Monday, October 30, 2023

Congregation Book Study, Week of October 30 to November 5, 2023, Chapter 1 paragraphs 8-15 and box on page 12, “Go and make disciples”, Responses.

Congregation Book Study, October 30-November 5, 2023, Chapter 1 paragraphs 8-15 and box on page 12, “Go and make disciples”, Responses.

Congregation Bible study (30 mins.): bt chap. 1 paras. 8-15 and box on page 12.

8, 9. a) Why is what Jehovah's Witnesses are achieving such a miracle?

It is a miracle because evangelization work is being carried out around the world, despite the obstacles and persecution we face in some places. And at the same time we fulfill the mission of spreading the message of the Kingdom of God throughout the world, and this is what we consider an outstanding achievement.

What Jehovah's Witnesses are achieving is considered a miracle, because despite the obstacles and persecution of some governments, many people from all nations are being able to receive, "A complete testimony about the kingdom of God." For this reason we can feel proud to contribute our grain of sand. 

8, 9. b) What is logical to ask, and what should we do to answer that question?

It is logical to ask: Why has nothing and no one been able to stop our work, not even the devil? And to answer this question, it is necessary to go back to the first century AD, since this work began in that historical period.

Satan the devil has tried in many ways to stop the work of Jehovah. For example, due to his influence, many brothers from various countries have been arrested with the aim of stopping this wonderful work that Jehovah has entrusted to us. And to understand very well why the devil has not been successful, we must pay our attention to history, since in the first century of our era, our work began, the Jehovah's Witnesses of today are continuing the work that It started since then.

A colossal work

10. What work did Jesus devote himself to, and what did he know very well?

Jesus Christ dedicated himself completely to preaching the good news, and his life revolved around this work. However, Jesus knew very well that he would not be the one to complete the work he had started.

Shortly before his death, Jesus predicted that the message would be preached to all nations and then the end would come. The continuation of this work would fall to his followers and disciples who would carry the message to the entire world.

Jesus speaking to many of his disciples.

“Go and make disciples of people of all nations” (Matthew 28:19).

11. What great commission did Jesus entrust to his disciples, and what did he promise them?

Jesus gave his disciples a great commission, which is recorded in Matthew 28 19-20. He said to them: Go and make disciples of people of all nations. And he promised them his continued support and presence by saying “I will be with you every day.”

This promise implied that they would have their support in Preaching the Kingdom by making disciples, even though they would face hatred from all nations. Additionally, before Jesus ascended to heaven, his disciples also promised that they would have additional help, "the holy spirit" which would give them the strength necessary to become his witnesses to the most distant part of the earth. This help of the Holy Spirit would help them. It would allow it to fulfill its mission of spreading the message of Jesus worldwide.

12. What important questions arise, and why is it very necessary for us to know the answers?

The important questions that arise are: What did the apostles and other Christians of the first century do? Did they take seriously their commission to give a complete testimony about the Kingdom of God? Did they manage to fulfill it despite being few and suffering violent persecution? Did they really have the help of Jehovah and his holy spirit? 


And it is essential to know the answers to these questions because, Jesus said that his followers would have to preach and make disciples until the conclusion of the system. Therefore, all true Christians, including those living in the end time, must fulfill this commission.

Therefore all true Christians, including us who live in the time of the end, must also fulfill this commission. Studying the book of Acts provides a valuable resource for understanding how the Early Christians accomplished this task in the face of challenges and difficulties. This historical information can serve as a guide and inspiration for modern Christians seeking to fulfill their commission to preach and make disciples today.

Information about Acts of the Apostles

13, 14. a) Who wrote the book of Acts, and where did they get the information from?

The book of Acts was written by Luke, and he obtained the information by consulting the eyewitnesses of those events and thus compiled true information about those events.


Luke wrote the book of Acts, who also wrote the gospel of Luke. Although the book of Acts does not explicitly name the author, the opening words indicate that it was written by the same person who wrote the gospel of Luke. 

Luke was present in many of the situations recounted in the book of Acts. This can be deduced from the way he often includes himself in the story, changing words from "Them" to "Us" in some passages. It is also likely that before writing the book he consulted eyewitnesses of the events. events, such as Paul, Barnabas, Philip, and others, to gather accurate and detailed information about the events and people mentioned in the book.

