Friday, July 5, 2024

Watchtower Study, Let us never abandon spiritual paradise, Week 1 to July 7, 2024, Comments and Response

Watchtower Study, Let us never abandon the spiritual paradise, June 1-7, 2024, Comments and Responses.

“Rejoice and be happy forever because of what I am going to create” (IS. 65:18).

1. What is spiritual paradise, and what should we be determined to do?

Spiritual Paradise is where millions of people live who enjoy true peace and are determined not to abandon it for anything in the world.


We can attract others to the spiritual paradise by showing love and kindness by imitating Jehovah's beautiful personality. This gentle and kind approach can spark others' interest and desire to be part of this spiritual community.

Yes, and the important idea that we have in this paragraph perfectly describes what spiritual paradise is, it is the environment in which we worship Jehovah in this symbolic paradise we enjoy friendship with Jehovah and the people who serve him.

We want to do everything possible so that more people join us and of course never abandon it for anything in the world.

2. Why is it so surprising that spiritual paradise exists?

As surprising as it may seem, Jehovah has created this peaceful spiritual environment in the midst of a world full of hate, evil, and danger.


It is amazing that spiritual paradise exists because it was created by Jehovah in the midst of a world full of evil and danger, providing a peaceful and safe environment to flourish spiritually.

And in this acidic environment, this spiritual paradise shines even more, because apart from being able to enjoy the friendship of Jehovah and other people and it is also a place where we can take refuge, it is a well-watered garden.

Yes, and the first and most important thing is that if we have Jehovah in the first place, he will always take care of all this spiritual environment and he loves us so much that he allows our spirituality to flourish.

In this spiritual paradise Jehovah intends for us to be in peace and happiness but according to the words of Revelation 12:12 there is someone interested in this spiritual paradise not flourishing why because it says it very clearly there not that Satan was thrown into heaven fallen to Earth and of course the system is moving as it is, as Satan is. So now more than ever it is important that we are in this spiritual paradise.

Well, as Isaiah 46 tells us, Jehovah is like a cabin that shades us and gives us refuge in the midst of these aggressive storms.

Yes, and since in this paradise we have the blessing of Jehovah, it is as Isaiah 54:14 tells us that both terror and oppression will not. We will have to feel afraid because we are within that spiritual paradise despite everything that surrounds us in this world that It is doomed to destruction And we are happy about that.

3. What was the first fulfillment of the words of Isaiah chapter 65?

The first fulfillment of the words of Isaiah chapter 65 took place in the year 537 BC, when the Jews liberated from Babylon rebuilt Jerusalem and restored the temple under the blessing and help of Jehovah.


Well, it was in the year 537 BC when the repentant Jews were liberated from Babylon, they returned to Jerusalem and rebuilt the city and the temple, so Jehovah's description of the spiritual paradise in Isaiah 65 was being fulfilled because they were restoring Pure Worship.

Zechariah 8 verse 3 shows how the promise of Jehovah to be rebuilt Jerusalem would return but now unlike the oppressive Jerusalem it says that it would be called the city of truth because now there was a commitment that this people would worship Jehovah there in Jerusalem.

4. How have the words of Isaiah chapter 65 been fulfilled in modern times?

In modern times, the words of Isaiah chapter 65 have been fulfilled through the establishment and expansion of the spiritual paradise. This fulfillment began in 1919, when Jehovah's servants were liberated from Babylon the Great, symbolically speaking. Since then, the spiritual paradise has spread throughout the Earth, creating an environment of pure worship and security for those who wish to live in harmony with Biblical teachings.


We can say that what Isaiah 65 says will literally be fulfilled later in the new world but now we can say that those of us who are within the spiritual paradise enjoy many of those blessings and that is why we do not want to leave it.

Yes, we can see how they were also fulfilled in the year 1919 with the words of Ephesians 4:24 that they had to put on the new personality, no, and it is that thanks to being liberated from Babylon the Great, many men and women who had been violent and immoral Well, they were progressing AND they were putting on that new personality.

It is the environment in which we worship Jehovah, enjoying the friendship of Jehovah and the people who serve him, and this spiritual paradise is a miracle. Because the world around us is dominated by Satan and the circumstances in which they live have no point of comparison. with what is lived in spiritual paradise. 


5. According to Isaiah 65:13, what blessing do we enjoy in spiritual paradise?

According to Isaiah 65:13, in spiritual paradise we enjoy feeling healthy and renewed.


