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1,2 What is ransom, and why do we need it?
Rescue means the payment that is given to recover something that has been lost, that was lost? perfect human life, so Jesus paid with his perfect life with his blood so that we can regain that perfect life.
And that is in line with the just standards of Jehovah because as Exodus says, life would have to be given for life and as the first letter to the Corinthians chapter 15 verse 22 says by Adam then humanity is dying but through Christ we will receive life.
And how good that it is because we are not to blame for what Adam did on that occasion like this Romans 5 12 and 14 says death spread, explaining well that sin had a progressive effect on humanity and not simultaneous, that is to say that We are not partakers of the sin that Adam committed that day, it was simply inherited to us.
And this ransom that Jehovah paid with his son Jesus Christ is for everyone because in Mark chapter 10 verse 45 it says that this ransom is in exchange for many people, so we can all benefit from this gift that Jehovah and Jesus Christ have given.
3. According to John 14:31 and 15:13, why was Jesus willing to sacrifice his perfect human life?
How we gave him in these two passages is out of love since he says that the love he felt for Jehovah prompted him to do exactly what he had asked him to do and also says that there was no greater love than to lay down his life on behalf of his friends so he loved Jehovah as much as he loves us.
And thanks to that love and loyalty that Jesus Christ demonstrated, we can soon experience the fulfillment that Jehovah had for human beings and for the earth.
We will also see the example of a biblical writer who deeply appreciated the rescue and how we too can show gratitude and value more and more that sacrifice that both Jehovah and Jesus made for us.
Why did God allow Jesus to suffer?
4. Describe how Jesus died.
It is commented quite well but the image is very explicit it helps us a lot, because as we see there, it is true that Jesus suffered a terrible trial and they placed him in memory of that crown of thorns to be able to mock himAfter being whipped, that whip that we see there is tearing the skin on his back but in addition to that they made him carry the tree that was extremely heavy for a man who had been subjected to so much suffering and then when he arrives at the place they nail him and Of course, when raising him then now those wounds became much deeper and more painful the position he was in did not allow him to breathe well and yet our Lord Jesus at that moment occupied his mind to do the will of Jehovah and continue to show that deep love he felt for his father and used his last breath his last breath to pray to him.
And this makes us appreciate perhaps more what we studied last week that after all this carrying the log on his back literally that was shredded, then we can imagine when we have a cut in our hand and we touch something just by touching and now imagine a heavy log on top of that shattered back and yet after that and after being hung up he was able to give those sayings that last week we were able to take advantage of that he was still after that he was thinking of the benefit of others.
And in the midst of all this Jesus knew that he could get rid of the situation is what Matthew 26:52 to 54 mentions he could ask several legions of angels to protect him however despite that he had in his mind clear what it was the purpose the will of his father and of course what motivated him was a deep love.
5. For Jesus, what was worse than the way he died?
Yes, for him the fact of what they accused him of blasphemy was worse, but it was the one that had to do with blasphemy against God and that was what tormented him, then this made even he come and ask Jehovah to deliver him That is what we read yesterday in Matthew 26 that if he would please remove that cup from him, he still said that his will not be done but his father's.
And he was accused by people that if before they worshiped Jehovah in a correct way and they knew who Jehovah was, then for them to tell that to Jesus Christ everyone will think that if he did it it was something painful for him because Jesus Christ never really wanted to offend to Jehovah.
And we know that this accusation worried him a lot because in Matthew 26 he himself says that he was so anguished that he felt that he was dying and that in fact at that time he concentrated on praying to Jehovah and while doing that he presented a condition in which one sweated blood. A condition known as hematidrosis, that is, he was so distressed that everything at this time caused him to present all these types of alterations.
6. Why did Jesus have to be hung on a tree?
It was to free the Jews from a curse, when Jehovah gave the law to them, they had promised to abide by it but received the curse because they had promised that they would obey but nevertheless they did not do it, to this was also added the condemnation of Adam's sin and because they were descendants of him they could not do it perfectly, as a consequence they were under this law or that curse of the law so to eliminate it Jesus had to be hung on a tree as a criminal.
Remember that the Bible explains that because we are sinners we all deserve death and in the law there were sins that stipulated the death penalty and some of those who were executed were hung on a tree and the law clearly explained that everyone who was on a tree he was a cursed person.
