantly meddle in politics. Or they may say that they have accumulated too much wealth and property (Rev. 18: 3, 7). On the other hand, it seems reasonable to think that this attack does not mean that all members of these religions are killed. Rather, it appears that nations will do away with religious organizations. Once these have disappeared, their former members will realize that the religious leaders have failed them and are likely to try to distance themselves from those religions.
What promise has Jehovah made about the great tribulation, and why?
The Bible does not reveal how long the destruction of Babylon the Great will last, but what we do know is that it will be relatively short (Rev. 18:10, 21). Jehovah has promised that he will “shorten” the tribulation so that the “chosen” and the true religion will survive. --Mark 13:19, 20. Now, what does Jehovah expect us to do between the onset of the great tribulation and the war at Armageddon?
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