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Congregation Bible Study (30 min.): Rr ch. 9 paras. 27-32 and boxes 9C and 9D.
27. In what way did God's people abandon idolatry?
Its spiritual progress was gradual between the 19th and 20th centuries, when the faithful Christians met they realized that it was necessary to stop the practices of false religion since their roots and origins were pagan, as they were not in the Bible, they should be separated.
The people of God rejected beliefs such as the trinity and hell because they realized that using images to worship God is pure idolatry and that the use of the cross in their worship is unbiblical, in Ezekiel 14: 6 Jehovah told them to return to me leave your idols these are detestable practices.
False religion worshiped God through images, including the cross. But God's people rejected those practices and exposed it to the people. In this way they obeyed what Jehovah said in Ezekiel 14: 6: "Come back to me, turn away from your disgusting idols and turn away from all your detestable practices."
They also rejected false beliefs not found in the Bible, which deceive and scare people, such as the trinity, the immortality of the soul, and hell.
28. How did God's people return to their spiritual land?
Jehovah said in Ezekiel 34: 13,14: I will bring them out of the peoples and gather them out of the countries and thus little by little the faithful Christians left Babylon the Great and entered the spiritual land that God had assigned to them.
Upon returning to his spiritual land he felt fed and next to streams and water in and in good pastures in an environment where they would never suffer from spiritual hunger again because they have the blessing of Jehovah (Ezekiel 11:17).
By getting out of false religions, God's people found the truth and returned to a spiritual environment, where they would lack for nothing, Jehovah guided them and gave them the best spiritual food needed at the appropriate time.
29. How did preaching gain greater momentum in 1919?
Because from that date the people of God were organized by the faithful and prudent slave, thus giving relevance to the way of preaching, thus the group of faithful servants was increasing and this growth achieved that by being united and organized they gave praise to the holy name of Jehovah.
Because animal sacrifices ceased to be and first century Christians now performed sacrifices of praise to Jehovah and the public declaration of his name as an organized people (Hebrews 13:15).
Thanks to the faithful and prudent slave who began to organize the preaching better and to give it more importance, as it deserves. The results were very good because more and more people wanted to know more about Jehovah and to approach him to praise him.
30. What did Jesus do so that his sheep had good shepherds?
Christ freed them from the false shepherds of Christendom since these were selfish and unscrupulous shepherds, if someone relapsed into bad acts, he would be removed from his work as a pastor in harmony with Ezekiel 20:38, in this way as appointed pastor Jesus Christ showed tender love and care with their sheep.
Appointed his faithful and prudent slave in 1919 this group of anointed Christians cared for the flock, naming and training elders and gave them established guidelines for caring for the sheep.
In 1919 Jesus appointed a small group of anointed ones to take care of his people, he called them faithful and wise slaves. In this way, Jesus made sure that his people would not lack for anything and that they would be well cared for with affection. What differentiates religious leaders who treat their followers deceitfully and without thinking about them, only in their own interest.
And what if one of these good shepherds rebelled? Ezekiel 20:38 says that rebels and offenders would be separated. Therefore, they were immediately removed from their position, without hesitation, the people had to be in good hands.
Later, elders were also appointed in the different congregations to take care of the flock and to do it willingly as 1 Peter 5: 2 says.
31. Why do we say that Jehovah has fulfilled the prophecy of Ezekiel 11:19?
Because over time Christendom has fragmented into totally divided groups and sects in total contrast, Jehovah has done something wonderful with his people that he brought out of captivity, he has united them together, miraculously fulfilling the promise said in Ezekiel 11:19.
We say this because Christ has millions of followers of different languages and social position, yet all are united and thanks to Jehovah and divine teaching and the message that we carry, the request that Jesus made to his father in John 17: 20-23 is fulfilled. .
Because among his worshipers there is true unity. We are united servants of different countries, customs, upbringings, economic position, but we all worship Jehovah and speak the pure language.
We all have the same goal, to preach the good news of Jehovah, and we do this in an organized and orderly way. A proof of this unity is that when we go on a trip to any country and we go to the meeting with our brothers, we will study the same as if we were at our meeting. In addition to showing the unity for the affection that is shown and the good atmosphere.
Before dying Jesus begged this to his Father Jehovah because he knew that it was very important and thanks to it he would distinguish which is the true religion. He said in John 17:11: "Father take care of them that they may be one, just as we are one." Jehovah as a good Father is fulfilling that request perfectly.
32. How do you feel when you see the restoration prophecies fulfilled?
Thanks to Jehovah because it is important to live in this time and see the restoration of pure worship and above all to see how Ezekiel's prophecies are fulfilled. Although Jehovah had already predicted it with the assurance that the meaning of his name Jehovah gives.
We are privileged to be part of a united people who after centuries of captivity are praising Jehovah throughout the land, awaiting a greater fulfillment of pure worship.
We feel privileged to know the prophecies and see with our own eyes that they are being fulfilled as Jehovah said, that strengthens our faith and trust in Jehovah. We have a great honor that we should not take for granted, we belong to the people of Jehovah, the Creator, the most powerful person in the whole world, the one who will never fail us, how grateful we should be to be part of his united people.
Jehovah is very happy when we praise him throughout the earth, he himself predicted in Ezekiel 20:41: "I will take pleasure in you."
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