For Jehovah's servants who live in this spiritual environment, all their spiritual needs are met, allowing them to enjoy spiritual fulfillment and satisfaction. You found, those who live outside the spiritual paradise experience spiritual deficiencies that leave them hungry, thirsty and ashamed.

Well, according to what we have read in Isaiah we see the great difference between being in spiritual paradise or being outside because we have the blessing of Jehovah, his holy spirit, the Bible, and we have so much spiritual food that sometimes we can't get enough and However, outside are the people who do not have their spiritual needs covered.

And thanks to all this food that Jehovah gives us, well, as the first sentence says, we already have spiritual health. And that is what makes us different from others.

And that is the invitation that Jehovah makes to those who are hungry to be for Justice to drink that is free and that is also the responsibility that he has placed before us to bring it to the people, we want more people, as we said at the beginning, more people. Enter this spiritual paradise and benefit from these great blessings.

Yes we can remember that we have belonged before witnessing others the hunger that we had we did not understand anything it was not explained to us we did not know anything at all then Amos 8:11 is very good for us because it says that I will send a time of famine to the country and not It will not be from hunger or water, but from hearing the word of Jehovah and indeed This is how we have lived with hunger and thirst for that word that enlightened us when we met the brothers who preached to us.

Yes, in Revelation it is said that everyone who is thirsty should come and drink the water of life for free, and in a world thirsty for the truth, Jehovah satisfies us and we can drink from those waters of truth. And Revelation also adds an interesting detail that It is that they take it for free, he says in the churches of Christianity all the Bibles are worth money, all the food they supply, let's not say, everything is charged, but in Jehovah's organization he does not give it for free.

Regarding the issue of free water, I did some research and it seems that in ancient Rome, not the people had to pay for water, but let's say the important figures paid for the use of the city's water. So, Jehovah himself Saying that the water of life is free adds a Plus to being grateful for what Jehovah gives us. 

6. What foods are mentioned in Joel 2:21-24, what do they represent, and how do they benefit us?

In Joel 2:21-24, foods such as grain, wine, and olive oil are mentioned. These foods represent the spiritual blessings that Jehovah generously provides to his people, and in a spiritual sense, these foods symbolize God's provision of teachings, comfort, and spiritual strength that nourish us and strengthen us in our faith. By receiving and consuming these spiritual foods, we benefit by being strengthened, comforted, and guided on our spiritual life path.


Well, the foods that Joel mentions and we can read in Joel 2:21 to 24 is when Jehovah says that the deserts would turn green and the trees would give their fruit that the fig tree and the vi would have to give all its product that the Heras would be full of clean grain and that the winepresses would overflow with new wine and oil.

This included, as we have mentioned, all the basic food that the Israelites needed at that time. This included all of this that Rachel has mentioned and would also cover all the spiritual needs of her people.

And we see from Jehovah's generosity that today we do not have that benefit. Jehovah continues to fulfill all the needs of his people and says very well The Watchtower giving us the Bible publications internet site meetings assemblies So in addition this element is renewed every day and we can nourish ourselves every day and then that is how we are studying, we feel healthy and renewed because every day we have that food.

And among the fabulous things that Jehovah provides for us, well, there are the assemblies, those of us who have already attended, our congregation that has already attended the assembly, have undoubtedly been impressed by the quality of the information, by the impressive videos that we have seen, by a teaching that no one else knows. organization of the world because it has like this we only have to appreciate the way in which Jehovah is nourishing us spiritually in these last days.

If what is clear is that Jehovah not only gives us the food we need, if not he gives us the best food, but in order for us to benefit as the paragraph says, we must nourish ourselves every day and then if we nourish ourselves every day also as we have seen in the speech in this balanced diet because we will be increasingly healthier and renewed.

7. Why does our heart feel so good? (Isaiah 65:14).

Well, the two characteristics are unity and love.


Our hearts feel so good in spiritual paradise because we find the word of God, truths and promises that encourage us a lot. In addition to having a solid hope based on the sacrifice of Jesus.

Well yes, here is the experience of this sister who says that she did not know how to be happy even with her family but she says that the first time she saw this love in action was when she met the Jehovah's Witnesses and she says that Well, actually she He felt happy for the first time so if what we truly want is to be happy we have to be in this spiritual paradise because it is where the only true love exists.

As Colossians 3:14 says, clothe yourselves with love because it means that this has to be reflected in all aspects of our lives and be visible and noticeable to everyone around us.

And what it is and what people see is not that they come and we are affectionate. Oh how good, how so and so, that is much deeper. We have all seen that love in action either because we have needed it from others or because we have given it, that is, the love in action we could say not only because of what a relaxed atmosphere.

