Tuesday, June 11, 2024

DAILY TEXT, Thursday, July 11, Job did not sin with his lips (Job 2:10).

DAILY TEXT, Today Thursday, July 11, 2024. Job did not sin with his lips (Job 2:10).

Let us examine the scriptures every day 2024

Thursday July 11, 2024

Job did not sin with his lips (Job 2:10).

Satan wanted Job to think that he was suffering because he no longer had Jehovah's approval. With that intention, he used a strong wind to cause the house where Job's 10 sons were enjoying a banquet to fall (Job 1:18, 19). He also caused fire to fall from heaven and kill not only Job's flocks, but also the servants who cared for them (Job 1:16). It is clear that that wind and that fire were not simple natural phenomena. So Job concluded that Jehovah had commanded them, and that led him to think that he had done something that displeased Jehovah. Despite everything, Job refused to curse his heavenly Father. He recognized that over the years Jehovah had given him many good things and that, just as he had accepted the good, he had to accept the bad things. That is why he said: “Let the name of Jehovah continue to be praised” (Job 1:20, 21). w22.06 21 para. 7.

What other tactic did Satan use to attack Job?

Satan used another tactic to attack Job. He made three false friends undermine the self-esteem of this faithful man. These individuals claimed that Job was suffering because he had done many bad things (Job 22:5-9). They also tried to convince him that even if he had not done all those evil things, he would never be able to please God, no matter how good he was (Job 4:18; 22:2, 3; 25:4). In reality, they wanted Job to doubt that God loved him, that he would care for him, and that he is worth serving. His words perhaps led him to think that his situation was beyond remedy.

Why did Job manage to retain his strength and courage?

9 Let's imagine the scene. Job sits among the ashes, and pain torments him night and day (Job 2:8). His friends do not stop attacking him and do everything possible to destroy his reputation. With so many problems, Job feels overwhelmed, and the pain of having lost his children tears his heart. At first he says nothing (Job 2:13-3:1). If his friends think that this silence indicates that he is going to turn his back on his Creator, they are very wrong. At one point, Job—possibly looking up at his friends—tells them, “Until I die, I will not give up my integrity!” (Job 27:5). Why did Job manage to preserve his strength and courage in the midst of so much suffering? Because even in the most critical moment he did not lose hope that his loving God would reach out to him. He knew that even if he died, Jehovah would bring him back to life (Job 14:13-15).

What does the story of Job teach us?

The story of Job teaches us that Satan cannot force us to turn our backs on Jehovah and that Jehovah is aware of everything that happens to us. Job's experiences and example also teach us other valuable lessons. Let's now look at some of them.                              

What can we be sure of if we always trust in Jehovah? (James 4:7).

Job showed that if we always trust in Jehovah, we will endure any trial and will be able to oppose Satan. And what will be the result? The Bible assures us that the Devil will flee from us (read James 4:7).

How did the hope of the resurrection strengthen Job?

We must hold on to the hope of the resurrection. As explained in the previous article, Satan often uses the fear of death with the intention of making us give up our integrity. Let's think about the case of Job. Satan claimed that Job would do anything to save his life, including failing to serve Jehovah. But he was very wrong! Even in his darkest moments, even when he thought he was going to die, Job did not turn his back on his God. And how could he last so long? Because he trusted that Jehovah is good and because he had the firm hope that, in time, his Creator would make things right. He had faith that if he did not receive help from him while he was alive, in the future God would intervene and bring him back to life. For Job, the hope of resurrection was a reality. If it is also true for us, we will not give up our integrity even if we are threatened with death.

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