Monday, June 10, 2024

SPIRITUAL GEMS: Week 10 to June 16, 2024, Psalm 48 to 50, Answers.

SPIRITUAL GEMS: June 10-16, 2024, Psalm 48 to 50, Answers.

Spiritual Gems (10 min.)

Ps 49:6, 7. What should the Israelites always remember about riches? (it-2 857).

The Israelites were a prosperous nation, they could enjoy eating and drinking, their wealth served to protect them from poverty, but although God's purpose was for his nation to enjoy all good things, they had to be careful not to forget the most important, which was to serve the Source that gave him such wealth, and that Source was, and is, Jehovah. Since riches will be transitory and could not save anyone, only if they counted on Jehovah would they be blessed.


What the Israelites should always remember about wealth was that although they enjoyed prosperity due to their hard work, the reality was that everything they had or the source of their prosperity came from Jehovah, for this reason as long as they were by his side they They could distinguish it, which showed that they were grateful and were clear that everything they had was because Jehovah had given it to them.

Furthermore, they had to keep in mind that if they enjoyed said prosperity and riches it was because they had the blessing of Jehovah, because he is the source of prosperity, and they also had to remember that said riches were transitory and had no value to free anyone. of death nor to someone who was dead, because these riches were not useful, nor are they useful and it is not enough to pay a ransom. And so what they had to do was use these riches to give honor to Jehovah, and not give them more than due importance, because perhaps by obtaining them they could do something that would take away Jehovah's favor.

As we well know, Jehovah's purpose for the Israelites was so that they could enjoy all the prosperity of their hard work. However, Jehovah also warned them of the danger of forgetting him, since Jehovah was the source of everything they had. That's why in Proverbs 23:5 he mentions that they will sprout wings like those of an eagle and everything they had will fly away.

And that reminder was constant, since even though they had a lot of wealth or felt that they were powerful in terms of the wealth they had, they could never use it to redeem one of their brothers. So knowing this reminded them that they could enjoy the prosperity they had, but in a reasonable way or in the right measure.

Something else they were able to remember is that wealth was transitory, or so to speak after death they could not take anything, because even if we strive to accumulate wealth, everything we have will stay here when we no longer exist or we fall asleep in death.

And something interesting is that giving a lot of importance to wealth, the only thing it can do is lead to fraudulent practices, as the information says, which can lead us to lose the favor of Jehovah. If not quite the opposite, Jehovah encouraged them to honor him by using his valuable things.

In the text of Proverbs chapter 3 and verse 9, He invites us precisely to glorify Jehovah with our wealth, we can all do this, both young and old, and we do it precisely in our contributions to the works of the Kingdom.

And something that also caught my attention is that salvation is individual because there it mentions that none of them will ever be able to redeem a brother or give God a ransom for him. So there it makes us think that as husbands, salvation is individual and as a family each child has a mother who is very attached to spiritual things, but suddenly there is a member of the family who is inclined towards material things, just as it may have happened. also in the time of the Israelites, then the exhortation is individually, and that our absolute trust is only in Jehovah the great provider.

According to what we are studying, it helps us reflect on having a sense of balance about money, since as we very well know in this system everything is insecure. Which indicates that one day our investments or savings are here, but the next day they are not, as already mentioned in Proverbs 23:4 to 5. So what we can do is always fully trust in Jehovah with all security, since that he will give us what we need to live, of course, if we give him the best of our time and energy.

In the Biblical text of Deuteronomy, chapter 8 and verses 7 to 17, we see how Jehovah leads his people to such a good land with so many blessings. However, he tells them not to forget when they were in the desert and in Egypt. So Jehovah has given them many riches, many blessings, but he did not want them to ever forget that he was the source of all those blessings. And the lesson that we can learn is that no matter how much wealth or blessing we have, we must not forget that the intellectual author of those wealth or blessings that we have is Jehovah.

What spiritual pearls have you found in this week's Bible reading?

Psalm 48:1,2. This reading shows us that we should talk about Jehovah and his wonderful name. So we can do it through preaching, telling people that Jehovah will soon bring the Kingdom of God and as we do that it will become more real for us too.

