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Deut 8: 3. What lesson can we learn from Jehovah's giving manna to the Israelites? (w04 2/1 13 par. 4).
The lesson that the Israelites were to be obedient to him and that their life depended not only on the bread or food they consumed to satisfy their needs, but as mentioned in the text “on every expression of the mouth of Jehovah,” that is most important food, the spiritual.
In addition, the way in which Jehovah provided the manna not only provided the Israelites with physical food, but also spiritual lessons, since on the one hand, they had to gather their amount of food "day by day", but if they accumulated more than necessary to by day, the leftover began to smell bad and produce worms (Exodus 16: 4, 20). But that did not happen on the sixth day, since on that day they had to gather twice as much to be able to cover the needs of the Sabbath (Exodus 16: 5, 23, 24), which is a clear example of the importance of obeying Jehovah .
And an example of this is that of Jesus, as despite being hungry due to a long fast, he resisted the temptation of satan when he practically “asked” him to turn the stones into bread and quoted the words of Matthew 4: 4; "Man should not live on bread alone, but on every expression that comes out of the mouth of Jehovah."
We learn that we, too, need daily spiritual food to stay strong and build our faith. Since in this way we will be able to resist the temptations that may be presented to us. For man does not live by bread alone, but by every expression that comes out of the mouth of Jehovah.
What spiritual pearls have you found about Jehovah, the ministry, and other topics in this week's Bible reading?
Deuteronomy 7: 1-6 speaks of the moment when God separated the ancient nation of Israel from the nations that worshiped false Gods so that pure worship would be safeguarded and even warned his people not to associate with them. This teaches me that as a true servant of Jehovah I must keep separate from the world, politics, false religions, immorality, material things, and everything that dishonors Jehovah since I must give him exclusive worship and thus obey what Jesus mentioned in John 17:16 "not be part of the world, just as he was not."
Deuteronomy 7: 9 When the Israelites were on Mount Sinai, Moses mentioned the words recorded in Deuteronomy 7: 9 which give us the assurance that "Jehovah is a faithful God" to people who listen to his commandments and without He certainly cares and focuses on the welfare of his servants, that is why as Christians we must strive to be loyal and obey his guidance and instruction, being sure that Jehovah will fulfill the promises he makes to us, thus showing his faithfulness to us.
Deuteronomy 7:15 we see one of the wonderful promises that Jehovah makes us, eliminating all diseases and suffering, this motivates me to continue serving Jehovah faithfully since if we act in the way that pleases him, Jehovah will fill us with blessings like this.
Deuteronomy 8:25, 26 talks about how in ancient times to conveniently distribute the service positions of the Levites and out of consideration of age, older men were removed from the obligatory service, but they could offer themselves to help other Levites . Although no one is retiring from his work as a Kingdom proclaimer today, the principle implicit in this law teaches us that a Christian whose advanced age prevents him from performing certain duties can participate in other aspects of service that are within his reach.
Deuteronomy 8: 11-14 talks about how Jehovah warned the Israelites before entering the promised land not to forget him and keep his commandments, this warning is useful for us today since if we set our priorities in the wrong way we can Focusing on things like materialism, fun, work and other activities, leaving the spiritual last, that is why we must be careful and do a self-examination of conscience so that the main priority of our life is the worship and service of Jehovah.
Deuteronomy 8:18 we read: "You must remember Jehovah your God, because he is for you the giver of power to make wealth." Jehovah with these words promised the Israelites that if they obeyed him, he would make them a prosperous nation. In the same way, obedience to Jehovah today fills us with spiritual riches, in addition to always taking care of our basic needs, so this motivates me to continue obeying Jehovah out of love.
Deuteronomy 7: 1,2. These verses give us the assurance of the power of God who will do just the same with his present people when the moment of the end of this system comes. No matter how powerful our adversaries may be, all the prophecies and promises of the Bible will be fulfilled and the Earth will become a paradise.
Deuteronomy 7: 3,4. We notice the importance and wisdom of God with the command to marry in the Lord. No matter how good a person may seem to us, by not sharing our same moral values there will be problems and it can harm our relationship with God. Besides that a Christian marriage is for life.
Deuteronomy 7: 6. We are God's special property. And as a special possession, as a separate people, we have the responsibility to reflect it in all the actions of our lives. A Christian must differentiate himself from the rest of the people in his behavior and in the decisions that are made.
Deuteronomy 7: 7. We see that Jehovah did not choose these people because they were the most numerous or because they were the strongest. It was the smallest of all the towns. This makes it clear to us that Jehovah values other things much deeper such as the love we feel for him, in this way, if we love him, we have the certainty that he will never abandon us.
Deuteronomy 7:10. Everyone who hates God will have to pay directly. Seeing the justice God will have to be incredible, how his name is glorified and sanctified. And this encourages us and gives us strength to continue fighting against the injustices that we suffer, because we know that the day will come when God's justice will be imposed.
Deuteronomy 7: 12,13. What great joy we can have if we love Jehovah and obey him in everything. If we do so, he assures us that he will show us loyal love. Other types of love may fail us in life even when we did not expect it, but Jehovah's love will always be with us and will sustain us.
Deuteronomy 7:18. Jehovah clearly tells us not to be afraid. To nothing. Because he will always be with us. We can and should apply this verse to all facets of our life. Let us not fear anything, anything that is to come or anything that we are suffering now… if we feel it, let us seek the refuge of Jehovah.
Deuteronomy 8:11. The Bible tells us to be careful not to forget Jehovah throughout our lives. The fact that we have more or less material possessions or that we are better financially, cannot in any way imply that we are displacing Jehovah. He must always come first in our lives.
Deuteronomy 8:14. We must never allow our hearts to become proud as this verse says. Everything we have in life and everything that happens to us is because Jehovah has allowed it and guides us on the path we should follow. We must always give thanks and put Jehovah first.
Deuteronomy 8:19. This verse clearly tells us what happens if we forget about God or put Him in second place behind other things. As faithful servants of God, we always want to stand firm and do his will through our pure and loyal worship.
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