Friday, June 21, 2024

Watchtower Study, Let's strengthen our confidence in the organization, Week 17 to June 23, 2024, Comments and Responses.

Watchtower Study, Let's strengthen our trust in the organization, June 17-23, 2024, Comments and Responses.

“Remember those who guide you, who have spoken to you about the word of God” (HEB. 13:7).

1. How were Jehovah's servants organized in the first century?

As mentioned in the paragraph, Jehovah expects all the assignments and decisions we have to be organized. For this reason, the brothers of the first century were no exception, since they were organized with a group in Jerusalem made up of the Apostles and elders who made decisions and gave instructions to the congregations, which in turn had elders to direct them. And in this way they transmitted instructions to the brothers, which allowed the congregations to remain firm in the faith and grow.


Back then in the first century after Jesus Christ was on earth, there was a group of Anointed Elders and Apostles that were in Jerusalem, since the world headquarters, so to speak, was in that place, and that group of faithful men They were in charge of directing the work, making decisions and giving instructions, since if there was something that they could not solve by themselves, what they did was bring heaven to Jehovah and he, through the Holy Spirit, transmitted to them the final decision that they had to take, literally they had a direct channel of communication with Jehovah and they in turn transmitted these instructions to the congregations.

For example, in Acts 1:5, it talks about the time when they did not agree, there was a lot of discussion about the issue of circumcision and then it explains how they went down to where the Apostles and the elders were to talk about this matter and then In 16 it is shown that when they received the instructions they went around the congregations communicating what the Apostles and the elders had told them.

And therefore, in carrying out these instructions faithfully it says in Acts 16:5 that the congregations continued to become firm in the faith and to grow so this shows that it is the proper method of Jehovah.

It is curious because in Acts 15:2 it mentions that these bodies of elders who were in Jerusalem made decisions so that there was harmony and a better way of thinking and in Acts 16:4 it is mentioned that these decisions are communicated, therefore we see that there were brothers in charge of unifying and directing and these decisions were communicated.

2. How has Jehovah guided and nourished his people since 1919?

The paragraph explicitly says that Jesus began to use a small group of Anointed men to organize preaching and give spiritual food to his disciples. 


Furthermore, this group has been blessed by Jehovah in their work, following the example of Jesus in organizing God's people in a similar way as he did with his disciples on earth.

In that year, Brother Rutherford and other collaborators, other brothers, immediately began to spread the good news of the kingdom, they got down to work, they organized assemblies and also campaigns for preaching and they also organized the congregations, as well. It was in that year when prophecies in that regard were fulfilled and a lot of momentum was given and Jehovah blessed them.

In the article in the worship book I was also talking about how from 1914 to 1919 the brothers thought at that time that the organization was going to end but we see how it continued forward with the help of Jehovah and also once Brother Rutherford left the organization. prison with their other companions they moved forward and that was when the magazine came out, they woke up and held an assembly and the organization continued.

And this is shown very well in Isaiah 60:22 where it says that the little one will reach 1000 and the nation might be powerful and that Jehovah would speed it up in due time and that is what we are seeing today.

And what we did see with the prophecies of the Bible was that in 1914 Jesus was enthroned, that is a fact that the Bible helps us to see, but we had to cleanse the people of God of false ideas about the Trinity, birthdays and other things, but Furthermore, when Brother Russell died in 1916 there were some divisions, some did not accept Rutherford, that is to say, Jehovah's people had to be cleansed and Jesus Christ was there to be able to do that, to be able to cleanse Jehovah's people and in 19 when Once they leave prison, the Holy Spirit gives them strength to give a boost to the work once their town has been cleaned.

And this entire period of testing and purification is what is mentioned in Malachi 3 from 1 to 5 so it is the period of 1914 in which Jesus is enthroned as king and then all those 5 years are the one that Jesus and Jehovah are purifying the people of God and then in 1919 the faithful slave was named.

And it is appropriate that we call that group of anointed decision makers and leaders the governing body.

3, 4. a) Explain with an example how it benefits us to be well organized. 

Well, if the territory of the congregation were not organized, everyone could preach wherever they wanted and perhaps we would go over and over again to the same places, while in others we would never preach. That is the example that shows us the benefits of organization by preach or be well organized. 


