Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Watchtower Study, Week of October 30 to November 5, 2023, Let's not overcharge, Underlined Answers.

Watchtower Study, October 30, November 5, 2023, Let's not charge more than necessary, Underlined Answers.

Yellow: Direct Response.

Dark Yellow: Additional Response.

Light Blue: Additional Points.

“Let us also lay aside every burden […], and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us” (HEB. 12:1).

1. According to Hebrews 12:1, what must we do to finish the race for life?

 THE Bible says that Christians are in a race. Those who cross the finish line receive the prize of eternal life (2 Tim. 4:7, 8). We have to do our best to keep running, because we have never been so close to the end. The apostle Paul, who finished his race for life, mentioned what can help us reach the goal. He said, “Let us also lay aside every burden…and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us” (read Hebrews 12:1).

2. What did Paul mean when he said “let us also take off every burden”?

2 What do the words “let us also take off every burden” mean? Paul was not saying that Christians should not carry any burden, but rather that we should get rid of any unnecessary burden. These types of loads make us go slower and tire us. To stay in the race, we must see if we are carrying any extra weight and let it go immediately. But there are other burdens that are necessary and we must not leave aside. If we did, we would be eliminated from the race (2 Tim. 2:5). Let's see what we mean.

3. a) According to Galatians 6:5, what should each Christian bring? b) What will we see in this article, and why?

3 (Read Galatians 6:5). In this verse, Paul mentioned something that every Christian should take: a). “His own burden of responsibility.” What was he referring to? To the spiritual responsibilities that we have before God and that no one else can carry for us. b). In this article we will look at some things that are included in our “own burden of responsibility” and what will help us carry it. On the other hand, we will talk about some unnecessary burdens that we may carry and what we can do to remove them. It is important that we do not carry more than necessary and only carry what is necessary, because then we will be able to cross the finish line and receive life.


4. Why is the promise of dedication not a heavy burden? (See also images).

4 The promise of dedication. When we dedicated ourselves to Jehovah, we promised to worship him and do his will. And obviously we must keep our word. Although it is a great responsibility, dedication is not a heavy burden. Because? For Jehovah created us to do his will (Rev. 4:11). He put in us the desire to know and worship Him, and He also made us in His image. That is why we can draw near to him and greatly enjoy doing his will (Ps. 40:8). And not only that, when we do what Jehovah wants and follow the example of his Son, we find relief (Matt. 11: 28-30).


A brother is running on a street full of hills and slopes. In one circle he appears praying, in another circle he is leading family worship and in another, asking a brother for forgiveness. These scenes appear in paragraphs 4 to 9. Carrying our own burden of responsibility includes living up to our dedication to Jehovah, fulfilling our family responsibilities, and accepting the consequences of our decisions.

5. What will help you fulfill your dedication? (1 John 5:3).

5 What will help you carry that burden? First, strengthen your love for Jehovah. If you meditate on all he has done for you and the blessings he will give you in the future, that love will grow. And the more you love God, the easier it will be to obey Him. You will feel that his commandments are not an impossible burden to bear (read 1 John 5:3). Second, imitate Jesus. He was able to do God's will because he prayed to him for help and was mindful of his reward (Heb. 5:7; 12:2). Like Jesus, ask Jehovah for strength and keep in mind the hope of living forever. By strengthening your love for Jehovah and imitating his Son, you will be able to fulfill his dedication.

6. Why should we fulfill our family responsibilities? (See also images).

6 Family responsibilities. In the race for life, we must love Jehovah and Jesus more than our family (Matt. 10:37). But, of course, that does not mean that we can neglect family obligations, as if they were an obstacle to our service to Jehovah. On the contrary, if we want to please God and Jesus, we must fulfill our role in the family (1 Tim. 5:4, 8). If we do, we will be happier. After all, Jehovah knows that families will do well if husbands and wives treat each other with love and respect, if parents love and educate their children, and if children obey their parents. (Eph. 5 :33; 6:1, 4).

7. What will help you fulfill your role in the family?

7 What will help you carry that burden? Whatever your role in the family, trust in the wise counsel of the Bible. Don't be swayed by what you think is best, by your culture, or by what the experts of this world say (Prov. 24:3, 4). Take advantage of our publications, for practical suggestions on how to apply biblical principles. For example, in the “Help for Families” section, there is information that will help couples, parents, and young people know what to do when faced with certain challenges.  Be determined to put the Bible's advice into practice even if you are the only one in the family to do so. You will see that the whole family will benefit, and Jehovah will bless you (1 Pet. 3:1, 2).


The brother is doing family worship with his wife and daughter. (See paragraphs 6 and 7).

8. How can the decisions we make affect us?

8 The consequences of our decisions. Freedom of choice is a gift from Jehovah, and he wants us to enjoy the benefits of making good decisions. But he does not protect us from the consequences of our bad decisions (Gal. 6:7, 8). Therefore, if we choose poorly, say something without thinking or act rashly, we have to accept the consequences. In some cases, we may feel very guilty and our conscience bothers us. Knowing that we are responsible for our decisions can motivate us to confess the bad things we did, correct our behavior, and strive to avoid making the same mistakes. This way we can continue in the race for life.

9. What will help you if you have made a bad decision? (See also images).

9 What will help you carry that burden? Accept that what's done is done and you can't go back. Don't think about it too much, don't be mortified by what you did, don't blame others or try to justify yourself. It is best to recognize that you were wrong and try to do everything you can to improve the situation. If you feel very bad about what he did, humbly pray to Jehovah, admit his mistake, and ask him to forgive you. (Ps. 25:11; 51:3, 4) If he hurt someone, apologize. And, if necessary, go to the elders for help (Jas. 5:14, 15). Learn from his mistakes and try not to make them again. You can be sure that Jehovah will help you and treat you with mercy.​—Ps. 103:8-13.