13, 14. b) What does Acts talk about?

While the gospel of Luke focuses on the words and works of Jesus, Acts focuses on the actions and experiences of Jesus' disciples. It also tells us how the first Christians carried out an extraordinary work despite being considered "Common and poorly educated" throughout the world and describes the founding and growth of the Christian congregation of the First Century.


The book shows the methods that first century Christians used to preach and the attitude with which they did so. 

It also highlights the influence of the Holy Spirit in the spread of good news. 

The main theme of the Bible, the sanctification of God's name through his kingdom, is present in the book of acts, which shows how it is in the hands of Christ. 

Finally, this book narrates the Triumph of preaching despite the fiercest opposition.

15. How will analyzing the book of Acts help you?

By studying the history of the early Christians and their experiences, we can strengthen our trust in God, as we see how he supported and helped us despite the difficulties and challenges they faced.


By meditating on ancient Christian history, we can see how Jehovah was present in their lives and how he guided them through their challenges.

The stories in the book of Acts also present examples of people who demonstrated strong faith, courage, and deep commitment. By studying their lives we can feel inspired and motivated to follow their example in our own lives. 

In addition to this, Jesus entrusted his followers with the task of making disciples, and the book of Acts provides examples of how early Christians carried out this mission; by analyzing the book we can learn valuable lessons about how to play that role effectively.  

The accounts of the first-century disciples in Acts can serve as a powerful example of faith, courage, and dedication in the work of preaching the good news of the Kingdom of God. These good examples can inspire us to follow his example and engage more deeply in our work of evangelism.



Resurrection of Jesus

Jesus charges his followers to make disciples

holy spirit is poured out at Pentecost

Foundation of the Christian congregation

Around 33-34

Execution of Stephen

Baptism of the Ethiopian eunuch

Around 34

Conversion of Saul of Tarsus

Around 34-36

Saul preaches in Damascus

Around 36

Paul visits Jerusalem for the first time as a disciple

Paul visits Peter in Jerusalem (Gal. 1:18)


Conversion of Cornelius

Gentiles accept Christianity

Aound 41

The Gospel of Matthew is written

Paul has a vision of the “third heaven” (2 Cor. 12:2)

Around 44

Agabus prophesies a time of famine

Execution of James (son of Zebedee)

Imprisonment and miraculous release of Peter


Herod Agrippa I dies

Around 46

The predicted time of hunger is coming

Paul brings humanitarian aid to Jerusalem

Around 47-48

Paul's first missionary journey

Around 49

The question of circumcision arises in Antioch

Meeting in Jerusalem on circumcision

Paul corrects Peter (Gal. 2:11-14)

Around 49-52

Paul's second missionary journey

Barnabas and Mark preach in Cyprus

Around 49-50

Claudius expels the Jews from Rome

Around 50

Luke joins Paul at Troas

Paul has the vision of the man of Macedonia

Paul visits Philippi

The Philippian congregation is formed

Thessaloniki congregation is formed

Paul visits Athens

Around 50-52

Paul visits Corinth

1 Thessalonians is written

It is written Galatians

Around 51

2 Thessalonians is written

Around 52-56

Paul's third missionary journey

Around 52-55

Paul visits Ephesus

Around 55

1 Corinthians is written

Titus is sent to Corinth

2 Corinthians is written

Around 56

It is written Romans

Paul resurrects Eutychus in Troas

Paul and Luke stay with Philip in Caesarea

Paul is arrested in Jerusalem

Around 56-58

Paul in custody in Caesarea

The Gospel of Luke is written

Around 58

Festus takes Felix's place


Herod Agrippa II listens to Paul

Around 59-61

Paul's first captivity in Rome

Around 60-61

It is written Colossians

It is written Ephesians

It is spelled Philemon

It is written Philippians

Around 60-65

The Gospel of Mark is written

Around 61

Acts is written

It is written Hebrews

Around 61-64

1 Timothy is written

Paul leaves Titus in Crete (Titus 1:5)

It is spelled Tito

Before 62

It is written Santiago

Around 62-64

1 Peter is written

Around 64

It is written 2 Peter

Around 65

Paul's second captivity in Rome

2 Timothy is written

Titus travels to Dalmatia (2 Tim. 4:10)

Execution of Paul

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