Monday, October 30, 2023

DAILY TEXT, From today Thursday, November 30, 2023, Stay seated here while I go there to pray (Matt. 26:36).

DAILY TEXT, From today Thursday, November 30, 2023, Stay seated here while I go there to pray (Matt. 26:36).

Let us examine the scriptures every day 2023

Thursday, November 30

Just sit here while I go over there to pray (Matt. 26:36).

On the last night of his life on Earth, when his ministry was ending, Jesus looked for a quiet place where he could pray and meditate: the garden of Gethsemane. There he gave his disciples very timely advice about prayer. When they arrived at the Garden of Gethsemane, it may have already been past midnight, so it was already very late. Jesus told the apostles to stay awake and then went to pray (Matt. 26:37-39). When he returned, he found them asleep. So he again said to them, “Keep awake and pray constantly” (Matt. 26:40, 41). He knew they had been under a lot of stress and were very tired. That is why he had compassion on them and said that “the flesh is weak.” Despite everything, he twice more went to pray and, when he returned, he found that they were not praying, but sleeping (Matt. 26: 42-45). w22.01 28 paras. 10, 11.

What can we do if we sometimes feel too stressed or tired to pray ?

Let's choose the right moment. Maybe sometimes we feel too stressed or tired to pray, and we're not the only ones. What can we do? Some brothers who had the habit of praying at the end of the day have found that it works better for them to do it a little earlier, when they are less tired. Others have noticed that they concentrate better if they pray in a certain position, such as sitting or kneeling. What if we feel too worried or discouraged to pray? Let us tell Jehovah with the peace of mind that he is merciful and will understand us (Ps. 139:4).

How can electronic devices distract us when we are spending time with Jehovah?

Let's avoid distractions when we are studying. In addition to praying, another thing we can do to strengthen our friendship with Jehovah is to study his Word and attend congregation meetings. Is there anything we can do to make the most of our study sessions and meetings? Let's ask ourselves: “What tends to distract me in those moments?” Can it be calls, emails or text messages on the phone or some other device? These devices are useful, and are used by billions of people today. But some experts believe that when a person is trying to concentrate, simply having a phone nearby can cause them to become distracted. A psychology professor explains: “You don't focus on what you are doing. Your mind is somewhere else.” If before conventions we are asked to put our devices in a mode that will not distract others, can we do the same when we are alone with Jehovah so that the devices do not interrupt and distract us?

According to Philippians 4:6, 7, what will Jehovah do to help us concentrate?

Let us ask Jehovah to help us concentrate. If we are studying or in a congregation meeting and notice that our mind is wandering, let us ask Jehovah for help. If something is bothering us, it may not be easy for us to put our worries aside and focus on spiritual things, but it is very important that we do so. Let us pray that Jehovah will give us peace that protects not only our hearts but also our minds. (Read Philippians 4:6, 7.)

What is a benefit of spending time with Jehovah?

We will gain many benefits if we spend time talking to Jehovah, listening to him, and thinking about him. Which is it? First, we will make better decisions. According to the Bible, “he who walks with the wise will become wise” (Prov. 13:20). Therefore, the more time we spend with Jehovah—the wisest person in the universe—the wiser we will become. We will better understand how to please him and avoid making decisions that could hurt him.

Why does spending time with Jehovah make us better teachers?

Second, we will be better teachers. When we teach Bible classes, one of our main objectives is to help the student draw closer to Jehovah. The more we communicate with our heavenly Father, the more we will love Him and the more able we will be to teach our student to love Him. That was the case of Jesus. When he spoke of his Father, he expressed himself with such love and affection that his faithful disciples could not help but love Jehovah as well (John 17:25, 26).

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