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Speech (5 min.): G 4/15 13. Title: Is it wrong to kill animals? (th lec. 14).
In our day, the way animals are treated changes the lifestyle of many people. Some refrain from eating the meat of animals. Others, on the other hand, treat animals in a way as if they were almost human beings. Something that has been done throughout the history of mankind.
However, what interests us is Jehovah's point of view and how we should be balanced in relation to that point of view. Think as Jehovah also thinks. That is why in this section of Let's Be Better Teachers. We have the title of the speech. Is it wrong to kill animals?
Well, the answer would be no. It is not bad, but it would also say a yes, yes, it is bad. How is that? Let's review first. Why do we say that it is not bad? Jehovah's point of view is the one that predominates here, it is the valid one and which we also want to respect. When did Jehovah allow an animal to be killed? Let's look at a point here in Exodus 21:28 the law of Jehovah said.
LET'S READ: Exodus 21:28
"If a bull gores a man or a woman and kills him, the bull must be stoned to death and its meat must not be eaten.
Based on this verse, Jehovah allows the killing of animals if they pose a threat. So it is not bad to kill them. Another situation in which if we can kill animals we find in Genesis chapter 9 and verse 3.
LET'S READ: Genesis 9: 3
They can eat any animal that moves and has life. Just as I gave them all the green vegetation for food, I also give them the animals.
We have here another reason why Jehovah authorizes the killing of animals, which is to serve us as food. Even Jesus Christ himself helped his disciples fish for food. And on another occasion, after being resurrected, he even prepared them to serve as food for his disciples.
Clearly Jehovah is saying here that if you can kill animals in case they pose a threat to human life and also to food. When is it wrong to kill animals? when it is done simply to enjoy that moment, to enjoy the violence. We do not want to kill animals just for pleasure or for sport.
Animals are part of Jehovah's creation, something that he saw to be very good when he created it. So the life of animals is of great value to God. Therefore, He asks for due respect. Proof of this is that Jehovah provides food for each of these living beings. And in the Bible they are recording some points.
Another clear demonstration is what he did at the time of the flood, when he not only kept eight people alive, but also a multitude of animals of all kinds so that they continued to reproduce and exist all over the planet. Hence in Proverbs chapter 12 and verse 10 we read.
LET'S READ: Proverbs 12:10
The righteous take care of their domestic animals, but in the case of the wicked, even their mercy is cruel.
Therefore, Jehovah wants us to have the same position as him. Take care of the animals. If we have one under our care in our house, then we should give him the appropriate treatment and care necessary to continue living in a dignified way.
Each of us can then answer this question: Should animals be killed? Yes, yes, they are a threat to life and if they can be used for food. When is it wrong to kill them? When it is done for sports such as cockfighting, bullfighting, dogfighting where humans do it, it is merely for pleasure and cruelty. That Jehovah hates.
Let us maintain the same position as Jehovah regarding the point of view of preserving the life of animals when necessary, and that all of us continue to appreciate not only human life as of great value, but also the life of the animals that are part of Jehovah's creation.
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