Psalm 48:9. Here we see that the psalmist was reflecting on Jehovah's loyal love in his temple. This makes me think about how much I take advantage of the meetings to reflect on the Loyal love that Jehovah has for me, because it may be that during the meetings our minds are wandering to other things, keep in mind. This makes me think about the importance of paying close attention. when I'm in meetings and not zoning out on other things that aren't useful at the time.

Psalm 48:2-14. It teaches me that no matter how long I have been in Jehovah's organization, I must speak of Jehovah's promises both in preaching and with the people around me, and thus not only will my faith become stronger now, but which could also speak of the wonderful things that Jehovah's organization has done for the resurrected in the new world.

Psalm 48:9. We see that Jehovah is the best example of loyal love and we also see that he demonstrates it every day in different ways. That loyal Love motivates him to take us in his arms to protect us and always keep us close to him. When we meditate and make real that living representation of his love, it drives us to stay close to him and want to imitate him. 

Psalm 50:6. This text teaches me that Jehovah, in addition to being the God of the universe and being very powerful, is very merciful and just and constantly remembers that we are dust and that is why we make mistakes.

Psalm 48:2. This text teaches me the importance of talking about Jehovah and his name, and we can do it through preaching, informing people that Jehovah will soon establish the Kingdom of God. As we make it more real it will also become for us.

Psalm 48:9. When the Israelites went to the temple, they surely reflected on things that Jehovah had done directly for them. Today, what can we reflect on, every time we come to the Kingdom Hall, is that Jehovah also saw something good in us, and that because of that good, the sacrifice of Christ Jesus has value for us and for Jehovah.

Psalm 49:10. He says that both the wise and the foolish, both sooner or later end up dying, and that another enjoys his fortune. This text made me think about how important it is to be focused on spiritual things, and not only that, it allows us to treasure treasures in heaven, and it also allows us to stay away from the things that distract us from this world.

Psalm 49:7,8. This text could be very useful for our personal study or for study with a Bible student, when addressing the topic of rescue. There King David mentions in advance that no human being could pay the ransom price for humanity, first as mentioned in a study Watchtower, it had to be Jehovah who chose him and he also had to be a perfect person free of sin, only then would it correspond with the place that Adam occupied, So we see with this text that only Jesus fit this description, so we see how accurate Jehovah's provision was.

Psalm 49:20. That text teaches me that money or fame is not important to anyone, that the most important thing a person can achieve is the knowledge, wisdom and understanding that comes from Jehovah, because acting in a contrary way can turn a person into something similar to an animal, since an animal does not think, it only acts. However, for us the most important thing is not to live in darkness, but to strive to seek the light that Jehovah gives us, so this text teaches me to self-examine, appreciate and obey the wise counsel of our creative love.

Psalm 48:1,2 . It shows us that we should talk about Jehovah and his wonderful name. So we can do it by preaching and telling people that Jehovah will soon bring the Kingdom of God. And if we do this it will become more real for us.

Psalms 49:5. There I learn that faith is a tool against fear, but I can also strengthen my relationship with Jehovah.

Psalm 48:9. I did like the same text, so when we reflect on Jehovah's loyal love, our hearts are filled with gratitude. So that drives us to be more for him, how can we do it?, improving our personality, attending meetings, in prayer in our personal study, preparing ourselves better for preaching and thus fulfilling with all our heart the vow that we we made Jehovah.

Psalm 48 3. As we can see, at that time what gave them security were the walls and towers of the city, which is why this text refers to the towers of Jerusalem and its fortified towers. God has made it known that he is a safe refuge. While it is true, today we do not have fortified towers like the temple in Jerusalem, but we do have the organization of Jehovah which is our city or our fortified temple and in Jehovah is where we find that safe refuge.

Psalm 48:3. The text says that in his fortified towers God has made it known that he is a refuge. With this expression Jehovah gives his people the assurance that although stone walls can be torn down, it is really the defense of his servants.

Psalm 48:12-14. It shows us the importance that even if we have been in Jehovah's organization for a short time, it is very important that we are always talking about it. And the reason is because we are really the only ones who can enjoy a spiritual paradise in the middle of this corrupt and loveless world. So that means that also to our families, our children, our neighbors in preaching, we will be willing to talk about that spiritual paradise.

