Tuesday, July 2, 2024

SPIRITUAL GEMS: Week of July 1 to 7, 2024, Psalm 57 to 59, Answers.

SPIRITUAL GEMS: July 1-7, 2024, Psalm 57 to 59, Answers.

Let's look for hidden pearls

Psa 57:7. What must be done to have a firm heart? (w23.07 18, 19 paras. 16, 17).

To have a firm heart, it is important to copy examples of people who were loyal and firm to Jehovah. For example, David had a firm heart, and other brothers during trials they faced such as health problems, they remained upright, loyal and firm to Jehovah. We must have the same determination and trust in Jehovah totally.


It is also essential to cultivate an intimate and constant relationship with God. David shows that his steadfastness of heart comes from his unwavering faith in Jehovah and his dedication to praising Him despite adverse circumstances. This steadfastness is achieved through regular prayer, meditation on the word of God, and complete trust in his faithfulness and protection. David, in the midst of his affliction, chooses to praise God and express his trust in him. This attitude of praise not only strengthens faith, but also reaffirms the certainty that God is present and able to sustain us in all situations. situations.

According to Psalm 57:7, to have a firm heart, it is necessary to express our trust in God in an unwavering way. The verse says: My heart is firm, O God. This means having a solid faith and complete trust in Jehovah, without hesitation or doubt.

The first thing to do is to trust absolutely in Jehovah like David did. We can also do what Bob did by having a sincere desire to make Jehovah happy, studying the Bible and our publications, and faithfully following Jehovah's righteous standards.

We must be inspired by the words of King David who declared with conviction that his heart was firm. This type of steadfastness is achieved by completely trusting in Jehovah, as illustrated in Psalm 112:7.

In Bob's case, having a strong heart allowed him to face a delicate medical situation without questioning his principles. When informed that he might need a blood transfusion, his firm decision was to leave the scene if there was any possibility of blood being administered, thus demonstrating his confidence and determination. Which was reflected in his words when he said that he did not doubt it for a second, and he was not worried about what might happen either.

The application of this text in our days is very relevant, we live in a world full of uncertainty and constant challenges to maintain emotional and spiritual stability, it is crucial to develop a firm heart, this implies dedicating daily time to prayer and meditation in the word of God, which strengthens our faith and gives us the certainty that God is with us at all times.

We do not have to wait to be under a test to make the decision to stand firm, but we have to make that decision long before and first of all what we have to do is desire with all our heart to make Jehovah happy after studying what he says in the Bible and publications about the trial we are facing and finally be convinced that Jehovah will reward us if we follow his standards.

The Watchtower gave us some points that we have to do in order to have a firm heart like David's, first it explained that we must wish like David with all our heart to make Jehovah happy no matter what situation we face if we already made the decision before. Well, it will be easy to be faithful to Him and then it was explained that we also have to study what the Bible says regarding the issue that is affecting us and then remember that Jehovah rewards people who are loyal.

Additionally, cultivating an attitude of gratitude and praise helps us focus on God's blessings and his constant presence, allowing us to face challenges with a positive and hopeful perspective.

It is important to highlight that the expression heart refers to the secret person inside, it is not that someone appears to seem firm, but if they really are firm inside. Therefore, it is important, like the young Hebrews, to be determined and determined in our hearts, starting today to remain firmly faithful to Jehovah. This means that we will not wait for the moment of a test to think about whether we will maintain our fidelity and obedience to God or not. For example, in a medical mishap, it is important to be convinced that our service is for Jehovah and that he will reward our fidelity in the face of any trial that comes our way.

So experiences like these show us how we can have a firm heart when making decisions.

Yes, something that can also help us is to be determined to be happy for Jehovah and we are going to achieve that by always putting Jehovah first in our hearts, also by studying the Bible and studying the publications for when we are facing to any problem to always be able to make our creator happy.

