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1, 2. What is ransom, and why do we need it?
when Adam — who was perfect — sinned, he lost the opportunity for him and his children to live forever. What Adam did was without excuse, for he sinned willfully.
He deserved to die. But what about their children? They had nothing to do with Adam's sin (Rom. 5:12, 14). Could something be done to rescue them from the death penalty? Yes of course. Shortly after Adam sinned, Jehovah revealed how he would rescue the millions of Adam's descendants from the curse of sin and death (Gen. 3:15). In due course, Jehovah would send his Son from heaven “to give his life as a ransom in exchange for many people” (Mark 10:45; John 6:51).
What is the ransom? In the Christian Greek Scriptures, it is the price that Jesus paid to regain what Adam had lost (1 Cor. 15:22). Why do we need it? Because, according to the Law, Jehovah's standard of justice required that “life be given for life” (Ex. 21:23, 24). Adam lost his perfect human life. So, to meet the standard of divine justice, Jesus had to lay down his perfect human life (Rom. 5:17). In this way, he becomes the "Everlasting Father" of all who put their faith in the ransom (Isa. 9: 6; Rom. 3:23, 24).
3. According to John 14:31 and 15:13, why was Jesus willing to sacrifice his perfect human life?
Jesus was willing to sacrifice his life for his great love for his Father and for us (read John 14:31; 15:13). That same love motivated him to be loyal until death and to do the will of his Father. As a result, Jehovah's original purpose for human beings and for the earth will be fulfilled. In this article, we will see why God allowed Jesus to suffer so much before he died.
We will also briefly review the example of a biblical writer who was deeply appreciative of the rescue. And finally, we will discuss how we too can show our gratitude and value more and more the sacrifice that Jehovah and Jesus made for us.
Think of all that Jesus suffered to pay the ransom. (See paragraph 4).
4. Describe how Jesus died.
Let's try to imagine what Jesus' last day on earth was like. He allowed himself to be mercilessly apprehended and beaten by Roman soldiers even though he could have summoned several legions of angels to protect him (Matt. 26: 52-54; John 18: 3; 19: 1). They whipped him with a whip that tore at his flesh. Afterwards, they made him carry a heavy pole on his bloody back. Jesus began to drag the tree to the place of execution. But soon the Roman soldiers forced a man to carry him for him (Matt. 27:32). When Jesus finally reached the place where he would die, his executioners nailed his hands and feet to the tree.
The weight of his body was opening the nail wounds even further. While his friends and his mother suffered and cried, the Jewish rulers mocked Jesus (Luke 23: 32-38; John 19:25). This agony went on for hours. His heart and lungs were at the limit of his strength, and he was finding it harder and harder to breathe. Knowing that he had been loyal, with his last breath he prayed to Jehovah. Then, he bowed his head and gave his life (Mark 15:37; Luke 23:46; John 10:17, 18; 19:30). What a slow, painful and humiliating death!
5. For Jesus, what was worse than the way he died?
For Jesus, the worst was not the way he died, but the accusation for which he was executed. They falsely accused him of blasphemy, that is, disrespecting God or his name (Matt. 26: 64-66). The idea of being accused of blasphemy tormented Jesus so much that he hoped that his Father would deliver him from that humiliation (Matt. 26:38, 39, 42). Why did Jehovah allow his dear Son to suffer and die? Let's look at three reasons.
6. Why did Jesus have to be hung on a tree?
First, Jesus had to be hung on a tree to free the Jews from a curse (Gal. 3:10, 13). They received that curse because they had promised to obey God's Law and had not done so. To this was added the condemnation they had inherited for Adam's sin (Rom. 5:12). The Law that God had given to Israel stated that a man who committed a sin that deserved the death penalty had to be executed.
Later, in some cases, the corpse was hung on a tree (Deut. 21:22, 23; 27:26). * So, by being hung on a tree, Jesus made it possible for the very nation that had rejected him to benefit from his sacrifice.
7. What is the second reason that God allowed his Son to suffer?
Second, God allowed his Son to suffer in order to prepare him for his role as High Priest. Jesus experienced how difficult it is to obey God when going through severe trials.
She felt so much pressure that she had to ask for help in prayer "with loud cries and tears." Without a doubt, after going through such intense emotional anguish, Jesus understands us and "is qualified to help those who are put to the test." How grateful we are that Jehovah has appointed a High Priest who “can sympathize with our weaknesses.” --Heb. 2:17, 18; 4: 14-16; 5: 7-10.
8. What is the third reason God allowed Jesus to be tested to the limit?
Third, Jehovah allowed Jesus to suffer so much to answer this important question: Can human beings remain loyal to Jehovah even under the most severe tests? Satan says no, for he claims that we serve God out of selfishness. Furthermore, he believes that, like our ancestor Adam, we do not love Jehovah. --Job 1: 9-11; 2: 4, 5. Since Jehovah was convinced that his Son would be loyal, he allowed Jesus to be tested to the limit. By his loyalty, Jesus proved that Satan is a liar.
9. What example did the apostle John set for us?
Teaching the ransom has strengthened the faith of many Christians. They have continued to preach despite opposition and have endured various trials throughout their lives. Let's look at the example of the apostle John. He faithfully preached the truth about Christ and the ransom for sure for over 60 years. He was almost 100 years old when the Roman Empire considered him such a threat that they exiled him to the island of Patmos. What was your crime? "Talk about God" and "bear witness about Jesus" (Rev. 1: 9). What an extraordinary example of faith and endurance!
