Watchtower Study, What do we learn from the last words of Jesus ?, week June 14 to 20, Comments and Responses.

Watchtower Study, ¿What do we learn from Jesus' last words ?, June 14-20, Comments and Responses.

1, 2. Under what circumstances did Jesus say his last words before he died?

He is convicted of a crime that he did not commit, he was falsely accused and the circumstances in which he is are not very pleasant, people are making fun of him they are torturing him he is nailed to a tree he has his hands and feet crossed and every time trying to breathe feels terrible pain.

And those circumstances were only experienced by the worst criminals of that time, therefore we can imagine the physical pain he felt and also the mental stress in which he was when he said his last words.

And it is important that we listen to these words of Jesus because it is a command of Jehovah according to Matthew 17: 5 he has the endorsement of his father what Jesus says because it is very useful to us we want to listen to him. 

"Father, forgive them"

3. Who was Jesus referring to when he said: “Father, forgive them”?

Yes, it was probably referring to the Roman soldiers who had tortured him and nailed him to the tree, although it is also possible according to Acts 2:36 to 38 that he was referring to some of the people who had demanded his death but who according to the story later put faith in he.

And something very interesting is that as the first letter of Peter 2:23 says, Christ had the opportunity to return insults or threaten them, but he did not do that, he was not filled with resentment or bitterness, on the contrary, he asked Jehovah for them.

If the injustices that Jesus Christ suffered did not allow him to become bitter or filled with resentment if he did not ask his father to forgive those responsible for his death. 

4. What did Jesus teach us by being willing to forgive his enemies?

That even in the most difficult circumstances and even if we are treated badly, we must be willing to forgive.

And this can be a more difficult when it is our family that turns against us or that is not in favor of our beliefs does not support us, but something that can help us is what Colossians 3:13 says that Jehovah He generously forgave us and we must do the same, so instead of holding a grudge, we must do the same as Jesus did, asking Jehovah to help us forgive them.

And something interesting that we can notice is that in reality these people were taking his life itself but even in this situation we see that Jesus Christ not only forgave them but even took positive actions for the benefit of those who were hurting him by asking for them and as Ephesians 4:32 says he came to treat them with kindness with tenderness and compassion.

Psalm 37: 8; Ephesians 4: 31-32 | Yes, in fact, the sister's comment is very interesting because she does recognize that one can hurt when one feels perhaps these things of the family but she says that it means that I decide to get rid of the resentment, in Psalm 37: 8 she says put aside anger, resign anger is saying maybe one has it at the beginning but has to let it give up and thus be able to have a better relationship with Jehovah.

The idea that the paragraph conveys to us is very interesting because in the end if the bitterness and that resentment remains in us, those who suffer are ourselves, hence the importance then that we decide to discard the resentment or bitterness that there is for any situation.

We imagine a little, it was not anything that Jesus Christ was going through or had lived through, he had treated it in the most atrocious way that we can imagine, it will be very little what people do against us compared to what that Jesus Christ lived, but if we learn from his example we are not going to let those kinds of circumstances make our lives bitter. 

"You will be with me in paradise"

5. What did Jesus promise one of the criminals next to him, and why did he make that promise?

Jesus promised this criminal, I assure you today, you will be with me in paradise and he did it because even though at the beginning he also made fun of Jesus Christ, shortly afterwards he recognized that Jesus really was the messiah and that he would become king and That is why he tells him Jesus, remember me when you enter your kingdom.

He was showing a heartfelt forgiveness because he makes this promise in a personal way, he does not simply tell him because if you are going to be able to benefit from the rescue like all humanity, he says you will be with me including yourself in that personal promise, so I was seeing the sincere change repentance and he was willing to forgive him from the heart. 

And another reason why Jesus was able to make this promise is because he knows that Jehovah is merciful and he actually knew what was in this person's heart.