And one can start thinking about the servants of the past and ask ourselves: Why don't they bow down? Why do you stand firm? And how beautiful it is that Jehovah through the slave gives us the key here, he clearly shows us that for this we have to completely love Jehovah and analyze his writings, David did it, he analyzed the writings, he loved Jehovah and he also had the security that something would happen that Jehovah would reward him, here is a nice case from Bob about the blood and he completely decided that no, he was convinced that he had to love Jehovah and if he still died he knew that Jehovah would reward him, having those two actions allowed have a firm heart the same as David.

What spiritual pearls have you found in this week's Bible reading?

Psalm 57:1. This text shows us that when we go through difficulties we can turn to Jehovah, he will be our refuge and will give us comfort when we go through distressing situations.

Psalm 57:10. It reminds me of the magnitude of Jehovah's loyal love and encourages me that I should appreciate that love and value it by obeying his commandments.

Psalm 57:10. David highlights the loyal love of Jehovah, this teaches me the magnitude of Jehovah's love and faithfulness and motivates me to praise him by living a life of gratitude and worship recognizing his sovereignty and goodness.

Psalm 57:9. It shows that David praised Jehovah among the people, this teaches me that we go to Jehovah when we regularly attend meetings knowing that attending congregation meetings is a spiritual necessity but commenting on them is a privilege, therefore I must prepare to being able to participate and demonstrate the love and gratitude of being part of God's organization.

Psalm 57:10. David highlights the loyal love of Jehovah, this teaches me the magnitude of Jehovah's love and faithfulness and motivates me to praise him by living a life of gratitude and worship recognizing his sovereignty and goodness.

Psalm 57:1. There he is showing us the text that David recognizes Jehovah as his refuge, so this is teaching me that Jehovah will become our refuge if we seek his help through prayer and that if we maintain our integrity we will be sure that in time we will receive relief from him.

Psalm 57:1. The Bible teaches us about the trust and protection we can find in Jehovah in the midst of difficult situations. The verse says: "Grant me your favor O God for I take refuge in you." This verse highlights the importance of trusting God in times of distress and the security we find by taking refuge in his protection.

Psalm 57:9. He teaches us about the importance of praising Jehovah among the nations. So it highlights the need to proclaim the greatness of our God not only in our personal lives, but also before others. Therefore, we must share the message of truth with those around us. By doing so we demonstrate our gratitude and trust in God and contribute to bringing his message of salvation to a world in need.

Psalm 57:10. It teaches us about Jehovah's loyal love towards his people, this verse highlights the magnitude of God's love, mercy and faithfulness, showing that his love transcends the heavens and his truth reaches the clouds, that is, it is infinite and omnipresent. It teaches us that we can trust in Jehovah's loyal love at all times, knowing that his mercy and truth will accompany us in every situation and will sustain us in the midst of difficulties.

Psalm 57:7. The attitude we must have when we face adversity or opposition is to maintain a firm and trusting heart in God, as it teaches us the importance of maintaining our trust in God, even in the midst of difficulties and encourages us to express our gratitude and praise to God. Despite adverse circumstances, therefore, maintaining a firm heart in God helps us face trials with courage and hope in his power and faithfulness.

Psalm 57:3. This text teaches us about the care and protection that Jehovah provides to his people. Here the verse highlights divine intervention on behalf of those who trust in him, showing that God is attentive to our needs, ready to save us from any adverse situation and demonstrate his mercy and faithfulness towards his people.

Psalm 57:2. The importance of duration is highlighted by mentioning how the Psalmist cries out to God for help and mercy. This teaches us that prayer is a powerful means of communicating with Jehovah, seeking his favor, and finding comfort in times of trouble. It shows us that turning to God in prayer is essential to strengthen our faith and trust in him.

Psalm 57:6. It teaches us that whoever is evil, the person who is evil that person alone is destroyed eventually. Because in this text it says that David's enemies dug a hole for him, but in the end it was they who ended up falling into it, ironic that point.

Psalm 57:6. The same text teaches us that opponents of God's people can also fall into their own evil traps. This is very very interesting, an example that is in the Bible is how the Pharisees plotted traps for Jesus, for the Christian congregation and eventually all of this turned against themselves.

