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Speech (5 min.): W06 1/1 28 pars. 14, 15. Title: Let us not forget Jehovah (th lec. 7).
This is a very important aspect in our lives. The frenzy we are in today does not leave us free time for many extra activities, beyond working and working even more.
Although work is very important and is the means we have for our own and family support, an excess of it may lead us to forget other facets of our life that are much more important such as God and our family.
The same happens in all other social areas such as studies. We repeat over and over the phrase: “running everywhere” when they ask us “how was your day?”.
And it is that, we must fight against this current and stop to think, meditate and reflect on what we are doing in our lives. A very influential modern person once said, "If you look in the mirror and you don't like what you are doing, change it immediately."
What are we doing with our lives? Could we be forgetting God or spending less and less time on him?
LET'S READ: Deuteronomy 8:11
"Be careful not to forget Jehovah your God by failing to obey his commandments, his judicial decisions and his statutes, which I am commanding you today."
This warning was given by Jehovah to the Israelites who were about to enter the Promised Land. And why was this?
The Israelites had to remain faithful to God to receive this inheritance. They did not always succeed as we know and there were consequences. The faithful Israelites who would succeed would have a Promised Land flowing with milk and honey, which has it all.
Of course, this is dangerous if the fear of Jehovah is lost. With thoughts such as: "We have already achieved it, now I can relax in my service to God, because I already have what I wanted and was looking for."
We see it reflected in the people of the world, of this system. There is a tendency that when there are problems or difficulties in a person's life, they remember God more and even pray to him even though they do not really believe in him. That a rich person who has everything he needs materially, this person does not usually remember God so much.
And why is this happening? Why when we have more and more can we forget God more? Well, because people's hearts can change as Deuteronomy 8:14 says.
LET'S READ: Deuteronomy 8:14
"Do not let your heart become proud and make you forget Jehovah your God, the one who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the land where you were a slave"
Can the same happen to us? Yes of course. The heart of the Israelites is not different from ours, it is the same, the one that God has given us. It will depend on each one of us, what are the priorities that we put in our hearts.
Everything that happens to us in life is provided by God. We must not forget about him, but put him first in our lives. That we have a good job is because God has provided it for us, the same happens with studies and whatever we achieve in our lives.
Christians have good lives without so many problems because we let God guide us, because we live according to his judicial decisions, statutes and commandments.
The first thing we should seek is not material satisfaction, but God's justice through our pure worship, which is paramount.
If we do not do it, and we give more importance to material diversions, we will be losing the sense of urgency of our service to God, and we will be putting in second place the attendance at our meetings or the service of the field, for example.
A Christian cannot fall into this trap. Paul already told us that people would be lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God. And this is another aspect where we differentiate ourselves, we spend our lives on much more important things. Colossians 4: 5:
LET'S READ:Colossians 4: 5
"Behave wisely with outsiders and make the best use of your time"
How do we make the best use of this time? Well, not forgetting Jehovah. Doing as we read in 2 Timothy 4: 2, preaching the word of God. With a sense of urgency, at all times, whether in easy or difficult times for us.
We must examine our actions and what we do in life so that we are not putting ourselves in a position that does not deserve Jehovah. An examination of conscience to always keep in mind, first of all, God and his Kingdom, so that we never forget it.
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