6. What do we learn from what Jesus said to the criminal?

It is important that Jesus had the mind of his father so he understood well the motives and feelings of Jehovah when expressing these words gave him the opportunity that thousands of people who had made a mistake among them many disciples who at that time were asking for his death but in the future were going to change they could get a pardon, so that helps us so far in our time.

And perhaps in the past we also committed a sin or many serious sins but as Psalm 51: 1 says, there it stands out that Jehovah's mercy or forgiveness is immense and that is why we can trust that he will erase or how he says in the end from the verse he can completely erase our sins, so when we stop wrongdoing and truly repent then we can feel with a clear, clear conscience and of course happy.

Yes, and it is also comforting because this man was just beginning to believe, then sometimes, like all feelings of guilt, it can be difficult for us to believe that Jehovah loves us and forgives us, but if this man could benefit from the rescue as the first John 2: 1 says and 2 us also because we have a helper who is Jesus Christ.

Something that helps us remember part of the meaning of the word mercy, is a feeling accompanied by a desire to help or to alleviate a pain and Jehovah Jesus they know of the suffering that as humanity we are going through, we have or have been going through, the definition also includes to be benevolent in judgment but sometimes we are a little tougher than what Jehovah sees us, but remembering this helps us to understand the kind of love and great mercy they have for us.

"There you have your son", "There you have your mother"

7. According to John 19:26, 27, what did Jesus tell Mary and John, and why?

He told Maria there you have your son and Juan he said there you have your mother, he did it because he loved MarĂ­a very much and wanted her to be well cared for and besides, he trusted Juan a lot.

We must not forget the scene Jesus is on the tree he is suffering excruciating pain breathing with great pain and yet he is not thinking of himself he is thinking of his mother in spiritual care, Jesus is thinking of her on how to satisfy a need that great example left us. 

And although Jesus had more brothers, they could meet their material needs, Jesus was not only interested in that, he was also interested in spiritual well-being and that was so because they considered John as their family, so it is a good point on which we can meditate each one of us.

And we can also say that Jesus had done it out of gratitude, this woman had cared for him since childhood and was already there the day he was going to die, without a doubt he also did it because he felt deep gratitude for this woman. 

8. What do we learn from what Jesus said to Mary and John?

If what we learn is that our families may have those who abandon us for being Jehovah's Witnesses, but it comforts us to know that within Jehovah's organization we can find spiritual mothers to spiritual fathers or we can become spiritual children, this may be We notice in the congregations perhaps we know brothers who for deciding to be one of Jehovah's Witnesses their parents abandon them, but within the congregation they find spiritual beings loved ones, then as Jesus said if we stay close to Jehovah and his organization we will receive 100 times more than what we lose.

The truth is that it is a true privilege to be able to have this family, so it is good that we always meditate on how we can collaborate so that that family continues to stay together so that it continues to be a refuge so that when relatives reject our siblings they can reach this family and feel welcomed.

Also those who are studying the Bible and beginning to approach the congregation, it is important that they meet the brothers who know the congregation because it may be that they are in the transition from some relatives or acquaintances who reject these students for their new beliefs but that they They can perceive that the congregation is a nest of true love that will help them to take the necessary steps to enter this great universal family.

And in that time of pandemic, without a doubt, the question at the end of this paragraph makes us reflect on how we feel to be part of this loving family and we do nothing more than follow the first words of Peter 2:17 to follow. having love for the whole brotherhood looking for ways to support our brothers and also feeling the love they have for each one of us. 

"My God, why have you abandoned me?"

9. What do the words of Jesus recorded at Matthew 27:46 teach us?

First Christ was fulfilling a prophecy that is that of Psalm 22: 1 but they also remember the challenge of Satan that is recorded in Job 1:10 where he said that Job was faithful to Jehovah because he had a protective fence, well Jesus did not have it and He made it clear with what he said.

