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Congregation Bible Study (30 min.): Rr ch. 11 paras. 18-26 and Box 11A.
Sentinels of the 1st century
18. What work did John the Baptist do?
John the Baptist served as a sentinel. He warned those of the house of Israel that they would soon be rejected, that job involved announcing good news: that "the Lamb of God", Jesus, had come and would take away "the sin of the world."
The example of John the Baptist teaches us a lesson. This servant of God was granted exceptional privileges. But he probably never imagined the direction his life would take, that he would spend more time in prison than in his ministry. Even so, he remained happy for the rest of his life.
Although today the faithful slave is the one who heads the watchdog work, we Servants of Jehovah also have this work, so to speak, because like John the Baptist many times we are rejected when carrying the message of the Kingdom, a reason why That John the Baptist did not lose his happiness was that he always felt grateful for the privileges he had, in the same way, when they reject us we must feel grateful for the great privilege that it means to be bearers of a message of peace in the midst of so much pain, because of That way we will not lose happiness when they reject the message we carry, since it is not us who they reject, but Jehovah.
19, 20. How did Jesus and his disciples act as a watchman?
His main mission was to announce "Good News." Also when he was on Earth, Jesus specifically told his disciples: "Always be vigilant", they obeyed his command and performed the role of sentry, that is why they warned the people that the nation of Israel and its city, Jerusalem , who had been rejected by Jehovah. Like the sentries before them, they too brought good news.
In addition, his message included an exceptional announcement, that among the Christians anointed by holy spirit who would be part of the “Israel of God”, there would be people from other nations; they would be honored to help Christ restore pure worship on Earth.
21. What good example did the Apostle Paul set?
He took his responsibility very seriously. As other sentries did, Paul not only carried a warning message, he also carried good news. In fact, guided by the holy spirit, he quoted from a prophecy of Isaiah 52: 7, where he mentions: "How beautiful are, in the mountains, the feet of the one who brings good news." Referring to the work that the followers of Christ did in preaching the Kingdom of God.
22. What happened after the death of the apostles?
After the death of the apostles, apostasy invaded the Christian congregation, for over a long period of time, the number of false Christians represented by the "Weed" continued to grow, and the faithful Christians represented by "The wheat" became The minority. Furthermore, the light of the message of the Kingdom of God was obscured by false teachings.
Also, when Jehovah intervened in human affairs, he again expressed love and justice by appointing sentinels who would give clear warning and announce good news.
Jehovah uses sentries again to warn the wicked
23. What role did Charles Russell and his associates play?
Before the year 1914, Charles Russell and his collaborators played the role of the "messenger" who clears the way before the Messianic Kingdom was established.
Something else that we can mention is that this group also fulfilled the function of «Sentinel», using the magazine Zion's Watch Tower and Herald of Christ's Presence (The Tower of the Watch of Zion and Herald of the Presence of Christ), these Magazines served in their time to warn that the judgment of God would come and to announce the good news of the Kingdom of God.
A sentry blowing the horn.
24. a) How has the faithful slave fulfilled the role of sentinel?
After the Kingdom was fixed, Jesus appointed a small group of men to be the faithful slave. From that moment on, the faithful slave also known now as the Governing Body has fulfilled the function of sentinel, since it not only leads the task of warning about the arrival of the “day of revenge”, but also proclaims “the year of the goodwill of Jehovah "
24. b) What have you learned from the sentinels we have talked about? (See diagram “Some Admirable Sentinels”).
What I have learned is that both the sentries of old and today, have faced opposition, and remained loyal and announced both warnings and good news, this teaches me that today we will also be victims of opposition and injustice, but Like the Sentinels, we must remain loyal and continue to announce the good news from Jehovah.
INFORMATIVE BOX 11A, Some Admirable Sentinels
These sentries faced opposition, remained loyal, and announced both warnings and good news.
Isaiah c. 778-c. 732 BCE
Jeremiah 647-580 BCE
Ezekiel 613-c. 591 BCE
John the Baptist 29-32 ec
Jesus 29-33 ec
Pablo c. 34-c. 65 ec
Russell and his collaborators c. 1879-1919
The faithful slave Since 1919
25, 26. (a) What work must all followers of Christ do, and how is it done?
Jesus entrusted “all” his followers with the work of “Preaching”, and for this he told them to be “always vigilant”, and we obey that command if we remain awake in a spiritual sense and loyally support the sentinel of today. and we do it when we show that we are awake and when we fulfill our responsibility to preach.
A couple of Witnesses participating in public preaching with the carts; some people take posts away and others pass by with a nonchalant attitude.
Collaborating with the current sentinel by announcing the good news makes us happy. (See paragraph 25)
25, 26. b) What will we analyze in the next chapter?
The next chapter discusses a prophecy that explains how this happened: the prophecy of the two suits.
What qualities motivate Jehovah to appoint watchmen?
The qualities that motivate Jehovah to appoint Sentinels is that they must be Responsible, Obedient, Watchful and always alert.
What two types of message do the sentinels announce?
The Sentinels announce 2 types of messages: they warn of the arrival of the “day of vengeance”, and they announce Good News, or the message that proclaims “the year of Jehovah's goodwill”.
What do you have to do to support pure worship?
To each servant, Jehovah has given us different tasks, but of the utmost importance, it is up to us to fulfill the mandate that Jesus entrusted to “all” his followers to be “always vigilant”. We obey that command by staying spiritually awake and loyally supporting the watchman of today, and showing that we are awake when we fulfill our responsibility to preach.
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