Whatever they say, in the end what matters to us is the reputation we have in the eyes of Jehovah and it is what will give us joy and satisfaction. 

Yes, because we find in the word of God truths and promises that encourage us a lot and we also have a solid hope that is based on the sacrifice of Jesus.

And two psalms are cited, Psalm 34:8, which talks about how we feel happy because we take refuge in Jehovah, and Psalm 133:1 to 3, which talks about the beautiful condition that exists within the congregation due to the unity that exists. So when we share our hope with each other as brothers, our happiness increases.

And I believe that we have all been able to verify the truth of what Psalm 34 says, try and see that Jehovah is good for everything he gives us daily and that is why we can have a solid hope based on truths and the promises of God.

8. What are two main characteristics of spiritual paradise?

Well, the two characteristics are unity and love.


Two main characteristics of the spiritual paradise are the unity and love enjoyed by Jehovah's people. In this spiritual environment, love acts as a bond that unites everyone and allows us to experience a unity and love far greater than that found in the world today.

It should be emphasized that this love and unity are fundamental for life in the new world that is expected, where even greater happiness and satisfaction will be experienced.

Well yes, here is the experience of this sister who says that she did not know how to be happy even with her family but she says that the first time she saw this love in action was when she met the Jehovah's Witnesses and she says that Well, actually she He felt happy for the first time so if what we truly want is to be happy we have to be in this spiritual paradise because it is where the only true love exists.

As Colossians 3:14 says, clothe yourselves with love because it means that this has to be reflected in all aspects of our lives and be visible and noticeable to everyone around us.

And what it is and what people see is not that they come and we are affectionate. Oh how good, how so and so, that is much deeper. We have all seen that love in action either because we have needed it from others or because we have given it, that is, the love in action we could say not only because of what a relaxed atmosphere.

Whatever they say, in the end what matters to us is the reputation we have in the eyes of Jehovah and it is what will give us joy and satisfaction. 

9. What will happen to the things that cause us pain? (Isaiah 65:16, 17).

For those who choose to remain in the spiritual paradise, the things that have caused them pain will be removed and forgotten. Jehovah will make problems disappear and over time the pain will be completely erased from memories of him, allowing his servants to live in peace and tranquility, free from suffering and affliction.


Yes, because as we have read in Isaiah, Jehovah promises that the anxieties of the past will be forgotten and that they will be hidden from my eyes, so he guarantees that he will make the problems that we have and feel today, since over time they will disappear and also erase them. the pain we feel for those memories. So as Jehovah fulfills all his promises, he calms us and comforts us.

Because if we see each other, for example, in paradise, well, there we will lead a better life without problems, what we need. No, but yes. We continue with our memory, remembering what happened to us before Armageddon. Well, maybe that doesn't continue to affect us, so it says here that everything That is also going to be Jehovah disappearing.

10. Why would you say it is a blessing to be with the brothers? (See also photo).

In this spiritual environment, one experiences love, support, unity and peace that are fundamental for spiritual growth and happiness. The company of brothers also provides comfort, encouragement and strength in the midst of life's difficulties. Furthermore, fellowship with the Brothers allows us to share experiences, learn together and grow in faith.


Even now we feel calm and relaxed. In Christian meetings, when we are in it, we leave aside the concerns of this evil world.

And it is also a blessing to be able to contribute to maintaining that environment of spiritual paradise as indicated in this paragraph by the slave where he highlights five qualities of the fruit of the spirit that have directly to do with our dealings with the Brothers: love, happiness, peace. kindness and mildness.

And although as we see it is a blessing to be able to enjoy that spiritual paradise, if we do not let it, there will come a time when we will not have to leave out problems because there will no longer be a true paradise on Earth.

Yes, well, there we see that the holy spirit flows because it is seen that it is a congregation where it dwells. Well, love, happiness is the majority and passivity is also peace. Now it is observed that there is a brother who seems to be going a little on his own in that sense. He does not collaborate much with it and is therefore missing out on Jehovah's blessing of being part of that beautiful group and also of that congregation of peace and love.


And it is true that the Christian congregation is very varied, we are all very different but in a morning worship it was said that Christians We are like paper clips our function is to promote unity unite So precisely one of the qualities or characteristics of paper clips is flexibility and The qualities of the fruit of the Holy Spirit are what give us the degree of flexibility necessary to keep the congregation together.

