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Congregation Bible Study (30 min.): Rr ch. 10 paras. 1-7 and video.
1-3 What leaves exiled Jews in the dark?
They are left in that condition by the sad news brought by a man who has escaped from Jerusalem, "The city has fallen" their beloved temple, their city, their land, "EVERYTHING" has been destroyed, everything they loved has been destroyed by the Babylonians have such a hard time believing it and no longer have hope (Ezekiel 33:21).
For years they were told Jerusalem will be destroyed, they did not listen, they did not want to believe it, Jehovah will not allow it that is what they said, their attitude was hard as a wall so now their reality is distressing and heartbroken. What turns life has taken!
The exiled Jews ended their spirits on the ground when they learned that their beloved land, their city, with its temple where they worshiped God had been destroyed. Everything had been destroyed and this caused them tremendous regret and discouragement.
The destruction of Jerusalem was predicted many years before and constantly by Ezekiel. Nobody believed it, they did not think that Jehovah allowed it and that even when under siege, they would resist. But it was not like that, it happened just as Jehovah had indicated to Ezekiel. The Jews were not prepared for this event but because they did not believe it. Still, hopes are not lost because Ezequiel receives a shocking new vision that will be fulfilled in the future.
"Prophesy on these bones" and "prophesy to the wind"
4. What details of the vision caught Ezekiel's attention?
What details of the vision caught Ezekiel's attention when the prophet walks between the bones? Two things catch his attention he saw that they were very dry and the number of bones, since they were very many, Jehovah asks him: “Will they live again?” prophet Ezekiel responds: "Sovereign Lord Jehovah you are the one who knows."
Jehovah tells Ezekiel what is written in Ezekiel 37: 1-10 and thus takes him through a vision to a plain where there are bones everywhere and Ezekiel passes among them this causes a great impact on him and he ends up sitting on the plain .
Ezequiel was shocked by the large number of bones and the state in which they were. Jehovah made him walk on a plain that was full of them so that he would feel the depth of the impact of the vision that he would have. In this way, he made sure that Ezekiel felt and knew the importance and background of this vision.
5. What two orders did Jehovah give Ezekiel? And what happened when Ezekiel carried out those orders?
They were orders that marked a progressive restoration to the bones told them they will live again and the wind blows from the four winds so that these dead people can live again.
After these orders, the intense noise indicated that the bones came together and that there were flesh and skin tendons in them and when the wind blew, breath entered them and when they were alive they stood up, thus forming an army.
Jehovah first told Ezekiel to prophesy over those bones that came back together, having tendons, and being covered with flesh. And that they would finish coming to life when their breath entered them after the second command when he told Ezekiel to now prophesy to the wind. With this second order, the bones already with the flesh began to live, to stand up, to form a large army.
"Our bones are dry and our hope has faded"
6. What words from Jehovah helped Ezekiel understand what the vision means?
Jehovah through his prophet says: "These bones are the whole house of Israel", hearing these words causes great sadness among the exiles "Jerusalem has been destroyed" and it is as if they will cause their death that is why they cry and lament for his beloved city.
Upon hearing Jehovah's words, they remain as dead and say: “Our bones are dry and our hope has vanished.” This vision in their eyes is funereal, as Jeremiah 34:20 says, only Jehovah can give them comfort and hope. through a radiant message.
This vision, together with what had happened with the destruction of Jerusalem, the exiled Jews had no hope left and they said that their bones are dry and hope has vanished, that they have been completely eliminated. Jehovah helps Ezekiel understand from this vision that they are the bones of the entire nation of Israel that there is great hope for Israel behind this most funereal event.
7. What assurance did Jehovah's words give at Ezekiel 37: 12-14? And how did this guarantee make God's people in exile feel?
Jehovah tells them: "I will open your graves and bring them back to their land, my people" (Ezekiel 37:12). Thus Jehovah guarantees that he will revive them and bring them to his beloved land.
And why do these words encourage the exiles who are without hope because it was Jehovah who made this promise of restoration according to verse 14 of Ezekiel 37: "I, Jehovah, have said it and have done it."
Jehovah gave the guarantee to the exiled Jews that he would revive them, bring them back to their beloved land, and they would live in it happily again. These Jews, who no longer had any hope, will have felt very comforted, happy and calm with the guarantee of Jehovah who also called them “my people” again.
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