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Deut 9: 1-3. Although the sons of Anak were strong and tall, why should the Israelites not be afraid of them? (it-1 133).
Because they were counting on Jehovah, who had brought them out of Egypt and humbled the mighty Pharaoh and his false gods with the ten plagues. They, too, had seen how Jehovah had cared for them during the wilderness journey and provided everything they needed.
In these "critical, hard-to-handle times," we, like the Israelites, are faced with enemies that far surpass us, such as moral, spiritual, and, in some cases, physical pressure. However, as Psalm 9:10 says, if we really know Jehovah and understand what his name represents, we will trust him to the same degree as faithful Israelites.
And in our case, some of us may think, well for the Israelites it was surely easier to trust in Jehovah since they had seen the 10 plagues, the red sea split in two and many other miracles. But in reality each of us today also have great manifestations of God's power, such as Jehovah's works of creation, including the universe and its billions of galaxies. And how about the immense physical forces that dominate our daily lives, all of these are clear signs of the great power of our God Jehovah and contribute to our full trust in Jehovah.
Deuteronomy 9: 1-3: Listen, oh, Israel. Today you are going to cross the Jordan to enter the land and conquer nations bigger and stronger than you, large cities fortified to the heavens, a people of strong and tall people, the children of the Anakim, whom you already know and of. those who have heard say 'Who is able to stand up to the children of Anac?'. But you should know today that Jehovah your God is going to cross before you. He is a ravenous fire and will annihilate them. He will subdue them before your eyes so that you can quickly drive them out and destroy them, as Jehovah has promised you. "
The negative report the spies gave was meaningless and was due to a lack of faith in Jehovah and in all that he had already done for them and demonstrated. No matter how tall this extraordinary race was, and no matter how tall the city walls were. Jehovah was on their side and they would have nothing to fear, but they lacked faith.
As happened at that time, today we can go through moments in our lives that we see very complicated or that we have never faced and we fear that we will not be able to resist the seriousness of those problems or situation. But we will, because we have Jehovah, may we not lack faith as happened to the Israelites after this report. There is nothing greater than Jehovah and He will give us everything we need to overcome.
What spiritual pearls have you found about Jehovah, the ministry, and other topics in this week's Bible reading?
Deuteronomy 9: 5 Jehovah gives the reason why he would expel the Canaanites from his land, and it was because they contaminated it with their scandalous immorality: their adultery, their homosexuality and their shedding of innocent blood, the blood of newborn creatures. And what about the nations of today? Their churches are polluted with immorality and with that they are polluting the Earth. That is why they will also be vomited from the Earth.
Deuteronomy 9: 7 says: "Remember and never forget how you provoked Jehovah your God in the desert." These words can offer us a valuable lesson; We must not forget our past mistakes, as this can be the means of learning from them and their consequences. It is true that once Jehovah forgives our sins, he forgets them, but we should not forget them completely as we would be in danger of committing them again.
Deuteronomy 9:10 is said that the two stone tablets that contained the laws had been written with the finger of God. However, this expression is similar to when in a figurative sense, it is said that God performed miracles and created the heavens with his "finger" or "fingers." In fact, in these cases the expression "fingers" of God alludes to his holy spirit or active force.
Deuteronomy 9:16 talks about when the Israelites made a golden calf and began to worship it. The work Insight in its volume 1 page 244 mentions that this rite was closely linked to the cult of Mólek, a god who was sometimes represented with the head of a bull or calf. For this reason, the worship of the golden calf by the Israelites was, in Jehovah's eyes, a very serious sin.
Deuteronomy 9:18 we see how Moses spent forty days on Mount Sinai without eating or drinking. There is no doubt that he had to count on divine support for this to be possible. This leaves us with a valuable lesson, as Jehovah helped Moses so that he could fulfill this assignment, today he will also help us to fulfill the assignments that are given to us, whatever difficulties they may have.
Deuteronomy 10:12 asks a question that involves us even today, it says, "What is Jehovah your God asking of you?" How He is the Sovereign of the universe, the one who gave us life and the one who keeps us with it, he has the right to ask us whatever he wants. If there is anyone who can demand obedience from us, it is him. However, he does not want us to obey him by force. Rather, he asks us to be "obedient from the heart."
Deuteronomy 9: 1. The Israelites had to face difficult times and times. We do it too, and soon it will be even more difficult as for example, when Armageddon comes our message of peace will change and it will not be easy. No matter how hard what has to come, we must not forget our faith in Jehovah, he will sustain us whatever happens.
Deuteronomy 9: 2. There were few people who could stand firm before these sons of Anac for being an extraordinary race of great height and strength. The people of God know that they are a minority with respect to the world, but they stand firm, because there is no one greater and more powerful than Jehovah, and this gives us security in our lives.
Deuteronomy 9: 3. It does not matter the problems that come our way or the difficulty of them. If we always put Jehovah first, he will go ahead and give us the strength and help we need to successfully meet any trial that comes our way.
Deuteronomy 9: 4. Cultivating a deep love for Jehovah is recognizing, as we read in this verse, that everything we have and achieve in our lives is because Jehovah has provided it for us and we have put it first. If we continue to do so, we will see how many blessings Jehovah will give us.
Deuteronomy 9: 7. Jehovah had done great things for the Israelites and yet they remained a stubborn people who failed and sinned time after time. We do not want to be the same, we want to be different and truly a people apart from God. So when you bring your appointed day, let's be fair to your eyes and feel happy for us.
Deuteronomy 9: 8. Jehovah came close to annihilating them in this situation, as in others, and yet he did not. It shows us the great mercy, goodness, and love of our heavenly Father. We do not want any of our actions to go against what his Word says and give him a reason to be angry with us. Our love for him causes such fear that we want to obey him at all times.
Deuteronomy 9: 9. 40 days and 40 nights, he says he neither ate nor drank water. From this we learn that when we are dedicating our time to our service to God it must be exclusive for God, for Jehovah. We must not allow ourselves to be distracted by other secondary aspects. When we dedicate our time to Jehovah, it must be quality time, honest and sincere, without distractions or thinking about other irrelevant things.
Deuteronomy 9:12. 40 days it took the town to deviate again from its path. This means that we must be very alert no matter how much we think that our faith is very strong and will endure everything. Because from one moment to the next, we could be deviating from our path that so much effort has taken us to follow, Satan is very cunning and can make us stumble without realizing it from one moment to another.
Deuteronomy 9: 17-19. Jehovah was very angry and Moses was angry until he broke the tablets that God had written to him. Even so, Jehovah listened to him again and prevented the annihilation of his people. This shows us, in a practical way, that no matter how angry we may be rightly or wrongly with the actions of a brother, we should never give up and help them in any way we can, so does Jehovah want it.
Deuteronomy 10: 1-2. In these verses we see the great patience of Jehovah. After 40 days he was going to write the same thing again on those tables that he broke. Although we do not want to test Jehovah's patience because we love and fear him, we do want to obey him. We can be sure that he understands the pressures we go through and is patient with us and our mistakes.
Deuteronomy 10:12. Jehovah only asks us to love him. If we have a true love for our heavenly Father, everything else will come in addition, we will feel respect, fear and we will want to obey him because we love him, we want to please him as our parents or loved ones. If we love God, he will love us and take care of us at all times.
Deuteronomy 10:22. 70 people and now it is as numerous as the stars in the heavens. Drawing a parallel with this verse, if we trust in Jehovah, love him and obey him, no matter how little we may have in a material sense or in any other way, Jehovah will give us everything we need in our lives, making our blessings numerous.
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