Wednesday, October 11, 2023

DAILY TEXT, Today Sunday, November 12, 2023, Maintain the unity of the spirit through the bond of peace (Ephes. 4:3).

DAILY TEXT, From Sunday, November 12, 2023, Maintain the unity of the spirit through the bond of peace (Eph. 4:3).

Let us examine the scriptures every day 2023

Sunday, November 12

Maintain the unity of the spirit through the bond of peace (Eph. 4:3).

In recent years many congregations and circuits have been reorganized. If we are asked to change congregations, it may be difficult for us to leave our family and friends. Does Jehovah tell the elders where each publisher should go? No. And that may be precisely why it is difficult for us to follow the instructions they give us. But Jehovah trusts his decisions, and so should we. Why should we support the decisions of the elderly even when we don't like them? Because, when we do so, we maintain the unity of God's people. Additionally, the congregation benefits when we are all humble and accept the decisions of the elders (Heb. 13:17). More importantly, because in this way we show Jehovah that we trust in him, since he has appointed elders to take care of us (Acts 20:28). w22.02 4, 5 paras. 9, 10.

What can help us trust more in the guidance of elders?

What can help us trust more in the guidance of elders? Remember that they ask Jehovah for holy spirit when they are going to make decisions that have to do with the congregation. They also take into account biblical principles and the instructions of the organization. They sincerely desire to please Jehovah and give the best possible care to their brothers. These faithful men know that God will hold them accountable for the way they do their work (1 Pet. 5:2, 3). Let's think about this: in a world divided by racism, religion and politics, we stand united by serving the one true God. This is clear proof that Jehovah blesses his organization.

What questions should elders analyze to know if a person is repentant?

Jehovah has given the elders the serious responsibility of keeping the congregation clean. Therefore, if a Christian commits a serious sin, Jehovah waits for the elders to decide whether he can continue to be a part of the congregation. Among other things, they have to find out if the person is truly sorry. They must analyze questions such as the following: although that person claims that he is sorry, does he really hate what he did? Is she determined not to commit that sin again? If her bad friends led her to sin, is she willing to cut them off? The elders pray to Jehovah, analyze the facts according to what the Bible says, and take into account the person's attitude toward what he did. They then decide whether he can remain in the congregation or not. Depending on the case, the sinner may have to be expelled (1 Cor. 5:11-13).

What could worry us if a family member or friend of ours is expelled?

If someone who is not our friend or family member is expelled, we may quickly accept the elders' decision. But what if someone who is very close to us is expelled? Then our trust in the elderly could be tested. We may worry that they did not take all factors into account or that they did not judge the matter in Jehovah's way. What will help us see the elders' decision with the right attitude?

What should we remember if the elders decide to expel a family member or friend of ours?

We must remember that expulsion is a measure that Jehovah has established for the good of the congregation and the sinner. If someone who has not repented were allowed to remain in the congregation, this person would be a bad influence (Gal. 5:9). Furthermore, he may not realize the seriousness of his sin and that he must change his way of thinking and acting to regain his friendship with Jehovah (Eccl. 8:11). We can be sure that the elders take their responsibility to decide whether someone should be expelled or not very seriously. Like the judges of ancient Israel, they know that they “judge not for man but for Jehovah” (2 Chron. 19:6, 7).

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