Psalm Chapter 48. It talks about how the kings had gathered and when they saw the city, they were amazed, because it says that what they had heard about, we now see for ourselves. The importance of inviting people to the meeting may be that people who have a lot of study or little study, because of those that they heard about being Jehovah's Witnesses, now they will also see with their own eyes what It is the organization, that is why we do not have to give up inviting people.

Psalm 48:14. The part that says that Jehovah will guide us for all eternity, normally when one is younger one does not like much to be told what to do, but, when one grows and has more important decisions to make, then we would like it. Someone tells us what to do, when to do and how to do, we want guides in our lives, but Jehovah can be that person. It is not as simple as someone coming and telling us exactly everything we need to do, but if we get to work and look to the Bible for advice, including from spiritually mature friends, Jehovah can be that guide and will be for us. always. 

Psalm 48:14. He says that Jehovah will be our God forever, how do we achieve it? We could illustrate it with a small child on the street who, while he is holding his mother's or father's hand, will be safe, but if he lets go, he will no longer be safe, the same thing happens with us and Jehovah. If we always study the Bible, we do not stop coming to meetings, we will always be safe with him, but if we disobey him we no longer have his protection.

Psalms 48:3. He says that in his fortified towers God has made him a safe haven. He teaches us and demonstrates that Jehovah's organization is a safe resource so in the meeting we feel protected despite the problems Jehovah is with us.

Psalm 48:3. This text teaches us that Jehovah's organization is a safe refuge. So when we attend our meetings we feel safe despite problems or adversities, because Jehovah is with us.

Psalm 48:14. This psalm shows us that Jehovah will always be our God and will guide us if we are loyal to him, therefore we can count on his blessing at all times of our lives.

Psalm 49:1. In this verse we observe that Jehovah is speaking to all the inhabitants of the earth to pay attention, because he has decreed to bring a day of judgment. So we have to keep talking to all the people who take his side, because if they wait too long it will be too late.

Psalm 49:3. Talk about reflections or meditation. For me it is a lesson that I have to meditate on reading, and in this way my heart or my works can reveal my understanding regarding what I learned in the Bible, but reflect us not only with words, but with works.

Psalm 49:3. It shows us what the psalmist was about to express came from meditation, and under the guidance of the spirit of God. It was not simply human wisdom. This teaches me that when we pray and meditate on the teachings of our creator, we can gain wisdom to make good decisions.

Psalm 49:12. It is an invitation to self-examine in what honors we are prioritizing our lives. And we can demonstrate this by knowing our own circumstances. For example, we can analyze how much time we dedicate per day or week per month to a Hobby, perhaps learning something new, and how much I do the same thing by studying the Bible and deepening our relationship with Jehovah or going out to preach. Jehovah is sincere and direct and says that the honors that come from this world are not going anywhere. 

Psalm chapter 49. Throughout this chapter, it is highlighted how riches are not going to save our lives in any way. So again the idea is to focus our time and energy on giving it to Jehovah. And seeing that it is something that is emphasized many times in the Bible, we must see it as something very important to not fall into the trap of materialism.

Psalm 49:1-2. With these words, the Psalmist calls for everyone to pay attention. Both rich and poor could benefit from this statement. In the same way today all people regardless of social position must receive the message of the good news of the Kingdom of God.

Psalm 49:3. What the psalmist was about to express came from meditation under the guidance of the spirit of God. It was not simple human wisdom. This teaches us that when we meditate on the things of our creed, we can gain wisdom.

Psalm 49:6-8. As the psalmist points out, riches are of no value in terms of saving a brother from death. Not even all the wealth in the world could provide a ransom price of sufficient value to even rescue a human life. There is no way to keep death away from one. As far as human beings are concerned, such a ransom price is out of reach. No one can pay a certain amount of money that can redeem one from going down the pit of death and allow him to continue living. He is wise, he is stupid, and he is unreasonable.. they will all die. Any position that we may have acquired during our life we ​​have to leave for others to enjoy.

Psalm 49:11,12. As we saw in the texts, wealthy people who have accumulated wealth through deceitful means have the hope that their property will last forever, that it can be passed on from generation to generation. They think that people will remember them forever, since they have named the properties they own after them. However, they do not realize that they are simple terrestrial beings, made of dust. Even if they are treated with honor because of the wealth they have, these selfish men cannot decide on earth indefinitely. Any attempt by him to keep his name alive is doomed to failure. They are not in a better situation than the animals and rationals that perish.

