Sunday, November 5, 2023

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week of November 6 to 12, 2023, First conversation, Use the topic of ideas to talk. Then offer the handout Enjoy Life, Lesson 2, Prepared Assignment.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY:November 6-12, 2023, First conversation, Lesson 2, Assignment Prepared.

First conversation (3 mins.): Use the topic of ideas to talk. Then offer the pamphlet Enjoy Life (th lesson 2).

Publisher: Hello, I'm María, how are you today? 

Helper: Hello María, yes I am very well, thank you for asking, how can I help you? 

Publisher: I would like to ask you something, where do you think we can find good advice for life? I'm interested in knowing your opinion on this. 

Helper: Well, in my opinion, good life advice can be found in different sources such as personal experience, self-help books and even chatting with friends and family.

Publisher: I understand your point of view, but I would like to share with you what the Bible says about this. In 2 Timothy 3:16, it is mentioned that all scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting things, and for educating according to what is right, so that the man of God may be perfectly qualified and fully prepared to perform all kinds of good works. In your opinion, what do you think that means?

Helper: I think it means that the Bible offers us reliable and valuable advice for our daily lives. 

Publisher: Very good, you came to a correct conclusion. Precisely the Apostle Paul, the writer of the texts we have just read, highlights with these words that the knowledge that the Bible offers us, equips us to do what is right from the point of view of Jehovah God. Hence, whoever applies these tips has his blessing and does well. 

Assistant: How interesting, the truth is that I had never seen it from this point of view. I would like to know more about the Bible. 

Publisher: Sure, on my next visit, I can explain further why we can trust the Bible. However, now I can leave you the “Enjoy Life” pamphlet. Look, here in point 2 of lesson 1, we are explained how the Bible can help us enjoy our daily lives. I'll leave it to you and on my next visit we can analyze them a little, do you think? 

Assistant: I think it's excellent, María. I will be waiting.

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