Psalm 57:9. This Psalm makes us think about how important praise is in our worship of Jehovah. For this reason, it is good to reflect on how many songs we know, perhaps we do not have a good memory, but it is good to examine ourselves and ask ourselves if we really enjoy the moment of praise, the moment of singing songs to Jehovah. Sadly, many prefer songs that are not unchristian songs that are questionable to a Christian, and delight in such songs, but the Psalmist delighted in praising Jehovah. 

Psalm 57:3. It reminds us of what Paul said, we have a war, we are in a spiritual war, there is no truce, there is no rest and we can only remain firm in this war with the help that comes from heaven, that comes from Jehovah.

Psalm 57:6. He mentions how David's enemies had plotted to bring him down and in what sense in these times the enemies could also catch me by sowing doubts about the organization or perhaps by wanting to be someone in this world that is going downhill, including circumstances that could put me in danger. my integrity is in danger, the opponents of Jehovah would like to see me fall into one of their traps, but I do trust in Jehovah, I exercise caution, my liberation in the hands of Jehovah is safe since he promises me that the bad guy will not go unpunished but will just escape.

Psalm 57:1. This text helps me to fully trust in Jehovah when I find myself in any adversity, who in these times we are living does not encounter different types of difficulties, whether perhaps due to health, work or sometimes in the family, but I do seek Jehovah's help through prayer will become a refuge for me, so I must always strive to remain whole and thus also receive relief and comfort from Jehovah.

Psalm 57:1. There he talks about how God was the Refuge of the Psalmist and Jehovah can also become our Refuge. If we seek his help through prayer when we find ourselves harassed by adversity, persecution, or internal conflicts, we can beg him in the way that David did.

Psalm 57:4. It teaches us and reminds us of the words of our Lord Jesus Christ that we are surrounded by wolves, we are like sheep among wolves. And this is worse when these wolves are dressed as Sheep, which means that we find all kinds of people, perhaps in our neighborhood, perhaps at work, perhaps in preaching, people who have bad intentions with such a dangerous, poisonous tongue, and that is why it is good to be cautious and observant in order to take care of ourselves and not be devoured by these wolves dressed as sheep. 

Psalm 57:1. The same text reminds us how important salvation to eternal life is for all those who endure to the end while maintaining integrity, since in the end it says I take refuge in God until the difficulties pass. So we are not emotional, only when we feel good we seek God and then not, it is until everything is over, says the text.

Psalm 57:5. David expresses his desire that God be exalted and that his glory be recognized throughout the Earth. Despite his difficult situation David focuses his attention on the greatness and glory of God, showing a deep desire for everyone to recognize the power and majesty of God. Today this verse encourages us to glorify Jehovah in all circumstances, even in times of trial. It reminds us that despite our difficulties we must maintain a perspective of worship and recognition of the greatness of God, it encourages us to live so that our lives reflect the glory of God and that others also see and recognize his greatness. 

Psalm 57:10. The verse highlights the magnitude of Jehovah's love and faithfulness, which motivates us to praise and worship him. Appreciating the depth of his commitment to us inspires us to live a life of gratitude and worship, recognizing his sovereignty and goodness.

Psalm 57:2. This text teaches us that we must practice humility and recognize our need for Jehovah in all areas of our lives. Instead of relying on our own strength, we should seek guidance and support from Him. It also reminds us that we must develop the habit of constant prayer, seeking Jehovah not only in times of trouble, but at all times, to strengthen our relationship with him.

Psalm 57:10. As we reflect on the greatness of Jehovah's loving-kindness and truth, we can feel strengthened and comforted in knowing that we are under the care of such a magnificent and faithful God. This realization should motivate us to be grateful and to fully trust in him. Even in difficult times, we encourages us to demonstrate those same qualities in our daily lives by showing love and adherence to the truth with our actions and our decisions. 

Psalm 57:1. The expression until the difficulties pass indicates a patient and confident wait for God's help. The psalmist knows that difficulties are temporary and that God will guide them through them. He teaches us to have patience and hope in the midst of our trials, trusting that God will sustain us until the difficulties have passed.

Psalm 57:4-6. These verses show how the psalmist feels surrounded by so many dangers, that it is like being among lions and traps. This teaches me that in life, when we face challenges and obstacles, we must stand firm, trusting that Jehovah will sustain us and help us overcome them.

