Sunday, November 5, 2023

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week of November 6 to 12, 2023, Bible Course, Review of section 1 questions 1-5, Lesson 19, Prepared Assignment.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY:  November 6-12, 2023, Bible Course, Review of section 1 questions 1-5, Lesson 19, Prepared Assignment.

Bible course (5 mins.): lff review of section 1 questions 1-5 (th lec. 19).

Publisher: Maura, we have reached the review of section 1, Let's start with lesson number 2. Which of the promises about the future attract your attention the most, and why?

Student: Two promises catch my attention. First that of Jeremiah 29:11,12, where Jehovah promises us a future and a secure hope. because he helps me cope with my problems with a positive attitude and also helps me endure with the assurance that soon the Kingdom of God will be possible for me to live eternally in paradise. Another promise that really catches my attention is that of Revelation 21: 4 Because it assures that Jehovah and his kingdom will forever eliminate everything that makes us suffer today, including death.

Publisher: Very good Maura, then, do both promises catch your attention because they give you the certainty that Jehovah will intervene soon and bring true and eternal solutions to all of humanity's problems?

Student: That's right, María. These promises give me that conviction.

Publisher: I congratulate you Maura, very good answer, it shows that you have prepared very well. Now let's move on to the next question that covers lessons 3 and 5. Why do you believe the Bible is the word of God?

Student: I believe it because the words of the Bible are exact and do not contradict each other. They also talk about events, dates, places and characters that both archeology and history have proven to be true. I also believe it because his prophecies have been fulfilled in due time with astonishing accuracy down to their smallest details. This is only possible because Jehovah is the only one who really knows what will happen in the future.

Publisher: That is very true. And what is mentioned about the Bible?

Student: Yes, it is precisely that detail, in which I am also convinced, the fact that the Bible is the most translated book and with the largest edition run and that it has survived many attacks throughout the history of humanity. who believes that the Bible is the word of God.

Publisher: Very good, and do you think that the fact that more than 40 men of different social levels have written it during 16 centuries, and yet it does not contradict itself, is an indication that it has a single author?

Student: Yes, Mary, since the Bible maintains a perfect common thread. This indicates that its author is only one, Jehovah.

Publisher: Excellent Maura, now let's move on to question 3, which covers lesson 4. Why is it important to use God's name?

Student: It is important because Jehovah wants us to know his name and use it, and the reason is so that we can become his friends, since to be someone's friend, the first thing you have to know is what his name is.

Publisher: And, will it be important to use God's personal name to identify him and differentiate him from other gods?

Student: Yes María, it is very important. First, because we must differentiate the personal name of God from the many titles that the Bible gives him according to the function he is fulfilling at that particular moment. Second, it is important that we use his personal name to identify ourselves with our God, the only true god, since the earth is filled with many false gods.

Publisher: Excellent, let's move on to question 4 which covers lesson 6. The Bible says that in God is the source of life. What do you think Maura? Do you think that's the case? And before answering, could you read the text of Psalms 36:9?

Student: Yes, okay, it says like this......(AFTER READING) Well here it clearly explains that Jehovah is the source of life and that thanks to his light we can see light. But which indicates that we are his creation. And Yes I believe it, because Jehovah is the creator of everything that exists in the heavens and on the earth. He has created the universe, Los Angeles, human beings, vegetation, and animals. But not only that, He is the one who sustains life and makes it possible.

Publisher: Very good, now let's move on to question 5 which covers lessons 7 and 8. Please read Proverbs 33:2 and then answer, Why is Jehovah the best friend we can have?

Student: The text says…….(AFTER READING) He is the best friend we can have because of his wonderful qualities. He is the almighty, he is the most just person who exists. But the most important thing is that Jehovah is love. And that love drives you to be kind, merciful, forgiving, loving, patient, and slow to anger. Furthermore, he uses his holy spirit or active force to help us, because he cares about each one of us. Hence, he takes the initiative and invites us to be his friends and to throw our problems into concerns.

Publisher: Correct. Hence the importance of striving to be the type of people that Jehovah accepts as friends, since as Proverbs 3:32 says, Jehovah hates twisted people, but has a close friendship with people who are upright. Consequently Maura, what does Jehovah expect from you?

Student: Jehovah expects you to do the things he considers good and avoid the things he considers bad.

Publisher: Very good, what do you think, is that realistic?

Student: Yes, because it doesn't ask us to do something that is beyond our capabilities. On the other hand, he helps us so that we can comply with the principle of Proverbs 3:32, it is not something too heavy, nor impossible to fulfill.

Publisher: That's right. And when a person comes to love Jehovah, what does that love drive him to do?

Student: It drives you to do your best to obey what Jehovah asks and to do so voluntarily and willingly. Just like it is happening in my case.

Publisher: That's great, I congratulate you, Jehovah must be very happy for your effort. Let's continue……

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