10. How did John show his gratitude for the ransom in the biblical books he wrote?
In the biblical books he wrote, John expresses his deep love for Jesus and his gratitude for the ransom. In them, he makes more than 100 references to the rescue or its benefits. For example, he wrote: "If anyone commits a sin, we have a helper who is with the Father: Jesus Christ, one who is righteous" (1 John 2: 1, 2). In addition, he stressed the importance of "bearing witness about Jesus" (Rev. 19:10). It is clear that Juan deeply appreciated the rescue. How can we show that we feel the same?
If we truly value the ransom, we will resist the temptation to sin. (See paragraph 11) *
11. What can help us not to fall into temptation?
Resist the temptation to sin. If we truly appreciate the rescue, we will not think, “I don't have to resist the temptation. I can sin and then ask for forgiveness ”. Instead, when we are faced with the temptation to do something wrong, we will say, “No! How could I do something like this after all that Jehovah and Jesus have done for me? Apart from that, we can ask Jehovah for strength and plead with him: “Do not lead us into temptation” (Matt. 6:13).
12. How can we follow the advice we read in 1 John 3: 16-18?
Let's love our brothers. When we do, we also show gratitude for the ransom, as Jesus did not lay down his life only for us, but also for our brothers. If he was willing to die for them, it is because he loves them very much (read 1 John 3: 16-18). The way we treat them is a reflection of our love for them (Eph. 4:29, 31-5: 2). We help them when they are sick or when they are going through ordeals, such as a natural disaster. But how should we react when a brother does or says something that offends us?
13. Why should we forgive?
Do we have a tendency to hold a grudge against those who offend us? (Lev. 19:18). If so, let's put this advice into practice: “Keep supporting each other and forgiving generously even if one of you has a reason to complain about another. Jehovah generously forgave you, so do the same ”(Col. 3:13). Every time we forgive a brother, we show our heavenly Father that we truly appreciate the ransom. How can we value this gift from God more and more?
14. What will help us value the ransom more?
Let us thank Jehovah for the ransom. Joanna, an 83-year-old sister living in India, says: "I think it is important to mention the ransom in my prayers every day and thank Jehovah for it." In our personal prayers, let us think about the mistakes we have made during the day and ask Jehovah to forgive us. Although, if we have committed a serious sin, we will also have to ask the elders for help. They will listen to us and advise us lovingly using the Bible. In addition, they will pray with us and ask Jehovah to forgive us thanks to Jesus' sacrifice so that we can recover spiritually (James 5: 14-16).
15. Why should we take time to read and ponder the ransom?
Let's meditate on the rescue. A 73-year-old sister named Rajamani says: "When I read all that Jesus suffered, my eyes fill with tears." We, too, may get excited at the thought of how much the Son of God suffered. But the more we meditate on the sacrifice that Jesus made, the more we will love him and his Father. In order to achieve this, why don't we include the ransom in our personal study?
Through a simple meal, Jesus showed his disciples how to remember his sacrifice. (See paragraph 16)
16. How does teaching others about the ransom benefit us? (See cover image).
Let's teach others about rescue. Every time we talk to others about the rescue, we value it more. We have very good tools to explain why Jesus had to die for us. For example, we can use Lesson 4 from the Good News from God brochure, titled "Who is Jesus Christ?" Or we can use Chapter 5 of the book What Does the Bible Teach Us ?, entitled "The Ransom, God's Greatest Gift." And each year our gratitude for the rescue increases as we attend the Memorial of Jesus' death and enthusiastically invite others to do the same. What an honor that Jehovah has commissioned us to teach others about his Son!
17. Why is the ransom God's greatest gift to mankind?
We are convinced that we have good reason to value the rescue and not stop being grateful for it. The ransom makes it possible for us to have a good friendship with Jehovah even if we are imperfect. Thanks to the ransom, the works of the Devil will be completely undone (1 John 3: 8). Furthermore, Jehovah's original purpose for the earth to be a paradise and for all to love and serve him will be carried out. So let's look for ways each day to show our gratitude for the ransom, God's greatest gift to humanity.
What is the ransom?
Ransom is the price paid to free someone from a death threat. According to the Bible, death entered the world through Adam. In other words, Adam transmitted sin to all his descendants and thus condemned them to death, so we all need a ransom. Romans 6:23 exemplifies it very well: "The gift that God gives is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord."
Why did Jesus have to suffer and die?
Unlike us, Jesus was perfect and never committed sin, so he did not die to pay for his sins, but to pay for the sins of others, he suffered a violent and humiliating death of much pain as we saw through this study, But Jesus did it out of love for us and because he obeyed his father by giving his life to free us from sin and death.
How can we value the rescue more and more?
We can value the ransom more and more, by keeping it present each day in our personal prayers, setting aside time to read more about the ransom and meditate on what this gift that God gave us meant, in order to come to value it much more, and above all teach others what this means with the tools that Jehovah has given us, a brochure and a book that speak about what this gift means, and the greatest token of our gratitude for the ransom is attending the commemoration of the death of Jesus each year and invite others to attend that event, so we always give thanks to God for the rescue.
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