Psalm 57:1. The Bible teaches us about the trust and protection that we can find in the midst of difficult situations. The verse says, grant me your favor, O God, for I take refuge in you. This verse highlights the importance of trusting God in times of distress and the security we find. by taking refuge in his protection.

Psalm 57:3. This verse teaches me to trust that Jehovah is willing to intervene in our difficult situations to provide protection when we are attacked. So in these difficult times we must pray and wait for him to act on our behalf.

Psalm 57:12. This verse shows how the psalmist trusts in God as his refuge and protection under the shadow of his wings. This teaches me that in our struggles and difficult times, we can seek refuge in Jehovah because he is our strength and protection.

Psalm 57:9. It shows me the importance of singing praises for Jehovah without a doubt that we should not see them as an opportunity to get up to go to the bathroom to distract ourselves but we should really sing them from the bottom of our hearts because they are praises for him.

Psalm 57:10. This verse talks about Jehovah's love and faithfulness being immeasurable and surpassing all human understanding. This encourages me to trust even more in the infinite goodness and loyalty of God, knowing that he will always be at the side of his faithful servants.

Psalm 57:7,8. These verses teach us that we should maintain an attitude of praise to Jehovah. And regardless of our circumstances, we must cultivate a grateful heart and express our worship through music, prayer, and singing praises. 

Psalm 57:11. This verse shows us Jehovah as the ruler of the universe and teaches us how his glory and power extend over the entire Earth, so we must always recognize his greatness.

Psalm 57:3,4. In these verses David expresses his confidence that Jehovah will send help from heaven to save him and to defeat anyone who attacks him. This teaches me that as long as he is faithful, Jehovah will protect me from even the most powerful enemies. Therefore, regardless of the threats that I have to face, I must fully trust in Jehovah.

Psalm 57:1,2. In these verses David tells Jehovah to grant him favor, because he took refuge in Jehovah under the shadow of his wings when he was in trouble. This teaches me that when life becomes difficult, instead of worrying or despairing, we should turn to Jehovah in prayer, asking for his favor and care because he is our refuge and strength.

Psalm 57:9. In this text we note that as part of God's people, we must worship him. We do this when we attend meetings, sing songs of praise, and when we participate in preaching.

Psalm 57:10. This verse shows us that soon, when Jehovah carries out his purpose, all the righteous people who do the will of God will rejoice because Jehovah will fulfill his promises, to give all the loyal ones many blessings.

Psalm 58:7. Jehovah says that they disappear like the waters that drain away and it is likely that David was thinking about the torrential valleys of Palestine that when there were heavy rains they filled up but just as they filled up quickly they disappeared and that is what David was asking the wicked to do. would disappear and that is what we also hope for today.

Psalm 58:4-5. A long time ago the Bible indicated that the cobra hears the voice of enchanters, but may refuse to listen just as a human may refuse to listen. This shows us that today many scientists are like the cobra, they do not hear. They do not support and reject what the Bible says. We must be careful not to be influenced if certain current evidence does not seem to support what the Bible says regarding animal life in the past, which should not cause one to reject the inspired word of God.

Psalm 58:3. This verse describes the nature of the wicked from birth, emphasizing their inclination toward evil and lying. David is pointing out that some individuals are inclined toward iniquity from their earliest days, reflecting a condition deeply ingrained in their character. In our days this verse reminds us that evil and corruption can be deeply rooted in some people from an early age, in the modern context, this underlines the importance of education and moral training from childhood, encourages us to be aware of the influences and environment in which children grow up and to actively work to instil values ​​of truth and righteousness.

Psalm 58:11. He says Then men will say, without a doubt, there is a prize for taste, truly, there is a God who judges on earth, exactly what people see in a servant of Jehovah, true, how is it that Jehovah gives us this help in difficult times and really Jehovah gives us strength and Jehovah really helps us in difficult times.

Psalm Chapter 58. It highlights how Jehovah judges the earth and we are being reminded in this meeting that the wicked have very little time left, and that is why I will continue to pray so that this is also the case and above all not to lose focus and not sit down with evildoers.