Being well organized as God's people benefits us in various ways. A clear example of this is the effectiveness in preaching the message of the Kingdom. When we follow an organized and coordinated plan, we can reach more people with the good news. Furthermore, the organization allows us to avoid duplication of efforts and maximize the impact of our service, reaching places where the word of God is most needed, and perhaps not preaching in the same places over and over again and not reaching others.

Matthew 28:19 and 20 we are told that we have to go and make disciples of people from all nations but of course for this to happen we have to be organized to do it from all nations, so we the Witnesses do that because we have everything the organized territory because if not, of course each of us would go where we wanted but then it could be that many times we would go to the same place or even in some places because it would not be preached, so by being organized it is done in the best possible way.

For example, also the fact that we inform our preaching and especially the Bible studies helps to prevent in the future the possible kingdom halls that will be needed in an area if there is a lot of growth forecast in an area because it already allows the brothers to be able to Organizing where you're going to need more Kingdom Hall construction is one way it helps you stay organized.

3, 4. b) What will we see in this article?

In this article, we will discuss the example Jesus set and the importance of organization in Jehovah's service, and how to follow Jesus' example in our current organization, and how we can demonstrate our trust in Jehovah's organization.


5. How does the organization imitate the example of Jesus? (John 8:28).

By basing all advice and teachings on the word of God.


Well, just like Jesus who did not base himself on his own knowledge or his own opinion but on what Jehovah wanted, in the same way the organization all the advice and teachings it gives are based on the Bible and that is why we are always told. encourages you to study it and put it into practice.

Jehovah's organization imitates the example of Jesus by basing all its advice and teachings on the word of God, just as Jesus learned from his heavenly father what to do and say.

We are not going to say that this is deployed perfectly, obviously our brothers have made an effort over the years to improve in this aspect, and they try to base their advice and teaching on the word of God.

Additionally, we are often reminded to read the Bible and put what we learn into practice. Since when we read and study the Bible, we become aware of many situations or some situations that arise around us that lead us to the conclusion that it is important to acquire said knowledge, since that is the only advice that can help us progress in a spiritual sense.

And the text of John 8:28 speaks of Jesus not only knowing the Bible, but also putting it into practice. That is why he said that he did nothing on his own, but he did what his father had told him. taught. So Jesus did hear the father speak, it was not that he imagined it, but he was literally guided by the Most High.

And here we have a good biblical basis second Timothy 3:16 and 17 says that all writing is inspired by God and is useful for teaching and concludes by saying for all kinds of good works and it is very nice to see that all the teachings that the slave does It is based on some biblical text and that is why we are calm and sure that they have the blessing of Jehovah and his spirit.

How important are the words of Second Timothy 3:17, for what purpose does it serve us to obey the brothers whom I have appointed by Jehovah? He wants an organization that we are directed by the spirit of Jehovah, because there is 17 says that in order that the man of God is perfectly qualified, so it is important that we obey what the brothers and sisters of the organization tell us and that we do it with a good heart because this information comes from above from Jehovah and Christ.

And if Jesus, who was perfect, the son of God, said that he did nothing on his own but did everything that his father told him, then how right we are, we cannot do things our own way but rather Jehovah's way and always our teachings must be based on his word.

6. What is an important benefit of us studying the Bible?

It allows us to understand the principles and see how the advice that the organization gives us is based on the word of Jehovah.


The important benefit that we receive from studying the Bible is that it allows us to compare the Bible with the instructions that the organization gives us, since when we see that these instructions are based on the scriptures, the result is that our faith and trust in the Jehovah's organization is strengthened.

Well, at the end of verse 2 he recommends that we check for ourselves which is the good, accepted and perfect will of God. Of course, the power to compare it allows us to realize, as has already been mentioned, if the instructions we receive are in accordance with the Bible. When this is the case then we remain calm and obey at will.

Well, when we study the Bible we realize that the instructions that the organization gives us are completely based on it, which gives us confidence in the organization and of course in the town we are in, which we know is the best place.

Another important benefit is that it can help us if someone tells us to do something that is not in the Bible. A few years ago in the Broadcasting of August 2018, a member of the governing body, at that time, I quote, if an appointed brother in the congregation asked us to do something, but that something goes against what the Bible says, then We are not going to obey it, just as we do not obey human governments or we will not obey someone in authority, if they ask us to do something that goes against what the Bible says or what Jehovah says. 

