Sunday, October 8, 2023

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week of October 9 to 15, 2023, First conversation, Use the topic of ideas to talk, Lesson 4, Prepared Assignment.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: 9-15-October-2023, First conversation, Lesson 4, Assignment Prepared.

First conversation (2 mins.): Use the topic of ideas to talk (th lesson 4).

Publisher: Good morning, how are you? My name is Maria. I would like to talk briefly about something wonderful: The Kingdom of God.

Helper: Hello Maria. I'm Azucena. I'm not attracted to the idea of ​​talking about the Bible, but I am curious to know about that Kingdom.

Publisher: Mrs. Azucena, Have you ever wondered what the Kingdom of God is? , the one we ask to come when we pray the Lord's Prayer.

Helper: I have repeated this sentence many times, but I am not sure what it means exactly.

Publisher: In the text of Isaiah 9:6,7 look at what the Bible says, you can read it yourself please.

Assistant: Yes, of course. There she says……….

Publisher: These prophetic words of Isaiah tell us about the birth and Reign of Jesus Christ, the promised Messiah. 

Helper: So, the Kingdom of God is also the Kingdom of Jesus. How is that?

Publisher: The kingdom of God is the government of Jehovah. Jehovah has appointed his son Jesus Christ king of his kingdom. That is, he has given him authority to govern the earth from heaven. With this government Jesus Christ will also ensure that the will of his father is done here as it is already being done in heaven.

Helper: Then it will be a reign or government of love. I'm not a Bible-reading or church-going person, but I have seen movies about the life of Jesus. He did miracles and many good things to help people. Especially the sick and those most in need.

Publisher: That's right. In the three and a half years of his earthly ministry, he gave us a small taste of what he will do when, as King, he fulfills the wonderful promises of the Kingdom of God. Would you like to know what the Kingdom of God will do for us?

Assistant: Of course Maria. But for that, should I go to her church?

Publisher: Not necessarily. But I can come back to continue this conversation and show you the Bible's answer to that interesting question. 

Assistant: Excellent, can you come on Saturday around this time?

Publisher: Sounds perfect to me. 

Assistant: Very good, I will be waiting for you.

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