Psalm 58:1. He taught me that I have to speak because he says maybe they can talk about justice when they remain silent, so this encourages me to sanctify the name of Jehovah.

Psalm 58:4-5. Another lesson we can draw from this same verse is that even the most skillful and persuasive efforts to correct or guide evil people may not be successful, if they choose to shut down completely. This teaches us that there are limits to our ability to change others and that only Jehovah can touch and transform a hardened heart.

Psalm 58:11. This verse concludes the Psalm with an affirmation of confidence in Divine justice. David ensures that in the end everyone will recognize that God rewards the righteous and that he is the supreme judge of the earth, it is a declaration of hope and confidence in God's final justice. This verse encourages us to maintain our faith in Divine justice especially when we face injustice. It reminds us that although justice may seem slow, God will ultimately judge all and reward them. It gives us hope and motivates us to live according to the principles of justice and righteousness, trusting that God sees and will reward our righteous actions in due time.

Psalm 58:1,2. In these verses, David questions whether the powerful really pass just sentences and judge righteously. This reminds us that true justice comes from Jehovah, so all of his servants must strive to be just and equitable in our treatment of others, and in no way should we favor oppression and act with evil intentions.

Psalm 58:1. This is a small point, but very important, it teaches us that there are times when we must say the things that we know have happened, either before a spiritual authority or before a public authority that is conducting some type of investigation and if no one speaks of what happened, because this person is an accomplice and is contributing to the issues being shelved like this and justice will not be done. A practical example is to avoid covering up for someone who committed something serious. Sometimes when someone commits a serious sin, it not only remains a serious sin, sometimes this can be a crime before public authorities. So the Bible says no, at no time should we cover up someone who is guilty, much less declare them innocent. Jehovah hates any person with spiritual or religious authority who commits this type of cover-up. That is in the Bible, which is why the text tells us: Can you talk about Justice when you remain silent?

Psalm 58:11. He mentions that there will be a reward for the righteous since there is a God who judges on earth, perhaps now we are victims of some type of injustice and we feel very helpless, but that is not the case since Jehovah is observing everything and he will soon do justice For us, we just have to continue trusting him, staying loyal and being patient, since as this psalm mentions he will soon come to our defense.

Psalm 58:11. This verse does not offer comfort and hope for those who are committed to living a righteous and godly life. It reminds us that we are not alone in our struggles and that there is a reward assured for those who remain faithful.

Psalm 58:3-5. He clarifies to us that the lies they tell about Jehovah's Witnesses are like the venom of snakes, which is why Jehovah teaches us that this is how apostates act and we should not listen to it.

Psalm 58:11. It teaches us about divine justice and the certainty that God will reward the righteous, So let us be assured that despite the injustices that may prevail in the world, God is the supreme judge who will reward the righteous and do justice in the earth. It encourages us to trust that God is the one who judges fairly and will ultimately reward those who follow his ways.

Psalm 58:11. It teaches me that Jehovah is the only judge over all the earth and that to have his approval I must show myself to be a just person. I do this by obeying his just rules and imitating him as best as possible.

Psalm 58:4-5. Another general lesson that we can draw from these verses is that the comparison with snakes and cobras reminds us of the need to be spiritually vigilant and protected against evil influences. It is important to be aware of the presence of evil in the world and be prepared to resist its attacks through faith, prayer, and adhering to Jehovah's righteous principles to meet the challenges.

Psalm 58:6-9. In these verses David cries out to God to break the teeth of the wicked and scatter them like waters. This teaches me that although we should not desire personal revenge, we can trust that Jehovah will judge justly. So we must leave the punishment in their hands and remain firm in our faith.

Psalm 58:10,11. These verses say that the righteous will rejoice when he sees vengeance and will wash his feet in the blood of the wicked, thus demonstrating that there is a God who judges justly. This teaches me that I should trust that Jehovah will reward our righteousness and punish wickedness, which will be a cause for joy.