So brothers, this is more than just a paragraph, it is more than just a written response, this is of vital importance, since reading the Bible gives us a very important benefit to know where we are, how we are and we will be able to know where we are going, therefore This is why reading, studying and meditating on the scriptures is very important.

And as Romans 12:2 also says, we can verify for ourselves that these scriptures are good, pleasing and perfect for our guidance.

7. What message did Jesus preach, and how does Jehovah's organization follow his example?

Yes, well, Jesus was preaching the good news of the kingdom, so we are his followers because we should do the same, and he also ordered his followers to do it as our obligation as well.


Jesus preached the good news of the Kingdom of God, and Jehovah's organization follows Jesus' example in preaching the message of the Kingdom, regardless of location or responsibilities.

Today, in modern times, Jehovah's Witnesses preach the good news of Jehovah's Kingdom worldwide. In fact, the Watchtower Magazine is nothing more, the Watchtower of the public, if it does not say the Watchtower announcing the Kingdom of Jehovah, it is a detail, but the full name of the Magazine makes us see the importance of said message.

And it is interesting the final part of the paragraph that says that all of us who are part of Jehovah's organization have to preach the message no matter where we live or even the responsibility we have, that cannot serve as an excuse for us to say well, I am doing a lot. In this field in the service of Jehovah, I cannot preach or I have no reason to preach, however Jesus was the busiest person and had the most responsibilities and he was our example to bring the good news.

For example, the faithful and prudent slave gives us the example. They have a lot of responsibility, a lot of work, but still they also preach.

Although we are not many, almost 9 million, but unlike Christianity, although there are many, but only a relatively few are those who say they preach, however, we are all those who, as Jesus taught us, have the responsibility of preaching the good news.

We see there in Luke 44:3 and 44 that it was after Jesus had been healing the sick, giving food to many, but he said he had to leave because he had to announce the good news of the kingdom to other cities because that's why I was sent there too. We see a difference with other religions that create schools and hospitals but do not preach the kingdom of God. We see that we are following a good example.

As Luke 8:9 says, also, enter any city where you enter and receive it, you must speak to them about the Kingdom of God. How encouraging it is to see that this work is carried out worldwide everywhere and the organization does what is necessary to carry this message. to people who, regardless of what language they speak.

8. What privilege do we have?

The privilege we have is to share the message of the Kingdom with people.


And our times for a person to be able to go out and preach must meet certain requirements is nothing more than someone saying they want to go out and preach and that's it, they have to meet certain requirements, these are organized in the book. Which encourages us to have the goal of continuing to plant and water the seeds of the message of the Bible in the hearts of people.

In Luke 4:41, he teaches us that Jesus did not allow demons to bear witness about him. Even though the demons recognized Jesus' identity as the son of God, he did not want to receive testimony of being the Christ from impure beings. Which teaches us that not everyone can bear witness to the truth.

It is also an honor, but it is also a responsibility to share the good news of the Kingdom with those who seek the truth and hope, which only the Kingdom of God can offer.

And everyone can do it because in fact in order to preach with Jehovah's Witnesses, you must first meet certain requirements.

If many people in the world feel privileged when they collaborate with some high official, with some politician, even with the king, what a privilege we truly have to collaborate with Jehovah and in a work that saves lives.

Yes, like Jesus, we have the goal of planting and watering seeds of truth in people's hearts and as Matthew 13:23 also mentions, some produce 100, others produce 60 and others 30, but we can also use different facets informally. You can preach a lot and Jehovah will make you grow.

Well, you can see that when Jesus was on earth there were times when he did not allow the demons to preach and it was not that they were saying bad things because they told him that he was the son of God, however he rebuked him and did not let them speak that. It shows us that not everyone has the privilege of being able to preach the good news of the Kingdom.

Yes, the servants of God have the privilege, that is, exemplary people who can bring glory to the name of God through their conduct, while these demons could only bring disgrace to the name of Jehovah, which is why Jesus Christ rebuked them because they were obviously wicked beings and bad and they are and cannot have this privilege.