Psalm 49:15,17. These verses emphasize that the only one who can rescue us from death is Jehovah himself. Therefore, the wealth that we may have or that we may see others accumulate, as the verse says, is only useful for that, to have a more luxurious house in this system, because the life that really is will be given to us by Jehovah and he is the only one who can free us from death.

Psalm 49:13. This text shows us that the path of the fool is empty, since some tend to say that there is no God, but we who allow ourselves to be guided by Jehovah can enjoy a full life, since we have Jehovah's blessing and he makes that our life has meaning.

Psalm 49:15,17. These verses show us that we should not be afraid because a man obtains riches, because the glory of his house increases, because when he dies he cannot take anything with him, his glory will not descend with him. For during his life he continued to bless his own soul, and people will praise him because he does good to himself, his soul finally reaches only the generation of his ancestors. They will never see the light again.

Psalm 50:16-19. Here we can see that people who speak deceitfully and practice evil have no right to represent God.

Psalm 50:15. This passage greatly reinforces our trust in Jehovah, since in the first part of the verse it says: "Call me in times of trouble." What does this mean? The first thing we have to do when we go through a bad time is go to Jehovah and vent to him in prayer and then he says, I will rescue you. So we can be assured that once we sincerely open our hearts to Him and trust Him,. Jehovah will take care of the rest.

Psalm 50:23. He encourages us to continue giving lip sacrifice, that is, preaching and bringing to others the precious gift that Jehovah is going to give us or the prize that is salvation.

Psalm 50:20. He says that in ancient times there were many people who used their mouths to spread what is evil, carried deception on their tongues, and sat down to speak against their own brother. How important not to be like these types of people, but to do the opposite as Jehovah teaches us to be able to edify our brothers to be able to advise them to be able to see the good qualities in him. This made me think that it is very important to be able to foster unity in the congregation and peace and to be able to rejoice the heart of Jehovah.

Psalm 50:14,15. Jehovah says that if we strive to show gratitude and fulfill our vow that he will rescue us in times of trouble. And so we will be able to give him glory and increase our love and trust in him and in the future, so we see it as a circle, a friendship that comes and goes.

Psalm 50:14 Shows how we should express our gratitude to Jehovah, and the way is by remembering all that Jehovah has done for us, whether it was rescuing us from a trial or being in his organization. And that will mean that every day we will become more grateful people, and in that way we will give the best of ourselves in his service.

Psalm 50:16-19. The person who speaks deceitfully and practices evil has no right to represent God.

Psalm Chapter 50. Where it says that we have to fulfill the vows that we have made to the most high Jehovah, we can think of other types of vows that we make that are not to Jehovah. For example, there may be people who do not want to seek wealth or high status, but they do spend much of their time wanting to fulfill vows, such as perhaps making their parents proud, getting a good job, or bringing in more money for the family. be happy. However, we should stop thinking that the most important vow we have made is our dedication to Jehovah, and that is why we must fulfill it before anyone else.

Psalm 50:23. He says, "He who offers expressions of gratitude as a sacrifice gives me glory." Today we have the privilege of praising Jehovah by fulfilling our vows, such as preaching, attending meetings, and living a life that pleases Jehovah.

Psalm 50:12. We see that the productive land and everything in it belongs to Jehovah. And when we meditate on this idea that everything on Earth has been created by Jehovah and therefore everything belongs to him, we come to the conclusion that Jehovah is good and he is kind, so without a doubt the creation speaks of him and Through it we can see its qualities, and one of them is kindness, since Jehovah has allowed us everything he has done and above all to have the opportunity to gladden his heart. So without a doubt meditating on this idea gives us strength and encouragement to move forward, since we know that we are gladdening his heart.

Psalm 50:9. He invites me and reminds me to continue reflecting on all the spiritual food that is given within the Kingdom Halls, since this strengthens our faith and also allows us to make pertinent changes according to the spiritual food that Jehovah gives us.

Psalm 50:23. He reminds me that I should always be grateful to Jehovah, for all the blessings I receive from him and although it is true that I faced illnesses, depression or the death of loved ones, he reminds me that all of this is temporary, they teach me that There are many things for which I can be grateful to him, such as being part of his people, having his approval and in the new world enjoying a land free of sin and death.