Yes, well, there we see that the holy spirit flows because it is seen that it is a congregation where it dwells. Well, love, happiness is the majority and passivity is also peace. Now it is observed that there is a brother who seems to be going a little on his own in that sense. He does not collaborate much with it and is therefore missing out on Jehovah's blessing of being part of that beautiful group and also of that congregation of peace and love.

Many brothers and sisters chatting before the meeting. There is one who is sitting alone and looks at his phone. It is a blessing to be part of God's family and to be in spiritual paradise. (See paragraph 10). 

11. How should we feel about living in spiritual paradise? (Isaiah 65:18, 19).

Well, we should feel very happy and excited because it is a creation of Jehovah and he has invited us to be in it and that should motivate us to work for that spiritual paradise and also encourage other people to enter.


The spiritual paradise is described as an oasis of life and activity in the midst of a world full of evil and danger. Therefore, those of us who enjoy La Paz, and the security and happiness in this spiritual country, should feel grateful for Divine provision and be excited to share those blessings with others.

And in the Bible, whenever it has been said that Jehovah has created things, all his creations have been observed praising him and shouting for those creations when he created the Earth, for example, it is not strange that in Jeremiah 31 it is also said that we will be happy and shout and because of that happiness for that creation.

And being part of this spiritual paradise gives us the happiness that is reflected in Isaiah 65 and it is that happiness that cannot be found anywhere else.

Jeremiah also mentions another characteristic which is that we would be radiant and that we are like a well-watered garden, that we are like a well-watered garden, meaning that it is like an Oasis.

12. How do you feel as you read the promises of Isaiah 65:20-24, and why?

As you read the promises of Isaiah 65:20-24, you experience a deep sense of gratitude and excitement for the hope they offer. These promises describe a future in the new world where there will be no more suffering or limitations, where life will be full and satisfying.


Well, I feel very secure in the sense that I see that Hope as secure indeed. And why, well, because of what we have talked about before, because if now in a world like the one we are in, we can have it, it is also spiritual and I would say that it is even physical. Because sometimes we come not very well and as we get into the environment we come out much better so what we experience now is a solid foundation for me that in the future of course it will be much better.

Verse 23 says that they will not bring children into the world to suffer and it is really today to see children raising creatures here in this world that what it does is corrupt is totally regrettable so think about the New World what it can represent for A family having children and having such a wonderful environment in which to raise them is wonderful.

13. How are the changes that must be made to serve Jehovah depicted in Isaiah 65:25?

The idea of ​​​​living in an environment where there will be no pain, where homes will be built and the fruits of labor will be enjoyed with security and blessing, fills those of us who long for a better world with hope and joy, so these promises inspire us to move forward. with faith and confidence in a glorious future that Jehovah has prepared for his servants.


Well, as we have been able to read, the lion will eat straw just like the bull and the snake will feed on dust, which means that they are as strong as the lion and the snake can become as docile as any animal that can eat straw and that is What we are seeing right now is that people who, thanks to the Holy Spirit, have a very aggressive character can take on that character and become docile people.

Yes, as the paragraph says very well, Jehovah has performed a miracle because it is not normal for people who live together and live in love with different cultures, different personalities. And that is a miracle in such a divided world.

And we see how Jehovah is doing it in Romans 12:2 and Ephesians 4:22 to 24 and that is that thanks to the power of what we know through the Bible we can transform ourselves, we can renew our minds and thus undergo a transformation that makes that we put on a new personality according to the will of God.

Titus 211 is talking about how thanks to Jehovah's goodness he has manifested himself to all kinds of people who wanted to save them from this system, and we participate. We are also fulfilling what Jehovah wants for us in the future.

14. How was Isaiah 65:25 fulfilled in the case of a brother?

In Isaiah 65:25, the changes that must be made to serve Jehovah are represented as a transformation in the personality and behavior of people, going from being like wild beasts to being meek and peaceful, in harmony with the will of God. God.


In the case of one brother mentioned, it is described how he experienced a significant change in his personality and behavior. Despite having a past marked by violence and immorality, upon finding the truth, this brother experienced a remarkable transformation. He went from being fierce as a lion to being gentle as a lamb, reflecting how the influence of spiritual paradise and the teaching of God's word can radically change a person for the better.

Yes, well, we are told about a good man with an experience like we know many truths, a man who with only 20 years of experience already had a long history of violence, being a violent man, committing serious crimes. And well, this It took him to prison on numerous occasions despite his youth. However, when he heard for the first time what the Bible taught and was able to start attending meetings, he realized that he had finally found something that was really worth it. living as this wonderful spiritual paradise was, including the reflection that he makes is how after being baptized he has often thought about how the words of Isaiah 65 that we have just read have been fulfilled in him and that made him become a A very violent person makes a meek person.