And the paragraph also comments that our goal is not only to preach, it is to plant and water, that implies a more intense effort because we have to return to visit people who have expressed a little interest and even make an effort to conduct Bible studies, that is, we get involved. really to help people until they too can do the same thing we do which is preach to others.

And it is also a privilege because not everyone can do it but we have a requirement to fulfill the organized book shows what are the requirements that one has to live according to Jehovah's righteous standards and have at least basic knowledge to be able to do it.

9. What has the organization done to make God's name known?

Jehovah's organization has done everything it can to let people know what God is called, using New World translation in more than 270 languages ​​to return God's name to the scriptures where it originally appeared. This has contributed to people knowing the name of God more broadly and accurately.


Well, Jehovah's Organization has been doing everything possible to let people know what God is called and has taken the form of adapting it to the Spanish that is Jehovah.

And referring to the Name of God, Brother Jackson said in a Broadcasting video, that the original form and the original language, which is Hebrew, about the pronunciation of the Tetragrammaton remains a mystery to this day, so what is has done is look for alternative ways to translate it into the original languages, and in the Spanish language it has been Jehovah or even Yahweh. Now, based on that argument, the New World translation has been given or has been used as a main tool in more than 270 languages, to reestablish or restore the name of God to the places where according to the original manuscripts it should have originally appeared.

Well, it is true that in the Hebrew scriptures they appear countless times, a total of more than 7,000 times throughout the Bible, but some criticize that the name of Jehovah does not appear in the Greek scriptures, but this is not the case because many times Jesus makes references to the Hebrew scriptures where the name of Jehovah is mentioned, that is why the New World translation has already written the name of Jehovah where it corresponds.

Well, there we see that it offers evidence that the name of God appears in the Christian Greek writings 237 times.

The name of Jehovah has been restored to the places where it belonged, so there has been no place left where the name of Jehovah should not have been put. Therefore, this also greatly increases our confidence in the organization. We see that it is a big difference with the organizations in the world other religious organizations where otherwise they have not given importance to the name of God, they have even removed it from the scriptures, it is a point that also strengthens our faith in the organization.

It is interesting that the note that appears in the Study Bible John 17:26 refers to the fact that Jesus made the name of Jehovah known but not only by revealing it, but also revealed the personality behind him by manifesting it through his objectives. , actions and qualities.

And it is interesting that when the organization has made the new update of the New World translation there are more places now where the divine name the name Jehovah appears and that is because there is a difference between the translations that are not samples to those that can be found in a bookstore and it is interesting that one of the appendices shows that the reason why this happens is that there are many translators who think that Jehovah does not need his name to appear everywhere but there are An interesting question that asks if there was no need why the name of God does appear in the Hebrew scriptures and yet the Greek scriptures would not be illogical. 

10. What does the experience of a Myanmar woman teach us?

This experience shows us that learning the name of God can mark a before and after in the lives of sincere people.


A Myanmar woman's experience teaches us the importance and significant impact of knowing God's name, Jehovah. In this case, this sister taught a 67-year-old woman that God's name is Jehovah, which caused a deep emotional reaction in her. The woman expressed that it was the first time she had heard the name of God and that this teaching was the most important thing she had learned in her life. This experience highlights how knowing the name of God can transform people's lives and highlight the importance of sharing this truth with others.

And since it can be very common for us because we have known for many years that God's name is Jehovah and we call him by his name, sometimes we underestimate the value that this name has when people learn it and this woman says that she was moved So much so that tears came to his eyes and he says that it was the first time he heard the name of God and now he said you have taught me the most important thing I have learned in my life, so this, for example, shows me that I have to teach it more in the territory to people.

Our organization bases all its advice on the word of God, just as Jesus did. We also preach. Our priority is to preach the good news of the kingdom and we also make the name of Jehovah known.

And that a name Jehovah appears in the Bible is not only due to the mere fact that the Greek scriptures appear 237 times, it is not because this helps people feel closer to Jehovah, it is really important, this lady surely believed in God and all her life. She had wanted him but he did not know her name because he surely did not allow her to get as close to him as she does now that she discovered that he had a personal name.


11. How can elders demonstrate their trust in God's organization? (See also photos).

One way is to read very carefully the instructions they receive and then follow them as best they can. 

This includes following guidelines on how to perform assignments, prayers in the meeting, and how to care for Christ's sheep.