Psalm 58:3-5. These verses say that the wicked are crooked from birth and speak lies from birth. Therefore, we must be aware of our actions and words from an early age in order to avoid evil and falsehood and choose truth and integrity at all times.

Psalm 58:4-5. This verse says: "They are deaf like a cobra that covers its ears." The lesson is that evil people are often stubborn and refuse to listen to reason or truth, this intransigence can make it very difficult to change their hearts. and minds. Which highlights the need and importance of constantly praying and working diligently to promote justice and goodness by seeking guidance from Jehovah. 

Psalm 59:1-2. This text teaches us the importance of asking Jehovah for help when we go through critical moments, as David did when he asked God to help him face his enemies. We can also ask to be given wisdom to face trials. .

Psalm 59:6-7. In these verses David says that his enemies prowl like dogs and prowl the city. This teaches me that we must be alert to threats and remain vigilant in order to safeguard our lives and spirituality.

Psalm 59:1,2. These verses show how David seeks refuge in God and asks to be delivered from his enemies. This teaches me that in our struggles and conflicts we must trust in Jehovah as our refuge. It also teaches me that prayer is the means to ask for help.

Psalm 59:12,13. These verses show us how important it is to endorse our thoughts and govern our speech, we must avoid gossip. In this way we will be careful not to lose sight of the important work of preaching and teaching. Our goal will be to imitate Jehovah and Christ in the use of our powers of thought and speech for the salvation of others. 

Psalm 59:16,17. These verses teach us that no matter how serious the crisis is, or the set of trials that we are going through, the servants of God have divine help, and that help is within the reach of all faithful servants, so we can safely , because he is a loyal God, who takes care of us, and gives us strength when we are distressed.

Psalm 59:1,2. This teaches me how Jehovah listens to prayers but something that we must keep in mind is that after praying we have to act in accordance with what we ask for and when we ask in prayer we must also ask him to give us wisdom to understand how we can face our situation and Even making it better is why prayer is very important.

Psalm 59:9-10. The psalmist tells Jehovah in verse 10 that Jehovah has shown him loyal love and is a safe refuge for him, but so that in our case it is so that Jehovah is a refuge for us and shows us loyal love verse 9 says The key, the psalmist said, I will remain dependent on you, and one way to keep an eye on Jehovah is to be alert as circumstances are happening in this world, for example, how biblical prophecies are being fulfilled, also putting the kingdom first and thus we will be Ready for when the end comes, we are alert in the time we are living.

Psalm 59:9. This verse reflects David's trust in God as his strength and refuge. David addresses God as his strength and expresses his intention to watch or wait on God, recognizing Him as his Strong Place, that is, his safe and protective place in the midst of danger. In modern life, this verse reminds us of the importance of trusting in God as our source of strength and protection, encourages us to wait patiently on God knowing that he is our safe Refuge in times of adversity, teaches us to depend on the strength of God instead of our own abilities, especially when we face difficult situations.

Psalm 59:8,9. These verses show that David trusts that God will mock the wicked and scatter them. This teaches me that even if we face his position and persecution, we must trust that Jehovah is in control and will always protect us in the best way.

Psalm 59:16-17. It teaches me that I have to talk about the love and strength and other wonderful qualities of Jehovah and this is why, because in times of distress I could turn to Jehovah and he would give me his loyal love.

Psalm 59:1. David says rescue me from my enemies Oh my God protect me from those who rise up against me, here we see that there is truly no doubt that Jehovah hears our supplications but we know that it is not enough to make our problems known to Jehovah but after praying We have to act in accordance with what we ask of Him, this teaches me that we can ask Him for wisdom to understand how we can face our situation and even make everything better.

Psalm 59:16,17. These verses show how David sings about the strength of God and how he praises his loyal love. This teaches me that mainly when we go through periods of distress is when we should most remember Jehovah's faithfulness and when we should most praise his Holy Name.

Psalm 59:16. It reminds me that when I am going through difficult times of anguish or persecution I should take refuge in Jehovah and speak with joy about his promises since that will give me joy and I will feel protected by his loyal love.

