Thursday, August 10, 2023

DAILY TEXT, Today Sunday, September 10, 2023, The wisdom from above is first pure, then it is peaceful and reasonable, (James 3:17).

DAILY TEXT, Today  Sunday, September 10, 2023,  The wisdom from above is first pure, then it is peaceful and reasonable, it is ready to obey and full of mercy and good fruits, it is impartial and it is not hypocritical (James 3: 17).

Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2023

Sunday September 10

The wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceful and reasonable, ready to obey and full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and not hypocritical (James 3:17).

We must avoid pride and let Jehovah teach us. Just as an illness can harden the arteries of the heart and cause it to stop working well, pride can harden our figurative heart and make it difficult for us to obey Jehovah. The Pharisees allowed his heart to become so hardened that they refused to recognize the clear evidence that Jesus was the Son of God and had his spirit (John 12:37-40). That bad attitude caused them to lose the opportunity to live forever (Matt. 23:13, 33). How important it is that we continue to allow God's Word and His spirit to shape our personalities and influence our thoughts and decisions. Because James was humble, he let Jehovah teach him. And it was thanks to his humility that he became a good teacher. w22.01 10 para. 7.


What will help us be good teachers?

Santiago did not have a great academic training. To the religious leaders of his time, he was, like Peter and John, a common man “and of little education” (Acts 4:13). But he became a good teacher, as we see when reading the book that bears his name. Like Santiago, we may have little academic training. Still, with the help of Jehovah's spirit and the training provided by his organization, we can also become good teachers. Let's analyze the example of James and see what lessons we can learn.

How would you describe Santiago's way of teaching?

Santiago did not use difficult words or complicated reasoning. As a result, people knew what they had to do and how to do it. Let's look, for example, at the simple way in which he taught that Christians must be willing to suffer injustice without holding a grudge. He wrote: “We consider happy those who have endured. “You have heard of Job's endurance and seen what Jehovah ultimately did for him, so you know that Jehovah is very loving and merciful” (James 5:11). Let's notice that James used the Word of God as an authority to teach. He used it to help people see that Jehovah always rewards those who are loyal to him like Job. James taught that lesson using simple words and arguments. In this way, he did not focus attention on himself, but on Jehovah.

What is a way to imitate Santiago when we teach?

Lesson: Let us teach simply and base ourselves on the Word of God. Our goal should not be to show people how much we know, but to show them how much Jehovah knows and how much he cares about them.​—Rom. 11:33. We can achieve that goal if we always rely on the Bible. For example, instead of telling our students what we would do if we were in their place, we should help them reason from biblical examples and perceive how Jehovah thinks and feels. Then, what will motivate them to apply what they learn will be the desire to please Jehovah and not us.

What problems did some Christians have, and what advice did James give them? (James 5:13-15).

Santiago was realistic. In his letter we noted that he was aware of the problems his brothers were going through and gave them clear instructions on what they had to do. For example, some Christians were slow to put advice into practice (James 1:22). Others showed favoritism to the rich (James 2:1-3). And others found it very difficult to control their tongue (James 3:8-10). These Christians had serious problems, but Santiago did not give them up for lost. He counseled them kindly but frankly and encouraged those who were spiritually weak to seek help from the elders (read James 5:13-15).

How can we be positive when helping a student?

Lesson: Let's see others realistically, but be positive. Many students have trouble putting the Bible's advice into practice (James 4:1-4). It may take you some time to eliminate negative aspects of your personality and replace them with Christian qualities. Like Santiago, we must have the courage to tell a student what he needs to improve on. But at the same time let's be positive; Let us trust that Jehovah will attract the humble and give them the strength to make changes in their lives (James 4:10).

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