Wednesday, November 8, 2023

DAILY TEXT, Today's Friday, December 8, 2023, In them there are things difficult to understand (2 Pet. 3:16).

DAILY TEXT, Today's Friday, December 8, 2023, In them there are things difficult to understand (2 Pet. 3:16).

Let us examine the scriptures every day 2023

Friday December 8

In them there are things difficult to understand (2 Pet. 3:16).

One way Jehovah guides his people today is through his Word, the Bible. By taking time to reflect on what Jehovah teaches us, we can follow his guidance and fulfill our ministry.​—1 Tim. 4:15, 16. Another way Jehovah guides his people is through the “faithful and wise slave” (Matt. 24:45). Sometimes the slave may give us instructions that we do not fully understand. For example, we may receive very specific instructions for surviving a natural disaster that we think is unlikely to occur in our area. What should we do if we think the instructions we receive are impractical? Let's think about biblical stories we have read. How many times did God's servants receive instructions that did not seem practical from a human point of view but that ultimately saved their lives! (Judges 7:7; 8:10). w22.03 18, 19 paras. 15, 16.

What changes do some of Jehovah's servants find difficult to face?

For many of us, it is difficult to face changes. Some who had long been in one facet of the full-time special service have received a change of assignment. Others may have had to give up a responsibility that they really enjoyed due to age. In these cases it is natural to feel sad. Perhaps at first we do not understand the reason for the decision or agree with it. Maybe we miss how things were before. And we may become discouraged, thinking that we will be less useful to Jehovah.​—Prov. 24:10. Let's see how Zechariah's vision can help us continue giving God the best of us.

How does Zechariah's vision help us not to become discouraged by changing circumstances?

Something that will help us cope better with changes is to see things as Jehovah sees them. He is doing great things today, and we have the great honor of working with him (1 Cor. 3:9). Our responsibilities may change, but Jehovah's love for us does not. So if a change in the organization affects you personally, don't dwell on why you made the change. Instead of missing “the old days,” ask God to help you see the positive aspects of the new situation (Eccl. 7:10). Don't think about what you can no longer do, but about all the things you can do. Zechariah's vision teaches us how important it is to maintain a positive attitude to remain happy and faithful even if circumstances change.

Why might some Jews think that resuming the rebuilding of the temple was a bad decision?

Although rebuilding the temple was still prohibited, the men who led the people—the high priest Jeshua (Joshua) and the governor Zerubbabel—“took up again the rebuilding of the house of God” (Ezra 5:1, 2). It may have seemed like a bad decision to some Jews, because the works could not be hidden and their enemies would do everything possible to prevent it. Joshua and Zerubbabel, who were the two men responsible, needed to know that they had Jehovah's support. And Jehovah gave them what they needed. Let's see how.

What did the words of Zechariah 4:12, 14 assure the high priest Joshua and the governor Zerubbabel?

(Read Zechariah 4:12, 14). In this part of the vision, the angel reveals to God's faithful prophet that the two olive trees represent “the two anointed ones”: Joshua and Zerubbabel. These two men are said to be figuratively “standing beside the Lord of all the earth,” Jehovah. This place of honor demonstrates the great trust that Jehovah has in them. So other Jews have every reason to trust the decisions they make, because Jehovah is using them to guide the people.

How do we show that we respect the guidance that Jehovah gives us in his Word?

One way Jehovah continues to guide his people today is through his Word, the Bible. In it, he tells us how he wants us to worship him. And how do we show that we respect the guidance he gives us in his holy Word? Taking time to read it carefully and understand it. Ask yourself: “When I read the Bible or one of our publications, do I stop and meditate on what I am reading? Do I investigate Bible truths that are 'hard to understand'? Or do I just skim the information?” (2 Pet. 3:16). By taking time to reflect on what Jehovah teaches us, we can follow his guidance and fulfill our ministry.​—1 Tim. 4:15, 16.

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