7. What is the second reason that God allowed his Son to suffer?
If these sufferings served as preparation for the role that he would assume in the future as high priest, of course it was perfect but when facing such extreme tests as facing death itself, that is prepared him to understand how imperfect human beings have also submitted to so much pressure even to do so that we become loyal to Jehovah, then when Jesus sees us in that situation as our high priest he is in a better capacity to understand and help us.
Hebrews chapter 2 verse 17 says he had to become like his brothers in every way in order to be a merciful high priest, that empathy allows him to have mercy and in the end he says he himself suffered when they put him to the test and is qualified to help those who are put to the test.
And the fact that Jehovah would have allowed Jesus to suffer also has a result in us in Hebrews 4:16 it says so let's approach with confidence, then knowing that he has that empathy produces in us confidence to approach him.
And everything that Christ did everything that he suffered for example Jesus knows what it is to cry because Hebrews 5: 7 says that he shed tears made requests with loud cries, he can rightly feel sorry for us because he knows very well the feelings we experience or that he himself experienced them.
8. What is the third reason God allowed Jesus to be tested to the limit?
Well because Satan has doubted that there is a single human being who can be loyal to Jehovah if he is put to the test, then Jesus faithfully enduring that terrible suffering demonstrated that a perfect man who has free will can be totally faithful to Jehovah without Regardless of the difficulties the devil causes him, that is why Jehovah allowed Jesus to be tested.
And without a doubt there Jesus gave us an example of loyalty so that we also ask ourselves if we imitate Jesus in such a way that Jehovah is also convinced that we will be loyal even if we are tested to the limit.
And that test that went to the limit was also experienced by Job, who was an imperfect human, however, he showed loyalty and showed all of us that we can be faithful and loyal to Jehovah in this sense.
In Job 2: 4 the devil accused by saying that the man will give everything he has to save his life, he did not use the name of Job, rather the man said instead of the name of Job, that is, he questioned the integrity of every human being, continues to make this accusation today of course since when expelled from heaven the Bible says that Satan continues to be the accuser of our brothers who accuses them day and night, so he continues to question our integrity but what Job and Jesus Christ left us a good example.
A biblical writer who deeply appreciated the rescue
9. What example did the apostle John set for us?
It was undoubtedly an extraordinary example of faith and endurance as the paragraph preached on the ransom for more than 60 years points out and when he was almost 100 at such an advanced age he was exiled and imprisoned on Patmos, there was a need for him to suffer all these things ? Well at first glance one could say no, but what drove John was the love and appreciation he felt for Jesus and what he had done for him and for all humanity.
Something interesting about the example of the apostle Paul is that it was not a people that considered him a threat, it was an empire that considered him a threat, so his preaching was quite enthusiastic.
And it is outstanding that Juan did not think that because of his advanced age there was little he could do or he retreated no no no none of that prevented him from continuing to show that faith and that endurance, so if the same happened back then with Juan with The greater reason we today must see the support that Jehovah gives us for doing precisely like him by continuing to demonstrate faith and endurance even under the circumstances that we have to live.
10. How did John show his gratitude for the ransom in the biblical books he wrote?
Well, making more than 100 references about the ransom and the benefits that it brings, an example that the paragraph shows is that he wrote there in 1 John 2: 1, 2 if someone commits a sin we have a helper who is next to the father Jesus Christ one who is just referring to the ransom he gave for us and also stressed the importance of bearing witness about Jesus.
How can we show our gratitude for the rescue?
11. What can help us not to fall into temptation?
In addition to asking Jehovah for strength, we can meditate on all that Jehovah and Jesus have done for us, all that they have sacrificed.
If we do not come out with that of what good I can do it and then I ask forgiveness because there is the ransom, we do not want to offend Jehovah or Jesus Christ who gave the opportunity to be alive and please your heart.
And precisely that sincere reflection thinking about what Jehovah and Jesus Christ have done for us makes our hearts grow feelings of gratitude and at the same time gratitude causes us to develop loyalty and develop obedience towards that person, so these are the qualities we need to be able to resist the temptation.
If there is such a thing, you see how our brothers the appreciation they feel for the rescue makes them reject the temptation, for example the first brother we see how he immediately removes from his sight images that perhaps inappropriate images are reaching his phone or cell phone and he with determination rejects, in the case of the young man at school he resists the temptation to accept tobacco cigarettes and the latter brother's appreciation for the ransom makes him reject any kind of bribes so we can resist the temptation when we appreciate all that Jesus did with us .