Psalm 50:2. In this text Jerusalem is mentioned as Mount Zion, the perfection of beauty, and these words do not mean that the city itself was perfect down to the smallest detail, but rather that the beauty and splendor it had came from Jehovah, because it was the capital of the kings he anointed and the center of true worship on earth. This fact also reminds us that we are not perfect, but that with the help of the Holy Spirit Jehovah can make us also shine in the midst of this turbulent world.

Psalm 50:15. It says call me in times of trouble, I will rescue you and you will give me glory. This teaches me that at any time or when one has a problem, we have to pray to Jehovah and also make his name known, thus preach teaching people and that we will give glory to his Holy Name, and that helps me a lot and It encourages me to keep going.

Psalm 50:21. It makes us reflect a little on how our way of thinking should be, on the adjustments and changes that Jehovah has made in his organization, not long ago for example or the change of clothing, and sometimes one can fall into thinking who is superior to Jehovah, by not agreeing to certain changes. In the Watchtower it was mentioned that we must adjust and be humble and allow ourselves to be guided by Jehovah. Sooner or later, Jehovah once again gives another instruction, as he did later on. He made us see the issue of clothing more clearly, so we are greatly influenced by our attitude how we take each change, we are humble or we try to be more just than Jehovah and that Psalms makes us reflect on that.

Psalm 50:15. It says call me in times of trouble I will rescue you and you will give me glory, that teaches me that at any time or when one has a problem, we have to pray to Jehovah and also make his name known, thus preach teaching people and that We are going to give glory to His Holy Name, and that helps me and encourages me to continue forward.

Psalm 50.1. This text teaches us that Jehovah has already decreed that they speak to all people from one end of the earth to the other. So we have to carry God's message throughout the inhabited Earth so that they recognize that Jehovah is the only true God.

Psalm 50:6. This verse shows us that everything that God has created is evidence or great power, since when we delight in looking at creation and everything that Jehovah has created, we are filled with admiration.

Psalm 50:14. This text teaches us that we can offer our sacrifices to God, and one way is through our fruit of lips, either by complying with the preaching. And if we have not yet been baptized, set this goal so we can worship our creator in the best way. . 

Psalm 50:15. This text reinforces our trust in God, since if we are going through difficult times, Jehovah invites us to seek ourselves through prayer, because he says Call me and we can be certain that Jehovah will give us his support.

Psalm 50:23. It teaches me that keeping a fixed path together with thousands of people who offer thanksgiving to Jehovah daily means continuing to glorify Jehovah by preaching from house to house and encouraging people to love righteousness and study his words.

Psalm 50:22. This verse talks about those who forgot God. This teaches me that the best way to keep us from forgetting Jehovah is to continue learning about him and what he wants us to do and putting it into practice.

Psalm 50:19. This text teaches us that we should be discreet and not spread anything confidential or personal that a good friend tells us. Let's think that perhaps we wouldn't like them to spread personal matters among others either, so, if we are discreet, we will show love for our brothers.

Psalm 50:20. In this verse the word criticize came to mind, and I thought that Satan uses this to set fire. So to speak in the congregation, for this reason it is of utmost importance to control what we say, and also remember that we all have deficiencies and weaknesses. So we should always speak encouragingly about our brothers.

Psalm 50:22. This text teaches us that there are people who forget that God exists and how sad it is to know that when they are in difficulties there they do seek God, but it will be too late because God will not support them.

Psalm 50:21. It teaches us not to fall into the error of judging Jehovah according to human standards; we must recognize that our vision of things is limited and sometimes even erroneous.

Psalm 50:14. It reminds us of the importance of paying Jehovah our vows and we who are dedicated and baptized must remember that we have promised to do his will every day of our lives, regardless of the changes that may occur in it.

Psalm 50:5. It shows us that according to the command found in the verse, the people who have been gathered are the disciples of Jesus who have been admitted into the new covenant because of the sacrifice of the same. And so this teaches me that as a result of his gratitude, that is Jehovah's gratitude which is incomparable and his sacrifice, I should feel motivated to support his organization by being Loyal to his teachings and above all thank Jehovah for giving me the opportunity. to be in it.

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