If this article is interesting because it gives us 6 possible reasons why Jesus expressed those words and it is that someone might think that seconds before dying he was lamenting he was repenting but this is not the case, he was actually thinking of Jehovah he was thinking about a loyalty issue which he was making clear. 

This reference says something interesting that he did not say because he had lost faith, he knew that he had to fulfill the objective, the wine died, he had to give his life in rescue of all humanity and he probably said so because he felt pain to what he was suffering was human, so that is probably one of the reasons why he said these words. 

10. What lessons can we learn from what Jesus told his Father?

If a lesson we can learn is that we should not expect that Jehovah has us as a protective fence and that nothing will ever happen to us, because Matthew 16:24 and 25 makes it very clear to us the path that we have decided to take we have renounced We ourselves and we know that if Christ suffered, we will also have to suffer, yet we have the assurance that Jehovah will take care of us and will never allow us to pass a test that we can never endure.

This makes us think that it is very possible that we suffer injustices such as those suffered by Jesus Christ and Jehovah did not act to protect him immediately, so Jehovah is not going to act that way with us too, the truth of things is that we have a world that is It opposes our work as Jehovah's servant to the work we do in declaring the truth, and it stands to reason that Satan and his system are against us.

And the Bible shows that also faithful servants of the past went through many trials, many problems and they wondered why Jehovah allowed them to suffer, for example there is the example of Habakkuk he lived at a time with great evil in Juda and even feared for his life That is why he said in Habakkuk 1: 3 because you make me see so many bad things, we can feel just as clear we have understood in the Bible that Jehovah allows evil for a reason but everything changes when we are the ones who suffer is when we ask ourselves why he allows Jehovah that I suffer and that Jehovah does not see as a lack of faith but we occupy comfort and he cannot give them.

And also something nice, the comfort that Jehovah gives us is that we can also be used by him to comfort others as the Bible says in second Corinthians 1: 4 he comforts us so that we console ourselves with the comfort we receive from God, then is a string.

This paragraph also helps us to mentalize ourselves why suffer things like those that Jesus went through because it could be at any time in fact we wait for them we wait for the great tribulation our brothers in Russia and other countries have been cruelly mistreated we have seen scenes but there are people who give their lives For a cause they die for a country, I like to reflect on what Matthew 16:24 and 25 says why Jesus gives us an invitation to be my follower, and it is true you are going to suffer but look what you are going to gain, then what greater cause in order to lose our life than to follow Jesus and be faithful to Jehovah. 

"I'm thirsty"

11. Why did Jesus say the words we read in John 19:28?

Because by virtue of what Jesus had suffered it was logical that he was very thirsty at that time and also for the scripture in Psalm 22:15 to be fulfilled.

12. What do we learn from Jesus saying that he was thirsty?

He was a stronger man at this time on earth, but still he did not see that as a weakness to ask for help, on the contrary the strength was his trust in Jehovah but he asked for help, so he now sets a good example for all of us.

And this recommendation is so beautiful today more than ever because as we are not going to the classroom, sometimes we cannot know if our brothers really care about something, so I really like what the paragraph says here at the end because it says the brothers cannot read our minds so they will not know we need help unless we tell them, so if we feel discouraged, a brother should not feel bad talking to an old man a mature friend send him a message we can talk we can connect by videoconference because really everyone during this time we need encouragement.

So the idea that is not transmitted here and that encourages us to think if the next time someone approaches us and asks us, they take the time to ask ourselves how we are not to feel afraid and not to think that it is a weakness to tell them how we are, it may be just what we need what this brother tells us is the help that comes from Jehovah, so we do well to think that we all need help.

And it is good to remember that our brothers love us very much, this pandemic does not separate us from them, on the contrary, we are more united with brothers and friends and something very nice that Proverbs 17:17 mentions is that they are always at all times to help us. It is good to remember that when we have an anguish, a difficulty or we are sick they will always be ready to help us. 

"It has been fulfilled!"