12. How can we follow the advice we read in 1 John 3: 16-18?
Well showing love also for our brothers because if Jesus Christ showed love for them for us too we can take the example of Jesus Christ and this we can do is by helping them when they are sick also when they are going through hard trials.
And we are analyzing the example of John someone who deeply thanked the rescue and we see how in verse 16 he uses that as a reason why we should show love to our brothers, because he says there that we have come to know love because He laid down his life for us, so that should prompt us to take actions that demonstrate that same kind of love.
And this love is reflected in the treatment that one gives to the brothers, for example in Ephesians chapter 4 verse 29 he tells us or encourages us that everything we say is not to corrupt but rather to encourage or edify, then when we treat well to our brothers that reflects that we are grateful for the rescue of Christ.
And he also mentions that it must be true is to say that what we do should come out of the love we feel for our brothers and what we do for them should not be feigned.
13. Why should we forgive?
The Bible explains that Jehovah has generously forgiven us and we remember that forgiveness comes thanks to the ransom, so if Jehovah forgives us he forgets we are obliged to forgive our brothers.
And one of the reasons why sometimes it is difficult for us to forgive is because what we experience comes from one of our brothers precisely but here we must or want to apply the same principle with Jehovah, we approach him to his throne of mercy thanks to the sacrifice of Christ, so we want to give that same possibility to our brothers who can approach us with peace of mind knowing that they can receive our forgiveness and we also receive it from them.
How can we value the rescue more and more?
14. What will help us value the ransom more?
Well thank Jehovah for the ransom, that's what Joanna does, an 83-year-old sister who lives in India, she says that I think it is important to mention the ransom in my prayers and every day to thank Jehovah for it, just like us. In our personal prayers we can also tell Jehovah to forgive our mistakes that we make every day, it is thanks to the ransom so we are grateful for that.
And it strikes me to think about the mistakes we have made specifically because that will help us see how much we need Jehovah's forgiveness on a daily basis.
And when it comes to a serious sin, we ask the elders for help but they apply the same formula, they listen to us and advise us to pray with us to ask Jehovah for forgiveness thanks to the sacrifice of Jesus.
15. Why should we take time to read and ponder the ransom?
The more we meditate on something that we appreciate for us, it looks much more real and is what the paragraph invites us to do, we must meditate a lot on the sacrifice of Jesus and thus we will develop a deeper love for him and for his father.
Well we can also propose to know better the one who made the rescue that Jehovah was possible, this will help us to love him more and the more we love Jehovah the more we will want to please him.
16. How does it benefit us to teach others about the ransom?
Well, we value this more than Jehovah made this teaching this doctrine because we investigate, we see illustrations, we understand concepts so that does not help to explain it and then we value it more.
And we also have many tools to explain about the ransom, for example lesson four of the good news from God brochure entitled who is Jesus Christ, we also have the book that the Bible teaches us in chapter 5 entitled the ransom God's greatest gift These are some of the tools we have, but they are many.
This image illustrates what Jesus did the night before he died a simple meal, bread and wine, but with a lot of meaning that every year we remember it exactly the same date that he died on Nisan 14, it does not matter if we are and can be in a living room. Kingdom or if we are in our homes watching a recorded speech but we all attend the annual commemoration of the death of Jesus.
17. Why is the ransom God's greatest gift to mankind?
It is a gift since being imperfect we can have and enjoy a friendship with Jehovah and at the level of all humanity the works of the devil will be completely undone and that Jehovah's purpose of turning the earth into a paradise will be fulfilled.
What would you answer?
What is the ransom?
When it speaks of ransom in the Christian Greek scriptures it refers to the price that Jesus had to pay to recover what Adam had lost in a perfect human life.
Why did Jesus have to suffer and die?
One according to Galatians 3:13 to remove the curse from the Jews for not persisting in God's law, 2 by Job 1: 9 when Satan said Job has feared God for nothing, then human beings can remain loyal to Jehovah under the Hardest tests Jesus proved yes and third Hebrews 2:18 to transform himself into a merciful high priest who understands our tests.
How can we value the rescue more and more?
If we can do it by thanking Jehovah for the ransom thinking every day about the mistakes we have made during the day and in that way we will be grateful that Jehovah has given his son and that he also wanted to give his life, meditating also in the ransom and seeing all that Jesus and Jehovah did for us and also teaching others about the ransom will make our love grow even more for them and we value it even more.
And what a good and practical suggestion to be able to include the subject of rescue in our personal study that will undoubtedly make us appreciate it throughout the year.
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