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Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2021
Tuesday, July 13, 2021
Make sure of the most important things (Philippians 1:10).
Among these important things are the sanctification of God's name, the fulfillment of his purpose, and the peace and unity of the congregation (Matt. 6: 9, 10; John 13:35). When our lives focus on these things, we show that we love Jehovah. The apostle Paul also said that we must be "without fault." This does not mean that perfection is asked of us. Jehovah will see us flawlessly if we do our best to deepen our love and make sure of the most important things. One way to show love is by doing our best not to trip others up. The warning not to trip others is very serious. Our entertainment, our clothes, or even our jobs can trip other people. Maybe we won't do anything wrong But it would be very serious if our decisions hurt someone's conscience and made him stumble (Matt. 18: 6). w19.08 10 pars. 9-11.
What must we do so that our love for God becomes stronger?
To love God, we need to know him. The Bible says, "He who does not love has not come to know God, because God is love" (1 John 4: 8). The apostle Paul indicated that our love is strengthened when we have “accurate knowledge” of Jehovah and “full discernment” of how he views matters (Philippians 1: 9). When we began to study the Bible, we learned a few things about God, and that knowledge made us feel love for him. But our love grew more intense as we learned more about him and his wonderful qualities. No wonder, regularly studying and meditating on God's Word is so important to us (Philippians 2:16).
According to 1 John 4:11, 20, 21, whom should we also love so that our love may abound?
The great love that God has for us will motivate us to love our brothers and sisters (read 1 John 4:11, 20, 21). We may think that love will come naturally. After all, we serve Jehovah and try to copy his qualities. Furthermore, we follow the example of Jesus, who loved us so much that he gave his life for us. But the truth is that sometimes it is difficult for us to obey the command to love one another. Let's see what happened in the Philippian congregation.
What lessons can we learn from Paul's advice to Evodia and Syntyche?
Evodia and Syntyche were two enthusiastic sisters who had served "side by side" with the Apostle Paul. But maybe they let personal differences separate them. Paul mentioned them by name in his letter and gave them direct advice. He told them that they had to be “of the same mind” (Philippians 4: 2, 3). The apostle also found it necessary to say to the entire congregation: "Keep doing all things free from murmuring and arguing" (Philippians 2:14). There is no doubt that these direct advice helped to strengthen the love that these loyal sisters and the rest of the congregation had for each other.
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