Tuesday, October 10, 2023

DAILY TEXT, From today Saturday, November 11, 2023, Do not forget to do good or share what you have with others, (Heb. 13:16).

DAILY TEXT, From Saturday, November 11, 2023, Do not forget to do good or share what you have with others, (Heb. 13:16).

Let us examine the scriptures every day 2023

Saturday November 11

Do not forget to do good or share what you have with others, because these sacrifices are very pleasing to God (Heb. 13:16).

Shortly after receiving the apostle Paul's letter, the brothers in Judea had to leave their homes, their businesses, and their non-Christian relatives and flee to the mountains (Matt. 24:16). It is clear that at that time it was very important that they help each other. If they had previously put into practice Paul's advice to share what they had, it would be easier for them to get used to their new life. Our siblings may not always tell us what they need. Therefore, let's be accessible. Surely in our congregation there are brothers and sisters who are always willing to help others. They never make us feel like we are a burden. On the contrary, we know that we can always count on them, and we want to follow their example. w22.02 23, 24 paras. 13-15.

According to Philippians 2:4, 5, what mental attitude should all Christians develop?

(Read Philippians 2:4, 5). It is true that we are not all elders, but we can all learn from the sacrificial spirit of Jesus. The Bible says that he “took the form of a slave” (Phil. 2:7). What do these words teach us? A good slave or servant looks for ways to please his master. As we are slaves of Jehovah and servants of our brothers, we desire to be increasingly useful to our God and our companions. How can we achieve it? Let's look at some suggestions.

What self-examination can we do?

Examine your attitude. Ask yourself: “Am I willing to make personal sacrifices to help others? How do I react, for example, if I am asked to visit an older brother or bring an older sister to meetings? “Shall I immediately volunteer to help with cleaning the convention site or maintaining the Kingdom Hall?” When we dedicated ourselves to Jehovah, we promised him that we would use everything we have to serve him, including our time and resources. So he feels very happy when we use them selflessly to help others. Now, what can we do if we realize that we need to improve on something?

How can prayer help us cultivate the spirit of sacrifice?

Pray to Jehovah from the heart. If you realize that you need to improve in some area, but do not feel the desire to do so, pray to Jehovah from your heart. Be honest. Tell him how you feel and ask him to give you “both the desire and the strength to act” (Philipp. 2:13).

How can young baptized men help the organization?

Are you a young man and are you baptized? Then ask Jehovah to help you desire to do more in the congregation. In some places there are more elders than ministerial servants, and many of those ministerial servants are already of a certain age. As the organization continues to grow, more young brothers are needed to help the elders care for Jehovah's people. If you volunteer to serve where there is need, you will be happy because you will please Jehovah, you will make a good name for yourself, and you will feel the satisfaction of helping others.

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