13. What did Jesus accomplish by staying loyal until death?

He accomplished wonderful things, one of which is that he made it clear that Satan is a liar.

Thanks also to their loyalty and to this sacrifice, a door has been opened for human beings so that we can have a hope of living forever and having a beautiful relationship with Jehovah.

Yes as a third Jesus defended the sovereignty of Jehovah and the good name of his father. 

14. Explain how we should live each day.

Brother Maxwell, a teacher at the Bible school of Gilead, explained that we should live it as an opportunity to show Jehovah that we love him that we want to be loyal to him, in fact he explains as if it were the last chance you have because no one knows if there will be tomorrow, so we want to live each day with integrity by showing Jehovah that we want to be on his side. 

I love them I love the words of the brother friend because they show us that we really do not know what will become of our life tomorrow so we want to make the most of each day and dedicate our time to activities that give true value to our lives we can imitate their example servants of God who ran the race to the end and were loyal to the end so that each of us will be able to prove that Satan is a liar and would be glad to indicate Jehovah's name.

Yes, and being loyal to Jehovah not only implies avoiding evil but also perhaps by respecting the safety standards that the organization is giving us at that time, also diligently attending to our assignments that the organization gives us, putting our hearts in, without a doubt keeping ourselves busy in This keeps us protected and strengthens our friendship and our loyalty to Jehovah.

And the world also has this idea it also says live each day as if it were your last day or your last chance, but here you can see this paragraph the difference in the way that Jehovah wants us to think, it is not about living the last day to be happy according to this system what this world offers, but to make ourselves a good name before Jehovah and as the paragraph says then demonstrate that we are worthy to live in his new world. 

"In your hands I ignite my spirit"

15. According to Luke 23:46, of what was Jesus convinced?

Of two things in particular, one knew that his future depended on Jehovah and he was also convinced that his father would always remember him.

16. What do we learn from Joshua's example?

What we have to trust with all our heart in Jehovah is to say we must trust him with all our thoughts our way of thinking and the example of this 15-year-old young man is very interesting because he, because of his loyalty to Jehovah in order not to pass or violate a biblical principle refuse to accept medical treatments, so he was sure that Jehovah was going to remember him in the future, he even told his mother I know that Jehovah will resurrect me he has seen my heart and I know that I really love him, so he That we also face similar tests can be of a physical and spiritual nature, we even know that if we do the right thing, we please Jehovah and we are loyal, he will remember us.

So it is important that we prepare for possible situations that put our faith to the test and that is why the advice that is in the paragraph at the end that one self-examine is very wise to analyze if I faced a test and my life is in danger of keeping loyal and trust in Jehovah, meditating on texts like Proverbs 3: 5 will strengthen our resolve to be loyal to Jehovah no matter what.

And Proverbs 3: 5 shows us that trust in Jehovah comes or starts from our mind and heart and every day with decisions big or small we have the opportunity to demonstrate our trust in Jehovah, so it is good to ask ourselves questions like these not only in situations so difficult or not to wait to be in those situations but from now on we can already examine ourselves.

And just as Jesus fully trusted that Jehovah would resurrect him in the case of Joshua we also see from the experience that is related in the awakening that he had that firm conviction, I was greatly impacted in the story when on one occasion his brother was crying because they had Given the bad news about Joshua's health, he comforts him and says stop crying whatever happens I'll be the winner don't worry about me and the article explains what Joshua meant was that if he recovered from his illness, he would be the winner if not he recovered and died and then resurrected in the heavenly land. Obviously he would be the winner, without a doubt it is a shocking lesson for all of us as well. 

17, 18. What lessons have we learned? (See also the box “What His Last Words Teach Us”).

We saw that we have to forgive others, perhaps it could be a family member, a close friend, the opponents who hatefully want to harm us, we have to learn to forgive but we also have to fully trust that Jehovah is willing to forgive us.