When the elders faithfully follow all the instructions they receive from the organization, the members of the congregation feel that Jehovah loves them and is caring for them.

It is important for elders to be examples of obedience and trust in the organization to strengthen faith and trust in others.

So when the elders follow these instructions the way Jehovah wants, that is when we brothers and sisters realize how Jehovah loves us, how he takes care of us, but if they did it the way they wanted, we would not see it.

It is very appropriate that this paragraph is here because over the years we acquire certain vices, I have my way of presenting my assignments or I have my way of praying in public, but here it tells you that it is not your way, it is the way the organization advises us. what to include in each prayer how to present a prayer, lately we are talking a lot about audience participation, if I am not on track and I am not faithfully following those instructions we cannot expect the brothers to do so either.

Of course we would not ask for personal things, we would ask for the congregation for the faithful and prudent slave and it would not be long prayers. We do long prayers at home and we can stay as long as we want, but here we are going to have consideration for those brothers who are safely standing and Therefore they cannot stay for long, it would not make sense to make a very long prayer.


Yes, we elders receive instructions on how to take care of the sheep, in the image what is being seen is how to protect the sisters in this case from a possible person who would like to do something behind them, the wall will prevent that.

In the first photo we see how the elders are gathered, they have probably received new instructions and then they are, as mentioned in the paragraph, reading the instructions very carefully. Not only do they read them, but they also study them and are seeing how to apply them in the congregation.

In the illustration we can see how the elders help us to trust the instructions given to us by Jehovah's organization. In the first image we see three elders who meet to talk about the instructions for public preaching, and in the second image it illustrates how a group overseer later transmits to the sisters who are going to preach in the cart the instructions to stand on their backs. to a wall for safety.

If the asterisk gives us the instruction or reveals to us what the photographs are, first he is preparing how to preach with the carts and then the brother giving instructions to the sisters so that they will be much more protected and they stand with their backs to the wall because This way they won't be surprised from behind by someone who wants to hurt them.

Series of images: 1. Three elders gather in a Kingdom Hall to discuss the congregation's territory. 2. Later, one of the elders is on the street with two sisters explaining to them where to put the strollers so that it is safe. The elders help us to trust the instructions given to us by Jehovah's organization. (See paragraph 11). 

12. a) Why should we follow the instructions of those who direct us? (Hebrews 13:7, 17). 

We must follow the instructions of those who direct us, because in this way we make it easier for them to fulfill their responsibility, since the Bible tells us to be submissive and obedient to those who direct us, since if we all cooperate and work together willingly everything is moving forward.


Because Jehovah that they tell us to have we have to be obedient and submissive to them to the elders to whom they direct us so that it is easier for them to also fulfill their responsibility because they also have to be accountable to Jehovah.

In Hebrews 13:17, we are exhorted to obey and submit to those in authority over us, as they watch over our souls and will be accountable to God for their care and direction. Follow the instructions of those who direct us, as it not only shows respect for their authority, but also contributes to harmony and order within the congregation, thus strengthening the unity and faith of all.

Yes, it may be that when we understand the instructions, it may not be easy to obey, but the question arises when we do not understand them and it is time to show your mission and obey.

It is true that we are imperfect and the elderly are not an exception. They are also imperfect and there are times when these imperfections become more visible, but if we focus on all the good things they have in the faith they have and in all the good things that they apply and it will be easier for us to follow these instructions. 

12. b) Why should we focus on the good things of those who lead us?

If we think badly of the elderly we can end up distrusting the Organization of God, which is precisely their objective.


Our enemies, including Satan himself, what he wants is for us to see the defects and not see the good things, but we are learning today's Watchtower that we are all imperfect, but if I focus on the bad, the bad thing, well, in the end I will do it is distrust. of the organization and we don't have to do it, we are all imperfect and we all have to fight.

Because we are all imperfect, and we would all like you to also focus on the good things we have, instead of only seeing the bad things about our brothers. Because if instead of focusing on the good things of our brothers, we obsess over their defects, we would be doing just what our enemies want.

We must focus on the good things of those who lead us, because focusing on their virtues and positive qualities helps us maintain an attitude of respect, appreciation, and trust toward them. By focusing on their positive aspects, we are able to recognize and value the effort, dedication, and wisdom they bring to the congregation. Furthermore, by focusing on the good things of those who lead us, we avoid falling into destructive criticism and discontent, which therefore contributes to maintaining peace and stability within the organization.