It is one more example of many that I am sure that if you asked each of us here present we would all know some case that we have personally seen those changes and that demonstrate that the power of the Bible is great and the spiritual paradise that we have as a congregation. also.

Well, we ourselves have had to change our character to be able to belong to this beautiful spiritual paradise that Jehovah provides for us. 

15. Why do we want to help others enter spiritual paradise, and how do we achieve it?

We want to help others enter spiritual paradise, because we experience peace and security in that environment, and we wish that more people could enjoy that same blessing. And we do this by focusing on making disciples, following Jesus' command in Matthew 28:19-20.


Well, because spiritual paradise is a reality, we are all witnesses that we are living in it. So if we feel safe and at peace in it, what we want is for other people to come because Jehovah has promised it and according to Isaiah 55 everything What he promises is fulfilled, therefore we have to dedicate ourselves to making disciples so that they can come and enter the Spiritual Paradise and enjoy all the blessings that we enjoy.

In Psalm 72:7, the importance of Peace is shown. He compares maintaining peace as if the moon no longer exists, a creation by Jehovah that is so important for human creation, so how important it is that we maintain that Peace if we want to be happy. inside the spiritual paradise.


16. What makes people attracted to spiritual paradise?

People are drawn to the spiritual paradise because of the goodness, love, and harmony experienced in this environment, and we make this spiritual paradise better by imitating Jehovah.


Well, people are attracted to Jehovah's personality as we see in Jeremiah 31:3 Jehovah loves those people with eternal Love and attracts them, so we want to imitate Jehovah's qualities so that people also feel attracted.

In fact, many of the people who come to the hall for the first time, the first thing they notice perhaps is not the content of what is said in the meetings but rather the affection that the brothers show them. If we do our part, perhaps we are going through difficulties and not having our best day many times, but doing our bit by making an effort because people will see reflected those qualities that Jehovah wants to be reflected in his people.

17. What can we do to attract people to spiritual paradise?

To bring people to spiritual paradise, it is essential to demonstrate love, kindness and compassion in our interactions with others. Treating brothers with respect and kindness, and showing a peaceful and welcoming spirit, only in this way can we reflect the beauty and harmony of this beautiful spiritual paradise that we enjoy thanks to Jehovah.


As the previous paragraph said before, we have to imitate Jehovah and his most predominant qualities are love and kindness. So when we speak to other people with this love and we also show it within the meetings for the people, as the text of Corinthians says, they will see that God or his personality is among us and this will make them attract people to this spiritual paradise.

1 Thessalonians 5:13, encourages us to be peaceful with each other and in a world where people are not willing to make peace if there is a misunderstanding because it already puts things in the middle, no, but on the other hand, in Jehovah's people, no. It works like this, we strive to maintain peace and the people who come see it and if they are sincere, they feel attracted.

18. What can attract people to our organization?

To attract people to our organization, it is important to focus on seeing our brothers as Jehovah sees them, recognizing and valuing their positive qualities instead of focusing on their defects. By demonstrating unconditional love, understanding and forgiveness, and treating others with kindness and tenderness, we create a welcoming and loving environment that attracts people to the organization.


Well, it is seeing our brothers within the congregation how Jehovah sees them, that is, we do not have to focus on their defects, we have to be positive and see their qualities Because in the end, their defects will disappear over time.

Treating each other with kindness and being compassionate with each other is going to make people look at the positive and look forward to dealing with us because we are or see us as pleasant to deal with.

In this paragraph we have a video of our sister who said that in order to enjoy spiritual paradise we all have to do our part, that is, as has been mentioned, not to do our part we have to make an effort to see our brothers as Jehovah sees them and When we do it, we have results that the spiritual paradise grows and we maintain unity in the congregation.

I really liked the warning she gives about something that can tempt us, she literally says that today's world with its freedom tells us that it loves us, how could it happen more in the past at this time, could make us believe that well how they are accepting us a little bit because we are going to enjoy the world a little more and without realizing it we are moving away from the spiritual paradise.

Aside from all the things we are talking about about her, this little sister also impressed me when we saw your brother's face of happiness and joy and happy life, it was nice to see how happy she was in spiritual paradise.

We all know that we receive blessings and that we all enjoy this spiritual paradise because Jehovah gives us the blessing, but one detail that I really liked that the sister said, we must all do our part so that this paradise is more beautiful and continues to grow. And so we will attract other people and also support our brothers.