Yes about that same talking about forgiveness sometimes it can happen that sometimes we can say that we have reasons not to forgive, for example if our publications break us or even do us physical harm we can say how I am going to forgive if I am not doing anything bad, but following the advice of Colossians 3:13 to forgive even if we have reason to complain will benefit us a lot because the hatred or resentment that we can store in our hearts will not corrupt us but we will put aside the resentment and we will have a happy life.

Number 3 says there you have your son there you have your mother, I learned something very nice because in the text it said that Juan took her home that is very nice because Jesus never asked him to do that directly, he only tells him take care of her But the relationship they had was so close that he took full charge, our spiritual family would do the same for us, so we must take advantage of this help we have.

Another important lesson is that we must express what we feel what we need and it is not necessarily a sign of weakness but rather we must express it without fear of anything.

When Jesus said to this evildoer you will be with me in paradise it reflected his father's desire to show mercy, if someone within the congregation has done something that bothers his conscience and wants to fix things with Jehovah he should seek the help of the elders he should trusting that Jehovah wants to forgive you using the elders should receive this help and thus restore your relationship with Jehovah.

We also learned from the expression My God why have you abandoned me, that we must or must not become overconfident, we must prepare ourselves to face trials because Jehovah will not always protect us from trials.

As number 6 we also learned from the words it has been fulfilled, that is, Jesus was satisfied that he had endured everything that was necessary to remain loyal and he did it from the beginning until his last day that he was on earth.

Yes also in point 7 when Jesus Christ said in your hands I entrust my spirit there we can learn that it is worthy of a servant of Jehovah that we are willing to put our life in the hand of Jehovah and it is that many brothers do it right now in the congregations with This issue of the pandemic is staying loyal and firm they cling to Jehovah they know that whatever the circumstances they have to face at the end of the day, the one who trusts in Jehovah gives us a guarantee that no one takes away from us. 

What lessons have we learned from what Jesus said in Luke 23:34, 43, 46?

Verse 34 reminds us of the importance of forgiveness Jesus was willing to forgive even those who killed him and those who insulted him, so we must also show that willingness to forgive people who treat us badly, including our loved ones, and ask Jehovah to help us. Help them to forgive us and also open their hearts and eyes so that soon they can also be Jehovah's friends.

If in one of the paragraphs Ephesians 4:31 and 32 were analyzed and the truth also mentioned that when we decide to forgive we choose not to let negative things make our lives bitter, without a doubt, a valuable lesson for all of us.

And it is that we must understand that Jehovah understands when perhaps we feel offended that we have reason to feel this way but he asks us what is in Psalm 37: 8 that we renounce the right to demand that a military-style justice be done but that we choose free ourselves from resentment and that will be to imitate him and his son Jesus. 

What lessons have we learned from what Jesus said in Matthew 27:46?

It helps us to mentalize ourselves that in the future we will suffer tests that we will not always have Jehovah's protective fence and that we will suffer injustices, mockery, mistreatment and today even with this situation of the pandemic diseases, then knowing this helps us to mentalize that it is not that Jehovah abandons us but we have to go through these situations because we do not belong to this world.

What lessons have we learned from what Jesus said in John 19: 26-28, 30?

It reminds us of point 3 of the box where we learned that we have a beautiful spiritual family and that is how we have to see it, we have to live it every day, we learned that there are many brothers whose families may be opposed to their being witnesses but they have a spiritual family that he will take care that he will show tender love but we also remember that first Peter 2:17 is a good reminder for those of us who if we have a family that is Jehovah's Witness, we share everything with them, we do not get away, we have a spiritual family, live with the congregation with the brothers spend pleasant times and enjoy this spiritual paradise that we have.

And in verse 30 where Christ said it has been fulfilled he could do it because he was loyal until death, then we saw a very nice phrase that Brother Friend said: live each day as if it were your last chance to show that you are worthy to live for. always, that's a very good phrase to think about.