We have seen in Hebrews 13:7 we have to see the faith that our brothers have although they are imperfect like everyone else and as 17 says also because they take care of us and well if they do something bad because they are the ones who are accountable, so we do not have to worry about that.

When we focus on the defects of our brothers we are taking the side of our enemies, that is, we have to take it into account, we are being told that we must be obedient. We have mentioned that we must be obedient to the organization. The elders are obedient to the organization. and thus the congregation is successful, if we do not do this we will be putting ourselves against the organization and in favor of our enemies.


13. How do our enemies present God's organization?

They present God's organization in a distorted and negative way, seeking to discredit it and sow doubts in our minds. To do so, they use tactics such as distorting teachings, exaggerating errors or misunderstandings, spreading false or incomplete information to create a negative image of the organization. For example, they may distort congregational norms and practices such as expulsion to make them appear intolerant or cruel, when in fact they are based on biblical principles of love and discipline.


They want us to believe that all the good things we learn are bad or will harm us. However, the Bible teaches that Jehovah wants his servants to be clean in a physical, moral and spiritual sense.

That is a trap, a trap, that is, people say things that are not true and sometimes we know these things that our reality is not like that, and this may be because sometimes we can listen and well, you know, then of course They are achieving the objective and that is that we begin to distrust and here he is talking about basic issues, that is, if we distrust the elderly, if we distrust the instructions given by the organization, Satan is getting his way, therefore now we will be given a series of advice that we have to do because this is a reality and this trap exists, we are not going to fall into it.

The Bible clearly says that God has rules and anyone who leads a double life or an unclean life and does not repent should be expelled from the congregation. That is a procedure that is followed in the congregation, some agree and others do not, as we follow that mandate some people accuse us of being intolerant, of being cruel and of believing better in others, well that is an accusation just one, what our enemies say.

Well, in the Bible we are clear about the things that Jehovah does not accept in his organization, both in first Corinthians 6:9 and 10 there is a list of behaviors that if people practice them they will not inherit the kingdom or first the Corinthians that whoever maintains a conduct not only makes a specific error but continues or wants to continue leading a bad moral life because he cannot continue being part of the organization, then of course we do not accept because living together without being married, homosexuality or other practices make them see us as intolerant people or who believe we are better than others, but it is simply because we are obeying the principles in the Bible.

14. What is the origin of the false stories told about our organization?

The origin of the false stories told about our organization come from Satan, the father of lies who is behind all these falsehoods.


Well, we know that this origin is from the father of lies, Satan, who is behind these false stories, and we see that this does not surprise us because he uses people who are not part of the organization to spread these lies.

In John 8:44, it mentions that Satan did not remain faithful to the truth and the reason is because there is no truth in him, and that every time when he tells a lie he is speaking according to his way of thinking. This text makes me reflect on the importance of being sincere when relating to our brothers, since what comes out of us will reflect our way of thinking. For this reason we must strive to have good and edifying feelings in our hearts, so that in this way our way of thinking is pleasing in the eyes of Jehovah.

And this is not something new for us today because we know that from the beginning of creation Satan existed and made sure that humanity was suffering what we are suffering from lies, so it is not something that we say well, it is that this is something new from now is not from the beginning of creation.

15. What did the religious leaders do to Jesus and his disciples?

For example, they accused Jesus of casting out demons through the ruler of demons, which involved an accusation of blasphemy. During Jesus' trial, religious leaders accused him of blasphemy and managed to convince the crowds to demand that he be sentenced to death. 


And then during the trial they could not do him any more harm because, loving what they loved their father, there was no one in the universe who loved Jehovah more, they accused him of blasphemy and convinced the crowds to sentence them to death for that reason.

Also during the trial of Jesus there were also troublemakers who advised them to lie and say all kinds of things against them to hinder the work of Jesus and in fact they clearly did not agree among themselves showing that they were skillful liars like their ruler Satan.

It is not enough to reject the message but they set up campaigns defaming lies to turn people against Jehovah's Witnesses.

