Sunday, June 23, 2024

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week June 24 to 30, 2024, Make return visits: INFORMAL PREACHING. (Making disciples: a labor of love, Lesson 7 point 4). Prepared Assignment.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: June 24-30, Make return visits: INFORMAL PREACHING. (Making disciples: a labor of love, Lesson 7 point 4). Prepared Assignment.

Make return visits 4 mins.) INFORMAL PREACHING. (lmd lesson 7 point 4).

Publisher: Good morning.

Assistant: Good morning.

Publisher: Good to see you again, are you waiting for the same bus?

Assistant: Yes, just that.

Publisher: Last time we talked about the future and how things are going to change.

Assistant: Yes, I remember.

Publisher: Today, while you wait for the bus, we could talk about some of those things that will change.

Helper: What things will change?

Publisher: One of the promises I love is that the Bible ensures that we will see our loved ones who have passed away again.

Assistant: Do you think that is possible?

Publisher: Well, the Bible promises it, and we must not forget that it was Jehovah who formed man from the dust of the ground.

Helper: Yes, that's how the biblical story tells it.

Publisher: Precisely, I was referring to the promise in Acts 24:15. I would like you to read it.

Helper: Okay.

Publisher: We see that the Bible speaks of a resurrection in the future.

Helper: But how can you be sure that those words will come true?

Publisher: How about we meet another time to answer your question?

Helper: Yes, I would like to know why we are sure of what the Bible says.

Publisher: Would it be okay if we set a day to visit you at your house?

Assistant: Yes, that sounds good to me.

Publisher: Could it be in the afternoon or in the morning?

Assistant: I think it's good in the morning, at 9. I think it's appropriate. This is my adress…

Publisher: Okay, I'll visit you at that time.

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