Monday, September 30, 2024

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week of September 30 - October 6, 2024, Speech: You Can Live Forever on Earth, Lesson 14, Prepared Assignment.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: September 30-October 6, 2024, Speech: You Can Live Forever on Earth, Lesson 14, Prepared Assignment.

Speech (5 mins.) lmd appendix A point 5. Title: You can live forever on Earth (th lesson 14).

No doubt the title of this discourse has been heard thousands, millions, and I would dare say millions of times from the mouths of God's servants. It was even the title of one of the books we studied before and from which many of us learned the truth, Through this book you can live forever on earth. And we are going to treat this discourse not as a question or an interrogation, because for Jehovah's servants, there is no doubt that we can live forever on earth, but let's see why we can be sure of that.

This title, you can live forever on earth, is an affirmation. What are the bases? Well, the fundamental basis is that this promise comes from Jehovah, that he exists indefinitely, we can also recognize that we are made to live forever and that Jehovah's purpose has not changed. That is why it is an affirmation. Psalm 37:29 says: the righteous will inherit the earth and live in it forever, it is a resounding affirmation.

When we meditate on this promise, the love we feel for Jehovah becomes stronger and stronger. Just think about this: our heavenly Father loves us so much that he offers us this gift so that we will never be separated from him. Isn't that beautiful? And this way of thinking helps us face any test that comes our way, even if it puts our lives in danger.

And why can we be sure that we can live forever? Because this is offered by a being that lives forever, and another point that guarantees this is that we are made to live forever. It is very interesting that in a scientific journal in 2010 it was said that according to calculations our brain can store 2.5 million recordings.

To give an example to understand it, it is as if we watch a video of 3 million hours that would take us more than 300 years to see, and it is likely that this calculation is very short, but it confirms that Jehovah has designed the brain with the capacity to store information not of 70 or 80 years, but of thousands and thousands of millions of years, and that we have so much to learn and that this is close to being able to be fulfilled. And what to say about Jehovah's purpose, he has not changed in giving us that promise to obedient human beings, and his purpose has not changed.

Of all the living beings that Jehovah created on earth, only human beings would be the only ones who would not die over time, and that is why even if we get sick, we have that intense desire to continue living because Jehovah created us with that desire in our hearts. And what other guarantee do we have that Jehovah wants this to be fulfilled than the sacrifice of the perfect life of his beloved son Jesus so that humanity continues to have that Hope. The promise of eternal life is maintained, it was given to Adam and Eve at the beginning of humanity. 

In Psalm 37:29, Jehovah again reminds us through the words of David that we can live forever and 4,000 years later Jehovah again reminds us in the words of his own son Jesus that we find in Matthew 5:5 : Happy are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.

Again it is an affirmation that you can live forever on earth, because the one who has promised it is someone who exists forever, because we are made to live forever and because God's purpose has never changed, He wants all of us to enjoy that life indefinitely.

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