Furthermore, when the disciples of Jesus began to preach, the enemies stirred up the people and turned against them, inciting persecution of the followers of Jesus. These actions reflect the opposition and hostility that Jesus and his disciples faced from the religious leaders of the time, who attempted to discredit their message and his work.

The religious leaders told all kinds of lies about him. And this was evidenced when they told the people that Jesus cast out demons through the ruler of demons. During the trial of Jesus the accusation they presented was blasphemy and they convinced the crowds to ask that he be sentenced to death, which showed that they promoted the persecution of the Christian Congregation.

Well, when they began to preach, their enemies also stirred up the people and turned them against them so that they would persecute them and we can see that today the same thing happens. The Watchtower of December 1 explained that the Jewish opponents did not rise up just by rejecting the message but also launched a smear campaign to turn people against it and we can also see it with our brothers in Russia we see that people not only reject the message but they are also persecuted for preaching.

16. What should we remember if we receive false stories?

If we hear negative stories about the organization or the brothers who lead it, we must remember what the enemies of God did to Jesus and the first century disciples. Just as the Bible predicted, people are persecuting Jehovah's Witnesses and telling lies about them. However, enemies will not be able to deceive us if we are very clear about where their lies come from and we immediately protect ourselves.


As we are considering, from the beginning there was persecution, it spread, lies were already placed in Jehovah's organization, today it also happens even on a larger scale, because our decision is that knowing who those lies come from, then we should not believe them and not always be discouraged Jehovah It will be there and in the end it will be shown who is telling the truth.

When we receive false stories, it is important to remember that Satan, the father of lies, is behind all these falsehoods and uses certain people to spread them. For this reason we must keep in mind that, just as in the past, the enemies of God resort to lies to discredit God's servants and sow doubts in our minds.

Remembering Satan's strategy of spreading lies helps us not fall into the trap of misinformation and remain firm in the truth. By considering the source and purpose behind false stories, we can protect ourselves from manipulation and confusion and remain faithful to Divine teaching and direction.

And we should be happy because Jesus said that this had to happen to the true followers of him. He says that despite everything, they would use lies. Matthew 5:12 literally says that they will persecute us by saying all kinds of lies and bad things, so If it is fulfilled, we had to be happy because we are truly following what Jesus told us to do.

And so that the enemies do not deceive us, we have to be very clear about where those lies come from and say that here we immediately protect ourselves, it is very important because when one starts to think or look for where the information comes from, it is very very very dangerous.

This was already predicted to happen, Jesus said it, well, happy are those who are persecuted and tell lies because of me, saying all kinds of bad things about you, because not only had it been written, but it has already passed in your days, so I saved which was totally to be expected and the strange thing would be if this did not happen because then what Jesus said would not be fulfilled.

17. What should we do if we receive false stories? (2 Timothy 1:13; see also the sidebar “Has a False Story Reached You? What Should You Do?”)

We must reject them and pay no attention to them. Following the advice of the apostle Paul in 1 Timothy 1:3,4 and 1 Timothy 4:7, we must reject false stories that are irreverent and not allow them to influence our faith and our perception of the truth.

In the paragraph we find an excellent illustration in which it helps us understand that just as a small child finds an object on the floor, perhaps grabs it and puts it in his mouth, a mature person would never do that, because he knows where it comes from. He comes and understands what can hurt him.

Likewise, we must follow the instructions of 2 Timothy 1:13, to close ourselves to healthy words of truth and not be deceived by falsehoods. It is important to remain alert, discern the veracity of the information we receive and not spread false stories that could cause confusion or division in the congregation,By rejecting false stories and holding fast to the truth, we protect our faith and spiritual integrity.

But not simply reject it but do it immediately and seeing where they come from because if they come from a source that is not reliable I have to reject it, then without thinking twice delete the message or whatever, because as the text says, reject the messages. False stories that are irreverent are things that, as we have learned, come from Satan, therefore we do not want to know anything with information that is not reliable.


And the box gives us practical guidelines on how to act when faced with false stories. There they provide examples of common situations in which we may receive misinformation, for example if the false story comes from a friend with good intentions, it is recommended to ask if the information comes from a reliable source. If you have not verified the veracity of the story, it is best to delete the message and not share it with others.