It's a very good video, I also liked the one in which she says that we all have problems and that we often focus too much on our problems, let's do things for others, she says, let's not only think about our suffering, what a good idea, right, a video to help us. 


19. a) What have some who returned to spiritual paradise said?

Some people who returned to spiritual paradise shared their experiences and reflections.

Well, Jun was inactive for a few years but says when she returned she realized how wonderful it is to be among Jehovah's people and what she learned is that we should not isolate ourselves and that we need the help of our brothers.

Yes, Kimberly was expelled for almost 40 years, they say that she had no friends who served Jehovah nor spiritual food, she felt very alone, very sad and it was really in 2021. And she says that now she knows that her prayers will be heard and answered that she is surrounded by people he can trust and who, thanks to the Holy Spirit and regular Bible reading, feels happier and closer to Jehovah. So being away didn't do him any good.

John was expelled for 20 years and says a phrase that had blocked my mind from thinking about the truth and the benefits of being with God's people. So I was in the world and I didn't want to think about how beautiful the time was when I was in the truth But now he has returned and is enjoying the company of his brothers again and now what he says is that there is nothing better in life than being part of Jehovah's family and being in spiritual paradise like this That without a doubt this helps those who are outside the truth, these comments will surely help them to return to recover spiritually.


For example, June, a sister who became inactive, but later returned to Jehovah's people, expressed her joy at being among her brothers again. She learned the importance of not isolating herself and of needing the help of the brothers, recognizing that she returned in time before that it was too late. 

In the case of Kimberly, who spent 40 years expelled, she mentioned feeling alone and sad not having friends who served Jehovah or spiritual food. After repenting and being readmitted in 2021, she now experiences the closeness of Jehovah, the answer to his prayers, and the company of people she can trust. 

And finally John, who was expelled for more than 20 years, before returning to the spiritual country, shared that he had blocked his mind from thinking about the truth and the benefits of being with God's people. Upon returning to enjoy the company of his brothers and Jehovah's table, he recognized that there is nothing better in life than being part of Jehovah's family and being in spiritual paradise.

19. b) What should be our determination? (See also the image).

Our determination should be to value and protect the beauty, purity and peace of spiritual paradise, always being grateful for the wonderful environment that God has created for us. For this reason we must strive to remain in that spiritual environment, resisting the deceptions of Satan and fighting with all our strength to preserve the harmony and happiness found in the spiritual paradise.

We have to fight with all our strength to protect this spiritual paradise to never abandon it because Satan is there, what he wants is for us to move away from this beautiful paradise.


The same brothers, minus the one who had preferred to sit alone, enjoying a meal in Paradise. A child gives food to a bear. Those who stay in the spiritual paradise will be able to enjoy a literal paradise in the future. (See paragraph 19).


What is spiritual paradise?

It is an environment characterized by peace, unity, and activity centered on the worship and service of Jehovah.

It is an environment of peace, harmony and security created by Jehovah in the midst of a world full of evil and danger. It is a place where people can flourish spiritually, enjoy true peace and feel protected, even in difficult times.

It is described as a refuge and a well-watered garden in the word of God, where those who live in it experience happiness and security. It is a spiritual environment where unity, love and kindness are encouraged among those who are part of it, and where it seeks to bring others to enjoy its blessings.

What are the blessings of being in spiritual paradise?

Being in spiritual paradise brings various blessings, such as feeling healthy and spiritually renewed, having spiritual needs met, enjoying abundant spiritual food, and experiencing tranquility and relaxation in an atmosphere of love and unity.

Furthermore, in spiritual paradise you can leave the worries of the world behind and live in harmony with your other brothers, feeling part of God's family and enjoying the closeness of Jehovah.

Well, one of them is to be healthy and renewed thanks to the Holy Spirit, his word and the multitude of publications. We feel happy and satisfied. We also feel calm and relaxed. Yes, we feel grateful to Jehovah, full of enthusiasm. So we experience peace and security.

How can we attract people to spiritual paradise?

To bring people to spiritual paradise, it is essential to imitate Jehovah by attracting others with kindness and love. And we can do it by showing the qualities of the fruit of the spirit, such as love, happiness, peace, kindness and mildness, if we do so we can contribute to maintaining a welcoming and attractive environment in the spiritual paradise.

Well, we saw that it was imitating Jehovah, we have to treat them with kindness and love, we want them to feel comfortable around us and we strive to see the good and positive things in all our brothers. 

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