The brother asks for forgiveness from a brother. (See paragraphs 8 and 9).


10. Why are unrealistic expectations a heavy burden? (Galatians 6:4).

10 Unrealistic expectations. One way we burden ourselves with unrealistic expectations is by comparing ourselves to others (read Galatians 6:4). If we have this habit, we may end up fostering competition and envying others (Gal. 5:26). When we try to do the same thing that others do, we may demand more from ourselves than we can actually give. Think about this: The Bible says that “expectations that are delayed make the heart sick” (Prov. 13:12). So it will be even more frustrating to wait for something we will never achieve. That could sap our energy and cause us to slow down in our running (Prov. 24:10).

11. What will help you avoid having unrealistic expectations?

11 What will help you lift that heavy burden? He should not demand more from himself than what Jehovah asks of him, and he will never ask him to give him what he does not have (2 Cor. 8:12). He can rest assured, Jehovah does not compare him to anyone (Matt. 25: 20-23). He values ​​what you do: your wholehearted service, your faithfulness, your endurance. Modesty will help him recognize that age, health, and certain circumstances may limit what he does now. Let him be like Barzillai and be willing to reject responsibilities if he sees that his health does not allow him to assume them (2 Sam. 19:35, 36). That is, like Moses, he accepts help and delegates when appropriate (Ex. 18:21, 22). If he is modest, he will not have unrealistic expectations that leave him without the strength to continue running.

12. Are we responsible for the bad decisions that others make?

12 Feeling responsible for the bad decisions of others. We cannot decide for others nor can we always protect them from the consequences of their bad choices. A child may decide to leave Jehovah, and this can cause parents unspeakable pain. However, parents who blame themselves for their child's poor decision place a heavy burden on themselves, one that Jehovah does not expect them to bear.​—Rom. 14:12.

13. What can a parent do if their child makes a bad decision?

13 What will help you lift that heavy burden? Remember that Jehovah has given us all freedom of choice and lets each of us make his own decisions, including whether or not to serve him. Furthermore, Jehovah knows that you are not perfect. He just wants him to try hard to be a good father. If his son leaves the truth, it is his responsibility, not yours (Prov. 20:11). Despite everything, he may not stop dwelling on the mistakes he made as a father. Tell Jehovah how you feel and ask for forgiveness. He knows there is no way for you to go back and change it. On the other hand, Jehovah does not expect him to free his son from reaping what he sowed, that is, from the consequences of his actions. But remember that if his daughter strives to return to Jehovah, he will welcome her with open arms.​—Luke 15:18-20.

14. Why should we remove the burden of excess guilt?

14 Excess guilt. When we sin, it is normal to feel guilty. But feeling too much guilt is a burden that Jehovah does not want us to carry, it is a weight that we must lift off our shoulders. How do we know if our feelings of guilt are excessive? If we already confess the sin, repent, and are trying not to commit it again, we can be sure that Jehovah has forgiven us.​—Acts 3:19. Once we have taken those steps, Jehovah wants us to be free from guilt because he knows that feeling this way for a long time can cause us great harm (Ps. 31:10). If we let sadness weigh us down, we may give up and abandon the race for life (2 Cor. 2:7).

15. What will help you if you feel excessive guilt? (1 John 3:19, 20; see also photos).

15 What will help you lift that heavy burden? If you are tormented by excess guilt, focus on “the true forgiveness” that God gives (Ps. 130:4). When someone repents from the heart, Jehovah fulfills this promise: “I will remember his sin no more” (Jer. 31:34). This means that when Jehovah forgives him, he does not blame him for what he did. Sure, sin has consequences, but that does not mean that Jehovah has not forgiven him. And, if he now cannot have certain responsibilities in the congregation, he should not be mortified. Jehovah has already left his sins in the past..., why don't you do the same? (Read 1 John 3:19, 20).


Series of images: 1. A sister tells three elderly people how she feels. 2. Afterwards, she looks happy preaching with a sister. Once you repent from your heart, Jehovah leaves your sins behind you. Why doesn't he do the same? (See paragraph 15).


16. As runners, what should we be clear about?

16 To receive the prize of life, we must follow this advice: “Run so that you win it” (1 Cor. 9:24). Something that will help us achieve this is to be very clear about what we should carry and what we should get rid of. In this article we have seen a few examples, but they are not the only ones. Jesus said that our hearts can become “overburdened by overeating and overdrinking and the cares of life” (Luke 21:34, note). These and other biblical texts will help us identify the changes we need to make to successfully run the race for life.

17. Why are we sure that we will win the race for life?

17 We are sure that we will win the race for life because Jehovah will give us the strength to go to the end (Is. 40:29-31). So don't slow down. Be like the apostle Paul, who gave his all to receive the prize (Phil. 3:13, 14). It is true that no one can run for you, but Jehovah is there to give you his support. He will help him carry his burdens and take away those he does not need (Ps. 68:19). With Jehovah at your side, you will be able to run with endurance and win the race.


What burdens should we carry?

The promise of dedication, family responsibilities, the consequences of our decisions.

What burdens must we take off?

Unrealistic expectations, feeling responsible for the bad decisions of others, excess guilt.

What will help us run to win?

Something that will help us achieve this is to be very clear about what we should carry and what we should get rid of.

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