In the case of receiving an unsolicited email with extraordinary stories about Jehovah's Witnesses, it is advisable to verify with the sender if they really sent the message and if the information is reliable. If the veracity cannot be confirmed, it is recommended to delete the email.

If during a conversation with someone who appears to be interested in the Bible we discover that he is actually a prostate trying to spread negative information about the organization, it is advisable to respectfully interrupt the conversation and not allow him to continue sowing doubts or falsehoods.


Series of images: Various ways in which false stories can reach us. 1. A man recording a podcast. 2. A woman whispering. 3. Unsolicited emails. 4. Advertising pamphlets in the physical mailbox. A sister who receives these pamphlets in her mailbox tears them up.

18. How can we demonstrate our trust in Jehovah's organization?

Well, helping the brothers to continue trusting Jehovah's organization more and more and serving Jehovah loyally without allowing anything or anyone to distance us from him.


On the one hand, as we study the Bible and our trust in Jehovah and his organization will grow. On the other hand, we must strengthen the trust of our brothers in the organization and also serve Jehovah loyally without letting anything distance us, as you mention in Psalm 37:28 Jehovah does not forget those loyal to him.

Above all, do not let anything or anyone make us stop believing, trusting and obeying Jehovah and his son.

We also demonstrate that we trust in Jehovah's organization by continuing to help our brothers strengthen their trust in the Organization. And continue serving Jehovah loyally, without letting anything separate us from the Organization.

We can demonstrate our trust in Jehovah's organization, imitate Jesus in his obedience and loyalty, recognize and value the role the organization plays in carrying out divine will, and remain steadfast in our faith despite adversity. and the criticisms.


In what ways do God's people imitate Jesus?

Making the name of Jehovah known.


Jehovah's people are preaching the good news of the Kingdom of God.

We can demonstrate our trust in Jehovah's organization, imitate Jesus in his obedience and loyalty, recognize and value the role the organization plays in carrying out divine will, and remain steadfast in our faith despite adversity. and the criticisms.

And just as Jesus made his father's name known, we also have the privilege and honor of making it known to other people through preaching.

God's people imitate Jesus by preaching the good news of the Kingdom of God, by basing their teachings and counsel on the word of God, by following his examples of love, compassion, and selfless service, and by maintaining steadfast loyalty to Jehovah and God. their organization, and by studying the Bible, preaching the message of the Kingdom and following the teachings of Jesus, the people of God reflect their commitment to imitate the son of God in all their actions and attitudes.

We imitate and follow in the footsteps of his son when he was on earth, making the name of Jehovah known, preaching the good news throughout the world, we preach the same message and above all, as we have also seen, Jehovah's organization does everything possible to put the name of Jehovah where it has been omitted. 

How can we always demonstrate our trust in Jehovah's organization?

We can always demonstrate our trust in Jehovah's organization by following the instructions and counsel we receive in it, by studying the Bible carefully and applying its teachings in our daily lives, by actively participating in preaching the Kingdom message, and by maintaining a attitude of loyalty and support towards the organization and those who lead the congregation.


Yes when we all follow the guidance of the elders quickly. Well, we show that we are also accepting the rules of the organization and we always know that it is for our own benefit and we will not also focus on the defects of the elderly. but rather because they do things that are always for our good. 

Jehovah's organization bases all its advice and teachings on the word of God. 

We are often reminded to read the Bible and put what we learn into practice.

The organization has been doing everything it can to let people know what God is called. One of the main tools to achieve this is the New World translation, which is available in whole or in part in more than 270 languages.

What should we do if we receive false stories?

In 1 Timothy 1:34, it says that we should not pay attention to false stories, since Timothy was also given this advice to reject false stories that are irreverent as mentioned in 1 Timothy 4:7.


Reject false stories and only listen to the healthy word of truth as Second Timothy 1:13 says, holding on to the model of healthy words.

If we hear false stories, it is important to act with prudence and discernment. We must verify the veracity and information before sharing it, asking reliable sources if it is true. If the story is false, it is better to reject it and not spread it. By rejecting false stories and staying true to the truth, we protect our integrity and our faith.

Remembering that the true origin of the attacks comes from Satan, who is a liar and that he wants us to believe these lies to destabilize us spiritually.

And it is interesting that now in the world fake news has been renamed, now it is called disinformation, that is, telling half-truths and such, but all it does is mislead.

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