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Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2021
Monday, July 19, 2021
You are being enriched in everything to be generous in every possible way, and through us that generosity elicits tokens of gratitude to God (2 Cor. 9:11).
Jehovah used Barzilai to help King David. When the king and his men fled from Absalom, a son of David, they were tired and hungry and thirsty. Although Barzilái was very old, he and others risked their lives to bring them help. Barzilai did not think that at his age he was no longer useful to Jehovah. Rather, he was generous and used what he had to help God's servants in need (2 Sam. 17: 27-29). What lesson do we learn? That, regardless of our age, Jehovah can use us to help brothers anywhere in the world who cannot meet their basic needs (Prov. 3:27, 28; 19:17). Even if we are not able to help you directly, we can make donations to the world work so that help is offered when and where it is needed (2 Cor. 8:14, 15). w19.10 21 par. 6.
(a) How did Jehovah use Simeon? b) Why does this encourage us?
Simeon was a loyal Jerusalem elder who was promised by Jehovah that he would see the Messiah before he died. This promise must have encouraged him greatly, for he had been waiting for his arrival for years. Jehovah rewarded him for his faith and endurance. One day, "led by the spirit," Simeon went to the temple, and there he saw Jesus. Then Jehovah used him to pronounce a prophecy about this child, who would become the Christ (Luke 2: 25-35). Although Simeon probably did not live to see the ministry of Jesus, he was grateful for the honor bestowed on him. And the best awaits this faithful man when he sees in the new world that the government of Jesus will bless all the families of the Earth (Gen. 22:18). We too can be grateful for what Jehovah allows us to do in serving him.
How can Jehovah use us?
In the first century, a generous man named Joseph was willing to be used by Jehovah. - Acts 4:36, 37. The apostles called him Barnabas, which means "son of comfort," probably because he knew how to comfort others. For example, when Saul became a Christian, many brothers were afraid to approach him, knowing that he had persecuted the congregations. But Barnabas came to his aid. Saul certainly appreciated his kindness very much (Acts 9:21, 26-28). Later, the elders of Jerusalem learned that Christians in Antioch of Syria, a distant region, needed encouragement. And who did they send? To Barnabas. That was a good decision, as the Bible says that Barnabas “encouraged everyone to remain loyal to the Lord firmly and sincerely” (Acts 11: 22-24). Today, Jehovah can also help us comfort our brothers, such as those who have lost a loved one. Or it might motivate us to visit or call someone who is sick or depressed and say something to encourage them. Will we be willing for Jehovah to use us like Barnabas? (1 Thess. 5:14).
What do we learn from the way Jehovah helped a brother named Vasily?
Jehovah helped a brother named Vasily to be a good spiritual shepherd. When he was appointed an elder, at age 26, he felt that he was not ready to help the congregation, especially the brothers who had problems. But he received valuable training thanks to the help of experienced elders and the Kingdom Ministry School. He tried so hard to improve. For example, you made a list of small goals. As he reached each of these, he overcame his fears. She says: “What used to scare me now makes me very happy. When Jehovah helps me find the right text to comfort a brother or sister, I feel very satisfied. " Brethren, if you do like Vasily and are willing to be instruments in the hands of Jehovah, he will enable you to attend to greater responsibilities in the congregation.
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