Tuesday, October 24, 2023

DAILY TEXT, Today's Friday, November 24, 2023, Stop worrying about your life (Matt. 6:25).

DAILY TEXT, Today's Friday, November 24, 2023, Stop worrying about your life (Matt. 6:25).

Let us examine the scriptures every day 2023

Friday, November 24

Stop worrying about your life (Matt. 6:25).

A good example for marriages is that of the apostle Peter and his wife. Between six months and a year after meeting Jesus, the apostle Peter had to make an important decision. Since he made a living from fishing, when Jesus invited him to follow him full-time, Peter had to analyze his family situation (Luke 5: 1-11). He decided to accompany Jesus in his work of preaching. And apparently his wife supported him. The Bible indicates that after Jesus was resurrected, she traveled with Peter at least for a time (1 Cor. 9:5). Without a doubt, her good example gave Peter moral authority to give advice to both wives and husbands (1 Pet. 3:1-7). It is clear that Peter and his wife were relying on Jehovah’s promise that he would provide for them if they put the Kingdom first in their lives. (Matt. 6:31-34) w21.11 18 para. 14.

What do you learn from Tiago and Esther's experience?

And if you have been married for a few years, how can you continue to cultivate the desire to do more for Jehovah? One way is by looking at what other couples have done. For example, you could read the article series “They Willingly Volunteered to Serve.” That's what Tiago and Esther, a couple from Brazil, did. Those articles helped them want to serve where the need was greatest. Tiago says: “Reading stories of how Jehovah has helped his servants in our days made us want to see how his hand guided us and cared for us.” Over time, this couple moved to Paraguay, where they have been serving in the Portuguese field since 2014. Esther says: “A text that we both love is Ephesians 3:20. In our service to Jehovah, we have seen those words fulfilled many times.” In the letter Paul wrote to the Ephesians, he assured us that Jehovah would give us much more than we ask for. And that promise has always been kept.

Who can young couples turn to when they are analyzing their goals in life?

Young couples, you can benefit from the experience of those who have learned to trust in Jehovah. Some couples have been in full-time service for decades. Why not ask them for advice if you need help analyzing your goals? This is another way to show that they trust in Jehovah (Prov. 22:17, 19). Elders can also help you set spiritual goals and achieve them.

What happened to Klaus and Marisa, and what do we learn from their example?

Sometimes our decision to do more in Jehovah's service can have different results than we expected. Let's go back to the example of Klaus and Marisa, mentioned at the beginning. Three years after getting married, they left home and volunteered to help with construction work at the Finland branch. But then they found out they couldn't stay more than six months. At first, they were very disappointed. But soon after they were invited to an Arabic course, and now they happily serve in the Arab field in another country. Looking back, Marisa says: “You are very afraid to step out of your comfort zone and lean completely on Jehovah. But I have found that he has always helped us in unexpected ways. After experiencing this, my trust in Jehovah has become stronger.” As we see, we can be sure that Jehovah will always bless us for trusting in him with all our hearts.

What can couples do to continue trusting in Jehovah?

Marriage is a gift from Jehovah, and he wants married people to enjoy it.​—Prov. 5:18; Matt. 19:5, 6. Young couples, why don't you analyze what you are doing with your life? Are you doing everything you can to show Jehovah your appreciation for the gifts he has given you? Talk to Jehovah, search his Word for principles that apply to his circumstances, and follow the advice he gives you. You can be sure that if you focus your life on serving Jehovah, you will have a truly happy marriage.

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