Psalm 59:17. In this verse David reiterates his trust in God and his commitment to praise. He acknowledges God as his strength and Refuge highlighting the loving kindness that God has shown him, it is a declaration of dependence on God and a promise to continue praising him for his protection and love. Today this verse encourages us to recognize and celebrate the loving kindness of God in our lives, it reminds us of the importance of praising God continually, recognizing Him as our strength and protector, by doing so we strengthen our relationship with Jehovah and find comfort and hope in his constant love.

Psalm 59:4. Sometimes we may find ourselves in situations where we are unfairly accused or attacked, despite having acted with integrity. This can be challenging and painful, but it is important to maintain our faith and trust in Jehovah, even in the midst of such circumstances.

Psalm 59:5. The expression awakens and examines all nations suggests that Jehovah is attentive to what is happening in the world. He observes the actions of all nations and judges according to his justice.

Psalm 59:10. It teaches me that I can always trust in Jehovah because of his loyal love, he will come to help me when I am going through a difficult situation and will make me emerge victorious over my enemies. 

Psalm 59:1-4. This teaches us that the fact that we have a good heart and help others or do good to others does not mean that others will be equally kind to us, because not everyone has the same heart, we can do good to others. , and the others can give him a stone's throw in return. For example, sometimes we will find people like the ones David writes in these verses. For this reason we must always entrust ourselves to Jehovah and learn to take care of ourselves and observe the people around us.

Psalm 59:5. In the final part he talks about the traitors referred to in verse 5, they must have been David's companions who abandoned him or who were willing to betray him in those difficult times. The heading of this Psalm indicates that it refers to the occasion when Saul sent men to guard David's house and kill him.

Psalm 59:16-17. Despite having suffered betrayal, contempt, and abandonment by supposed friends, King David learned to depend on Jehovah and to move forward, not to remain stuck on the ground, feeling sorry for himself, and that is a good example for us, perhaps that is one of the best advice we could receive, whatever other people have done to us, let's keep going, because life is like a bicycle and to be able to continue and move on that bicycle we have to move not stay stagnant, because if the person He becomes paralyzed while on the bicycle, he is going to fall.

Psalm 59:7. It highlights the destructive power of hurtful and malicious words that can be thrown at others. It teaches us the importance of being careful with what we say, avoiding words that could hurt, harm or discourage those around us. It urges us to use our words with wisdom, kindness and consideration, recognizing the impact they can have on the lives of others.

Psalm 59:12,13. In these verses he shows us how important it is to restrain our thoughts and govern our speech, we must avoid gossip and in this way we will be careful not to lose sight of the important work of preaching and teaching because our goals will be to imitate Jehovah and Christ in use of our faculties of thinking and speaking for salvation.

Psalm 59:13. He reminds me that I should not worry when he suffers injustice and I should trust in Jehovah and leave everything in his hands because he is going to put an end to the wicked.

Psalm 59:8. Jehovah is described as laughing and mocking the nations with derision, this is because the power that the nations presume is extremely insignificant compared to the power of Jehovah, Jehovah knows that and that is why it is as if what they are doing causes him amusement or laughter. , as if a child pointed a toy gun at me, nothing really happens, that's Jehovah and the important thing here is that he is ready to take care of us and defend our loyalty.

Psalm 59:7. He says look at what they say through their mouths, their lips are like swords, this teaches me and reminds me that we must be careful what we say since the words that come out of the mouth come from the heart, so we must train our hearts well so as not to displease. to Jehovah.

Psalm Chapter 59. It mentions three times that Jehovah is a refuge. This verse encourages me to imitate Jehovah by being a refuge for the brothers, for example, when they attend meetings, they could receive him well, show him interest and affection since this system treats them coldly. and cruel, if I do everything possible to help them they will feel safe and loved.

Psalm 59:1,2. It teaches me the importance of asking Jehovah for help when he goes through difficult times, I must ask him to give me wisdom to understand how I can face my situation and even make it improve.

Psalm 59:9. where it says I will keep an eye on you, that reminded me that I must always pay attention to what I prayed to Jehovah about how Jehovah answers my prayers and it also reminded me that I have to wait and trust in the way in which he is answering me. Helping.

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